Patrick Banks

Patrick Banks

Patrick is a Berlin-based dating advisor, motivational speaker, a huge fitness and vegan diet enthusiast and the main editor at Wingman Magazine, specialised in men's health. His ultimate goal is to share with men around the world his passion for self-development and to help them to become the greatest version of themselves. He believes a healthy body and successful social interactions are two main keys to happiness.

Best CBD Oil for Pain: Buyer’s Guide

There is no doubt that the use of medical cannabis is steadily growing. The cannabis plant has beneficial compounds such as CBD that can help improve wellness. CBD has a wide range of health properties and one of its main…

Best CBD Oil for Anxiety: Buyer’s Guide

Everyone feels anxious now and then. Anxiety is a normal emotion, but when worry and fear are constant and overwhelming, it can kill the joy of life. Except for following a professional psychological therapy, which is usually the best and safest solution…

5 Tips to Help You with Dating in College

While in college, it is time to discover so many things, and being in a relationship can be one of them. However, how do you balance love and coursework? Does the relationship help you or distress you? So, as you explore your interests and many other preferences, you might want to try dating.

5 Things you Do Everyday that Make you Vulnerable Online

The alarm clock goes off, the automatic coffee brewer clicks on and another day begins. Everyone has their own routine, whether it’s jumping in the shower first thing, eating some breakfast or quietly sipping some coffee to get your bearings for the day. And whether you work remotely from home, or head to your office, at one point or another you’re going to log on to your computer and hit the Internet. It’s the one thing that most of each and every day.

Top Cigar Trends of 2020

Cigars are perhaps one of the most famous and exquisite luxury items that have dominated the world of fine delights. They have been invented thousands of years ago and they managed to pass the test of time and to adapt to every era and trend.

8 Clever Ways To Chillax And Beat Your Insomnia

5 Easy Tips To Cope-Up With Anxiety (Even In The Crazy Times Of Corona Pandemic!)
Are you having trouble falling asleep, or do you stay awake for hours at night trying to count sheep? If yes, then you are not the only one, about one-third of the total population experiences sleep disorders. Work pressure, never-ending deadlines, economic crisis, and even pandemics like the COVID-19 can be nerve-wracking, causing insomnia.

Saw Palmetto for Hair Loss

Saw Palmetto for Hair Loss

Saw Palmetto has played an important role in traditional herbal treatments across the world for many years. It was used in the ancient Mayan culture in Central America as a tonic and antiseptic, and American Indians traditionally used the herb…

Cannabidiol for Viral Diseases: Hype or Hope?

Cannabidiol is a valuable plant extract that comes from cannabis sativa plants. CBD falls in the category of cannabinoids that come from these plants. It is among the 113 known cannabinoids and makes up about 40% of the extract from cannabis.

10 Ways to Maintain Healthy Lifestyle

There was a time when physical fitness alone was considered important in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Listening to your body and mind equally is important and the basis of having a healthy lifestyle.

10 Unusual Yoga Classes You Would Not Believe Exist

10 Unusual Yoga Classes You Would Not Believe Exist
For many years, yoga classes have remained the same. But with creativity, modern people have discovered new ways to workout. In the past, yoga was mostly stretching, balancing and breathing. When hot yoga was introduced, many people thought it was the craziest idea, ever. Yet, as people have adapted to modern times, they have begun to discover many fun and unusual types of yoga.

How to Practice Mindfulness to Reduce Stress

How to Practice MindfuHow to Practice Mindfulness to Reduce Stresslness to Reduce Stress

In the past few years, mindfulness has emerged as an excellent way to help reduce stress. There are several different techniques and exercises you can use in your daily life to proceed with this philosophy. What Is Mindfulness? Mindfulness can…

How to Get Back on Track after a Divorce
After you and your better half go through a wedding planning, a wedding itself, committing yourself to each other and building marital relationships, it looks like a bolt out of the blue when one decides to look for divorce services. When your marriage is about to end, the hardest days are around the corner.

Not Motivated to Eat Healthy? Here’s How to Make It Happen

Not Motivated to Eat Healthy Here’s How to Make It Happen
Lacking the motivation every now and then and going for a cheat day is ok. In fact, giving yourself a treat occasionally is one of the keys to balanced nutrition and sticking to a healthy meal plan in the long run. When the cheat day becomes a daily occurrence, however, you obviously run into a serious problem.

6 Tips to Make Your Instagram Account More Famous
Before discussing this fascinating topic, let’s clarify a misconception. For some time now, many people stated that you need to have an extremely popular Instagram account, so that your business receives the best benefits from the platform, such as engagement, awareness, and revenues.

6 Best Topics to Talk About With a Girl

6 Best Topics To Talk About With A Girl
You know how the saying goes – men are from Mars, women are from Venus and they both speak totally, fucking different languages. Well, at least that’s what a lot of men will tell you. In fact, I’m pretty sure that every single guy on this planet has had at least a handful of “what the hell do I say now?” moments while talking to a woman that they’re interested in. I’m sure you have and I know I have. So it’s a good thing you’re here reading.

How to Have Sex With a Girl On The First Night (And Why Is It Better To Wait)

How to Have Sex With a Girl On The First Night
You meet a girl on a night out, you’re laughing, having fun, she’s touching you a bit and you are really hoping this will lead somewhere further than a kiss on the cheek. But after a while of flirting, touching, hugging, you here the ever dreaded “well it was nice to meet you”. So demoralizing! But hey, you got her number, she will definitely text you back and want to meet up.

HGH Can Make Your Penis Bigger: True or Myth

Studies show men are more concerned about the size of the penis than women. However, penis size has little to do with one’s sexual ability and other masculine features. Other than the physical trait, sex is influenced by many factors, among them; relationship, self-confidence and sense of humor.

7 Healthcare Gadgets for Demanding Millennials

The 21st century started with a well-educated and informed generation that demands to have control over their health and welfare. Changes in lifestyle have also raised issues like obesity and diet-related complications that concern the millennials who have started paying closer attention to their health.

Top-Notch Tips on Turning Your Website into a Gold Mine using Certified Photos

Just like an old saying tells us that a picture is worth a thousand words, marketing science tells us that it is worth thousands of dollars, potential customers, and the overall success. Indeed, it’s just impossible to overestimate the importance of visual content: adding a single picture to the article doubles the number of views; an image shown up in search results drives up to 75% more contacts; two of three customers treat products by the quality of visual content.

Using AI to Close the Technology Talent Gap

artificial intelligence

Given that, today, rel=”nofollowjob openings outpace available workers by 17%, there is always an obvious gap. This is especially true for the technology sector, because of the immense amount of innovations being recorded daily. Technology is developing and widening, beyond…

Top 10 the most followed Twitter accounts

In recent times we can't imagine our lives without social networks. They help us in many different ways. For example, Twitter is a great place to share our point of view on some topic, ask people questions, get informed on the latest news, or even blow off some steam. It's also the place where we can talk to celebrities. In their turn, celebs may reach their audiences directly.
In recent times we can't imagine our lives without social networks. They help us in many different ways. For example, Twitter is a great place to share our point of view on some topic, ask people questions, get informed on the latest news, or even blow off some steam. It's also the place where we can talk to celebrities. In their turn, celebs may reach their audiences directly.

5 Rules For Vaping And Dating

5 Rules For Vaping And Dating

My girlfriend in college was a vaper. We could talk for hours about the best number of wraps on a fused Clapton coil. Or which e-cigarettes were the best. And the vape tricks! She could do Bane’s Mask like you…

Dental Emergency That One Can’t Ignore

When a dental emergency strikes, it is all about the chaos where one should go and whom to call as the situation is about saving or losing a tooth. There are cases, one should determine the future of their general health. Unfortunately, there are emergencies, accidents and suddenly occurred symptoms that occur at any time or place.

All About Dumbbell Lunges

When you hit the gym, you want your workouts to give you function, strength, and balance. Lots of exercises will give you one or two of these benefits, but very few will give you all three. Lunges are one type of exercise that gives you all of this and much more.

How to Heal From Diastasis Recti After Pregnancy

Diastasis recti is a common condition that happens to most women after pregnancy. It refers to the separation of abdominal muscles which normally leads to belly bulging and weak pelvic floor.  Diastasis recti may end up destroying women’s self-confidence especially…

Your Path to Becoming An MMA Fighter

Your Path to Becoming An MMA Fighter
Although debatable, MMA is frequently put forward as the fastest-growing sport in the world. It was made popular in the ’90s through an American TV contest- Ultimate Fighting Championship, where elite martial artists from various disciplines were pitted against one another to compare between the combat techniques.

How to Know if a Woman You Like is Married

How to Know if a Woman You Like is Married
We all have been there. There are many reasons you may be trying to figure out if a woman is married. She could be someone you are interested in, but you don’t want to approach her until you know if she is married. It could be that you are involved in an emotional or physical relationship with her, and suspect that she may be hiding the fact that she is married.

8 Ways To Increase Thinking Capacity of Your Brain

George Bernard once said, “Few people think more than two or three times a year; I have made an international reputation for myself by thinking once or twice a week.” Scientifically, this is technically impossible but morally then we can be quick to judge.

How To Help Your Partner Quit Smoking

How To Help Your Partner Quit Smoking
My partner smokes and I don’t like it. How can I help them stop smoking? You’ve probably heard this if you have a friend whose partner smokes. In some cases, spouses have been married for years and they love each other dearly. However, the smoking habit of one partner could be hurting the other. But, quitting smoking is never easy.

4 Steps to Validate Your Business Idea

It is all too easy to become single-minded in your pursuit of that seemingly perfect, previously untapped business idea. This can, of course, leave you blinkered to the kind of constructive criticism and feedback that people who have a bit of distance from the concept can provide.

5 Natural Resources That Really Can Do What You’ve Heard

5 Natural Resources That Really Can Do What You've Heard
In the age of consumerism, there are plenty of options when it comes to educating ourselves about various health and wellness benefits. More and more people are concerned with putting organic and natural resources into their body and, with the help of Google, we have a larger platform to research and educate ourselves on the products.

20 Essential Styling and Grooming Tips for Guys

Essential Styling and Grooming Tips for Guys
Just like ladies, men also struggle to get dressed in the morning. Nowadays, people judge you by your looks. For this reason, it is essential to set the right impression, especially at the start of your career. From casual to formal dressing, you will get lots of options to express your personal style.

What Are The Best Electric Toothbrushes for the Modern Man?

How to be More Popular: 8 Life Hacks For Becoming a Desirable College Guy
Those manual, throw-away toothbrushes many of us grew up with are – or should be – for many are a thing of the past. Sure, they “did the job” – but how well did they do it? Compare them to the technologically advanced dental care products of today and you’ll see that modern electric toothbrushes offer significant improvements over manual brushing.

How to Lose Weight if You’re Lazy AF

Keeping it 100% real, not everybody was brought into this world to love the gym. Or working out. Or being overly active for that matter. Some of us want to enjoy the finer things in life, preferably without having to sweat over a treadmill or scream in agony while we’re finishing up the last set of squats. And can you blame us for not being a bunch of masochists like those gym rats?

5 Simple Routines to Increase Productivity Throughout the Day

If you talk to any successful entrepreneur about productivity, they’ll tell you it’s a state of mind. It’s a culmination of correct planning, and efforts put to achieve predetermined goals. They’ll also likely tell you that having a good wake-up routine made all the difference for them to become successful and productive.

8 Most Expensive Cars in the World

Cars are incredibly more than a basic requirement in the world. Perhaps you enjoy splashing out on a new car every few years, or maybe you grudge giving over the dollars for something practical.

Signs of STD in Men: How to Know If You Have an STD

Are you concerned about your sex life and worried about contracting infections? The term STD or Sexually Transmitted Disease refers to a medical condition that passes from a single individual to the next person via any kind of sexual encounter. A person is affected by STI via encountering unprotected sex be it anal or vaginal or oral with someone who already has the infection.

Why Motorcycles Are Better Than Cars and How to Choose the Safest One

Why Motorcycles Are Better Than Cars and How to Choose the Safest One
The fight between cars and motorcycles doesn’t seem like coming to an end anytime soon, as each person has their own reasons for choosing between one or the other. Some would never be caught driving a boring four-wheeled family van while others, on the contrary, are too scared to give away the comfort of their sedans for a joyride that might possibly end up in the hospital or in jail.

Buying a Used Quad Bike: What to Know Before Purchase

buying an used quad
More and more people give preference to an active lifestyle and choose adventures instead of lazy couch-sitting in front of the TV. For an active pastime, a quad bike is a good choice. This is entertainment which can be called extreme, thus, it is essential to be cautious while choosing one for purchase.

Dating Your Ex-Spouse After Divorce: Ridiculous or Openminded?

These days, a lot of spouses whose marriage has failed prefer not to scandalize and participate in the court battles but to deal with a divorce in a civilized way. The trend of uncontested divorces without litigation implies that the couple should be ready to negotiate and to settle their differences out-of-court. In many cases, such a peaceful approach helps not only to save money on attorneys but also to focus on compromise and keep smooth or even friendly relationships between ex-spouses.

How Can You Strengthen Your Bones and Which Foods Are Hazardous For Your Bone Health

How Can You Strengthen Your Bones and Foods That Are Hazardous For Your Bone Health
When it comes to our human body, one of the most important structures is the musculoskeletal system. Each of has has an amazing structure built upon a countless number of tissues as well as bones that end up providing tremendous support to our entire organism. It offers us upkeep for all of our life, so no matter how good you may feel now, it's better to cut off some activities and dietary products which can destroy your bones in the future.