Patrick Banks

Patrick Banks

Patrick is a Berlin-based dating advisor, motivational speaker, a huge fitness and vegan diet enthusiast and the main editor at Wingman Magazine, specialised in men's health. His ultimate goal is to share with men around the world his passion for self-development and to help them to become the greatest version of themselves. He believes a healthy body and successful social interactions are two main keys to happiness.

The 7 Most Misunderstood Facts About Hairs

The 7 Most Misunderstood Facts About Hairs
As a man, hair is one of the things that define you. It makes you stand out from the crowd, and that’s why everyone wants to have the perfect hair. Hair varies from person to person in matters regarding texture, color, and length. It is a verified fact that different haircare practices help to improve the health and quality of your hair.

The Man’s 7-Step Guide to Smelling Great

The Man's 7-Step Guide to Smelling Great
Whether it be a corporate meeting, a date, or just a regular day, smelling great is one of the key aspects for a man to be charming. However, you may suffer from a sweating problem. Or perhaps you simply don’t know how to master the art of smelling great. But when there is a will, there is a way!

Why Millennials Don’t Believe In Marriage Anymore?

Why Millennials Don't Believe In Marriage Anymore
So, here's the deal: 21st century is a bizarre and scary place, but also an awesome time to be alive, especially for generation Y. We've got 24/7 information access, numerous gadgets and high technology, freedom to express ourselves and be whoever we want to be, and most importantly, we have no need whatsoever for oldfashioned and traditional values and practices, like, marriage for example.

How E-Cigarettes and Vaping Are Healthier Alternative to Smoking

Smoking has been around for decades, raking havoc in smokers’ health, leaving second-hand smoke and attaining the rank of the leading cause of preventable deaths. That was until about a decade ago when vaping was accepted as a societal norm in many countries. With the increasing adoption of e-cigarettes, there have been hundreds of studies conducted by scientists around the world, and most of them have come to the same conclusion; vaping is far less dangerous compared to smoking.

5 Kratom’s Benefits for Bodybuilding and Working Out

Kratom’s Benefits for Bodybuilding and Working Out
Kratom has taken over many parts of the world for its health benefits. People from all walks of life invest in this extraordinary plant as they also wish to change the overall state of their bodies. It is said to work great for enhancing mood, relieving pain, as well as promoting better sleep.

4 Kegel Exercises For Men To Last Longer In Bed

Kegel-Exercises for men
Just like with any other muscle, the basic exercise for your pneumococcus PC muscle is squeezing and holding. The routine for performing this exercise is what determines what type of conditioning you give the muscle. I recommend several types of exercises for strength, endurance and control.

How a Mattress Can Destroy Your Sex Life

How a Mattress Can Destroy Your Sex Life

Human beings are known to be extremely adventurous in their sex lives from the positions they attempt to the new places they set out to be intimate, and it leaves a lot to be desired. The one thing that always…

5 Pros And 5 Cons of E-Learning For Students

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online Learning E-learning has been around for over a decade, but only in the recent years it has started to get more and more popular. These days online learning is the preferred education channel for all…

Is HGH a Steroid?

is hgh steroid

One of the most frequently asked questions in medicine and sport these days is “is HGH a steroid,” and the answer is no. HGH is not a steroid, although some of its functions might seem to cross that line. If…

The Drawback of Alcoholism in the Modern World

The Drawback of Alcoholism in the Modern World
The impact of alcoholism on modern society is severe. This condition negatively influences every social and financial sector in one community. And we have been struggling with alcohol-induced problems for centuries. In a world where alcohol is widely accepted and marketed, it can be hard to see the consequences caused by overconsumption.

How to Stop Being Shy as Guy and Become the Master of Your Life

How to Stop Being Shy as Guy and Become the Master of Your Life
Most women are attracted to outgoing men; however, this doesn’t mean shy guys don’t have a chance. A large number of men, and women identify with introversion in some way. A shy woman seems cute, but from men society expect to be more outgoing, 'make the first move', 'take the lead' etc. It would make it way more easy to be confident but sometimes we are simply not. How to stop being shy as a guy?

The Newbie’s Guide to CBD Oil

Welcome to the world of CBD oil! You’re about to discover an exciting product that can offer tons of benefits to the average person, including some very specific medical benefits for certain conditions. From pain to anxiety and beyond, CBD shows incredible versatility when it comes to its uses.

How to Get Rid of Pimples Overnight and How To Enjoy Acne-Free Skin Forever

Zits, pimples, acne—whatever you call it, it spells doom for your sense of self. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, acne is the most common skin disorder in the United States. It reportedly affects an estimated 50 million people in the country each year. About 85 percent of people age 12 to 24 will experience acne in some form, whether it’s a single stray zit or full, constant breakouts.
Hello readers, it's nice to have your attention, once again, on the subject of nutrition. So, today, I want to tell you about four creative, mouthwatering and healthy salad ideas you should try this spring.

How Millennials Differ From Other Generations

It’s said that the Millennials aren’t like other generations – they’re thought to be tech-savvy, extremely self-confident, probably university-educated, excellent multi-taskers, often addicted to an online world but with a clear plan for career development in a real life. But what about…

Running with Weights: Watch Your Fat Burn

Running for Weight Loss: 6 Insider Tips To Get A Great Body With Running
It is perfectly understandable if your athletic results from running become fickle. It is a peculiar activity in that regard. On the one hand, it is one of many excellent entry-exercises for beginners that have never participated in serious workouts. On the other hand, the more you practice regular jogging, the more you’ll have to make peace with the effect of diminishing returns.

10 Cocktail Hacks Every Man Needs to Know

10 Cocktail Hacks Every Man Needs to Know

Summer, it’s practically here people! Have you ever wondered what that core element is, that essential part of every summer experience that makes the richest memories come to life? I’ll give you a hint – it’s not your manly conquests…

How to Get a Better, More Masculine Jawline

How to Get a Better Jawline

There are certain characteristics and facial features that will deem you as more attractive and sexier. What are they? You can check out the research here but a big facial feature that determines attractiveness in men is a strong, defined…

6 Reasons Why You’re Working Out Wrong

Getting the results that you’re hoping for from those sweaty gym sesh’s and weight workouts actually comes down to a lot more than just repping it out. If you’re not working out right, then it all could be a big,…

Running like a Pro: Essential Running Gears For You

Running like a Pro Essential Running Gears For You
We all have been there, vowing to take up some exercise as a new year rolls in, only to give up after trying a couple of times. While it needs unbeatable dedication for regular exercise, the right gear can also be an important factor in sticking to regular exercise.

How to Start Your Own Business and Grow it Smoothly

Most men are used to grumble quietly about how they are sick and tired of being office puppies.  They don't miss any opportunity to whine about how hard their life is and how debilitating is their sufferings from work's daily routine. If that's not what you are looking for, here is how to start your own business.

7 Unbelievable Ways How Looking Your Best Affects Your Mindset

how your look affects you
Presenting yourself in the best light and in the most attractive way possible sure has a lot of advantages. And this is not just for men in the dating scene but even in a professional setting. Ensuring that you look your best is not just about looking good in other people’s eyes. You are not just doing to impress because it goes beyond that.