As time passes by and we begin to age, our bodies have no choice but to age with us.
Along with a beer belly and aching joints, for most men a receding hairline is one of the most dreaded signs of maturing. Unfortunately, the statistics don’t look all that hopeful…
The American Hair Loss Association states:
“By the age of thirty-five, two-thirds of American men will experience some degree of appreciable hair loss, and by the age of fifty, approximately 85% of men have significantly thinning hair.”
Whilst some men aren’t too bothered by a little hair loss, for others it can be damaging to their self esteem.
A receding hairline occurs when strong hairs are gradually replaced by tiny see through vellus hairs. The process can creep up on you if you’re not careful, and can progress to full on baldness if you don’t take action…
Can a Receding Hairline be Stopped?
Thankfully, the odds can be beaten.
Many men have been able to reverse a receding hairline and regain their youthful, flowing locks.
It is achieved by simply reactivating the vellus hair follicles that have been miniaturized. The vellus hairs can sometimes be tricky to spot, and only show up in certain light. When reactivated, they become larger and regain their usual colour.
The reactivation process involves reconnecting the follicles to their nutrient supply and then protecting the hair from the negative impact of DHT (a steroid hormone produced in the body), calcification and free radicals.
For some, hair loss in accepted as just another one of those things that occurs with age. For others, it can come as a big knock to their self-confidence.
There are many reasons why one might start to experience the loss or thinning of head hair. There’s no doubt that genetics plays a role. It is estimated that more than 80% of cases of male pattern baldness are hereditary.
Underlying health issues can also be a factor, as can stress and many other lifestyle factors.
Whilst there are numerous over the counter medications available to reduce the occurrence of hair thinning and improve growth, many of these synthetic options come with unwanted side effects.
Hence, there are an increasing number of people who are looking towards more natural ways to preserve their youthful head of hair. Thankfully, there are plenty of options to choose from.
In this article, we’ll look at how we can stop extensive hair loss in its tracks by regulating hormonal imbalances, improving thyroid function, balancing nutrient deficiencies and improving scalp circulation – all with the help of healthy, natural remedies.
How to Prevent and Reverse a Receding Hairline
There are a number of techniques that you can use to protect your self against a receding hairline, and reverse the process if it does occur. We highly recommend using a combination of the below treatments to ensure the best results.
1. Clear the pores in the scalp
To protect your scalp and nourish your hair, your body naturally secretes oil called sebum through the skin on your head. If you’re not careful, sebum can combine with pollutants, hair products and dead skin cells to produce a layer of plaque that embeds itself into the scalp.
This plaque can clog the pores of your skin and prevent the proper growth of hair.
Although removing the layer of plaque is not always easy, it can be done. Once the plaque is cleared, the hair follicles can grow freely once again.
Some people have success using an aloe vera based shampoo and conditioner, which is thought help bring the plaque to the surface and then break it down.
Taking a morning shower may also help. A Japanese study showed that those who showered in the morning had less plaque build up and sebum production throughout the rest of the day.
Performing regular scalp massages with herbs have also worked for many men. Concoctions of rosemary and nettle can help to reduce the secretion of sebum and reduce any excess plaque and oils.
2. Up your intake of specific amino acids
Our hairs are made up of two main structural proteins – keratin and collagen.
Keratin is the fibrous protein that makes up the bulk of the hair shaft. It is also found in our skin and nails. Collagen helps to maintain the strength of the hair, and is involved in the growth process.
Proteins are essentially made from chains of amino acids, which are joined together by peptide bonds. We produce some amino acids in our bodies, but others we must get through our diet.
Many people suffering from a receding hairline have seen success by including foods (or taking supplements) that contain high amounts of the amino acids that make up the proteins keratin and collagen. It is thought that these amino acids can improve the structural integrity of hair follicles, and promote faster growth.
Keratin requires four key amino acids: methionine, lysine, cysteine, and arginine. To produce collagen, the body needs methionine, lysine, glycine and proline.
Methionine and lysine are ranked as essential amino acids, meaning that our bodies cannot produce them and they must be obtained from food. The body can create the other amino acids, but it may still be worth upping your dietary intake to be on the safe side.
1. Methionine
Methionine acts as an antioxidant, helping to protect hair follicles from free radical damage and oxidation. It is also essential for the production of the precursor to collagen, called pro-collagen. It is readily available in leafy greens, seeds, broccoli, and nuts
2. Lysine
Lysine is the other essential amino acid helps to repair damaged hair. It stimulates collagen growth and helps to maintain the health of hair follicles. Lysine is found in pulses, legumes, spirulina, nuts and seeds.
3. Cysteine
Cysteine is involved in the production of antioxidants and helps to build keratin. It is commonly found in leafy greens, legumes, broccoli and whole grains
4. Arginine
Arginine is involved in the production of nitric oxide, which helps to improve blood circulation to hair follicles, improving hair growth. Arginine is found in seeds, oats, and most legumes.
5. Proline
Proline helps in the formation of collagen and is found in legumes, cruciferous vegetables, and meats.
6. Glycine
As well as improving nerve function, glycine is involved in the formation of collagen and the maintenance of healthy hair follicles. You’ll find it in spinach, bananas and soy products.
3. Boost Scalp Circulation
Blood flow to the head is an often-overlooked piece of the hair loss puzzle.
Your hair receives all the nutrients and amino acids it needs via the bloodstream. Those who suffer from a receding hairline often have issues with blood circulation to the scalp, starving their hair of the nutrients and amino acids needed for healthy hair growth.
There are a number of ways in which you can naturally improve the blood circulation to your head:
1. Supplements
One of the most effective supplements for increased blood flow is Ginkgo Biloba. It has been used in China for thousands of years to improve circulation to the head and brain region. Aside from its ability to promote better hair growth, some students take the supplement as they believe it helps to improve their brainpower and creativity.
2. Inversions
We spend the majority of our day either upright or horizontal, so the body has to fight against gravity to pump more blood to the head.
Performing certain exercises that invert the body and allow better blood flow to the scalp can encourage better hair growth. Yoga inversions such as the downward dog, headstand and handstands can be particularly beneficial.
3. Scalp cleansers
Scalp cleansing treatment is an effective way to reduce skin tension and encourage blood flow to your hair follicles. Apple cider vinegar is often used as a natural remedy, or you could opt for over the counter formulas.
4. Oil Massage
When done properly, hair and scalp massage can provide a wide range of benefits.
- As well as strengthening the hair’s roots, massage can effectively increase blood flow to the hair follicles. The blood contains many important micronutrients and amino acids that are important for the growth of healthy hair.
- A good massage can also help to condition the scalp and reduce the build up of plaque, which can sometimes block pores and lead to hair thinning.
- Last but certainly not least, massage can also promote relaxation and reduce feelings of stress. As mentioned earlier, stress is one of the main contributors to hair loss in both males and females.
Oils that are often used for their calming and hair strengthening properties include rosemary, coconut, almond, olive, castor and amla.
Scalp massage will typically work best when performed by a professional who is trained and experienced, but that doesn’t mean to say you can’t experience benefits by doing it yourself!
Get comfortable, and using either your fingers or a massage brush, apply gentle pressure to your scalp, covering all areas from your forehead and temples to the back of your head. Mix up the strokes, working the oil in thoroughly.
Once you’ve finished, wash the oil out with a good shampoo and conditioner, like aloe vera!
5. Include Aloe Vera In Your Hair Care Regime
Sebum, a natural oil produced by the scalp, often combines with environmental toxins, dead skin cells and synthetic hair products to form a layer of plaque on the skin. This plaque can suffocate hair follicles, causing thinning and brittleness of hair.
Some people have success using an aloe vera based shampoo and conditioner. Aloe vera is a natural ingredient that is thought to help bring plaque to the surface and break it down.
The plant also has alkalizing properties that can help to reduce inflammation and bring the scalp and hair’s pH to a more desirable level.
4. Optimize other factors which influence your hair
Aside from specific hair growth techniques, there are also a number of everyday things that are often taken for granted that can affect the quality of your hair.
Reduce stress levels
The stress hormones cortisol and epinephrine that are released during stressful times have been shown to alter the natural growth cycles of normal, healthy hair. Our bodies are designed to withstand acute, short-term stressors, but long-term stress can cause significant problems.
Where you can, look to eliminate any forms of long term mental or emotional stress form your life.
In the modern world, avoiding stress is not always possible, so you can instead include exercises that will help change your relationship with stress. Regular meditation works wonders for some, whilst others prefer journaling, yoga, or walking.
A healthy diet to stop hair loss
A healthy balanced diet is essential for the growth of healthy hair. Do your best to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, legumes, nuts and seeds, whilst avoiding heavily processed foods.
Foods rich in B-Vitamins (such as bananas and brown rice) can also help to promote hair growth. A sure sign of a B-Vitamin deficiency is brittle, thin hair.
Zinc is another important micronutrient that can help stop a receding hairline in its tracks. It is involved in the building of keratin and collagen, which as discussed earlier are both major structural components of healthy hair. Look to include zinc rich foods such as seeds, lentils and quinoa into your diet.
Vitamin C is also important for healthy hair growth. It allows the mineral iron to bond to red blood cells, which can then reach the roots of the hair, improving the availability of nutrients and amino acids.
Ditch The Meats
Research suggests that animal fat intake may increase sebum production. Excessive sebum production in the scalp has been linked to high levels of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which prevents your hair from being able to absorb nutrients and oxygen.
Meat can also act to boost testosterone levels, which may sound desirable, but can in fact worsen the problem.
When testosterone and the enzyme type 2 alpha reductase combine, they form another hormone called dihydrotestosterone (commonly know as DHT). The sex hormone DHT is known to contribute to both male and female pattern baldness by binding to scalp follicle receptors, causing them to shrink.
So do your best to limit your consumption of animal products, and source the bulk of your calories from plants instead.
Consider Your Amino Acid Consumption
Your hair is made up of the structural proteins keratin and collagen, which are made from chains of amino acids (otherwise known as ‘the building blocks of protein’).
The ones that are involved in hair growth include methionine, lysine, cysteine, arginine, glycine and proline. Methionine and lysine are classed as essential, meaning that they are not produced in the body and need to be sourced from the diet.
The other four are classed as inessential, meaning that they can be sourced from the diet.
Providing you are consuming enough calories, with a healthy balanced diet there should be no reason why you would not be getting all the required amino acids that you need for healthy hair growth. That being said, if it feels right for you, you could also consider taking a supplement (but they are by no means necessary).
Up Your Iron and Vitamin C Intake
Iron is an important mineral that has been shown to help improve circulation to the scalp, allowing for improved delivery of essential nutrients and amino acids to the hair.
Although iron can be found in red meat, as discussed earlier animal products may increase sebum production and worsen the effects of hair loss. It may therefore be wise to source your iron from foods such as dark leafy greens, wholegrains and beans.
As well as strengthening the immune system, Vitamin C boosts the availability of iron, in turn helping to increase the blood flow and nutrient availability to your hair. It also helps to build collagen, the main structural protein found in hairs. You can find it in abundance in citrus fruits, red peppers, berries, and leafy green vegetables.
Don’t Skimp On The Healthy Fats
Omega three fatty acids are well know for their ability to boost brain power and reduce inflammation. In addition, they have been shown to help maintain hair health and improve elasticity, reducing the likelihood of hairs becoming brittle and breaking off. You’ll find plenty of omega threes in flaxseeds, leafy greens, and walnuts.
It may also be worth lowering your consumption of omega six fatty acids, which promote inflammation. The ratio of omega sixes to omega threes may be just as important as the total amount of omega threes you take in. In a typical western diet, the omega six count is high due to the high consumption of vegetable oils and overly processed foods. Cut your consumption, and cut your inflammation levels.
Get A Further Mineral Boost
Zinc is an important mineral that is involved in the growth and repair of hair. You can find it in abundance in chickpeas and wholegrains.
Magnesium is another crucial mineral that encourages hair growth. It is available in leafy greens, almonds, and wholegrains. When combined with zinc, magnesium may also improve sleep quality and promote better recovery. This may in turn reduce stress levels, a key contributor to the hair loss problem.
Last but not least, selenium also encourages the growth of hair follicles, and can be found in brazil nuts and a variety of seeds.
Address Any Thyroid Issues
Thinning hair is a common symptom of hypothyroidism, also known as underactive thyroid. If you feel like you do have an issue with the thyroid gland, it is best to consult a medical professional.
There are also a few natural remedies that may help the issue:
- Add sea vegetables such as kelp, nori, dulse, kombu and wakame, all of which are rich in the mineral iodine. Iodine has been shown to help support a healthy, active thyroid gland.
- Consider investing in a good quality water filter. In many places, particularly in the USA, tap water typically contains fluorine and chlorine, two chemicals that inhibit iodine absorption and cause thyroid issues.
Consider Supplementing With Superfoods
Whilst superfood supplements are not a replacement for a healthy balanced diet, they can help things along. To optimise your hair health, consider trying the following:
- Indian Gooseberry has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and exfoliating properties, which can help to maintain a healthy scalp and promote hair growth.
- Liquorice Root can help to reduce stress levels, as well as soothing the scalp and helping to clear any dry skin and plaque build-up.
- Fenugreek seeds contain the hormone antecedents that enhance hair growth and help rebuild damaged hair follicles.
Hair loss both in men can occur due to many reasons and at any age. Stress, lack of hair essential nutrients and vitamins in the diet, poor lifestyle routine, excessive smoking or alcohol consumption and many others can cause hair loss.
But one of the primary reasons for hair loss is the hormonal imbalance or the hormonal changes. Hair loss in men is closely related to the changes in the testosterone levels also known as androgenetic alopecia.
2 Quick and Easy Home Remedies for Hair Loss in Men
Androgenetic alopecia is a hereditary hair disorder that shrinks the hair follicles causing thinner hair and eventually results in hair loss. There are many over the counter drugs available in the stores that claim to stop hair fall but these are often expensive or even worse are of little help.
From chemical hair growth treatments to hair creams there is a wide variety of the available today. Home remedies are probably the quickest and natural way to treat this common hair loss issue.
Posted below are the two best remedies for hair fall:
Eggs and Olive Oil Hair Pack
Eggs are a rich source of protein, zinc, phosphorous and sulphur. These minerals are known to be hair essential minerals that promote hair growth. Olive oil deep nourishes the hair follicles and prevents hair fall.
Try this natural remedy now to stop the hair fall!
Things you need
Egg – 1
Olive oil – 1 tsp
Mixing bowl
Shower cap
Firstly separate the egg white from the egg yolk as we need the egg white for this hair pack.
Transfer this egg white into a mixing bowl.
Add in the olive oil to the egg white and mix it well to form a smooth paste like consistency.
Now apply this paste all over your scalp and onto the lengths of your hair.
Cover your hair with a shower cap and leave it on for about 15-20 mins.
Later wash your hair with regular shampoo and towel dry your hair.
This hair pack to stop hair fall can be repeated once in a week.
Aloe Vera, Wheat Germ Oil & Coconut Milk Hair Mask Remedy
Aloe Vera for many decades now has been used as the best natural treatment to treat various hair related issues like dandruff, itchy scalp, and even hair fall. It even helps in balancing the pH level of the scalp and this eventually prevents the scalp from infection.
Wheat Germ Oil is a rich and thick form of oil. It is highly rich in many hair growth beneficial vitamins like A, E, D, B1, B22, B3 and B6. All of these vitamins are known to promote faster and healthier hair growth.
Coconut milk contains a high amount of vitamin E and hair essential fats that stimulates hair growth. Combined together this is one of the best remedies to deal with hair loss.
Try this easy and highly effective to deal with hair loss!
Things we need
Aloe vera gel – 2 tbsp
Coconut milk – 2 tsp
Wheat germ oil – 1 tsp
Mixing bowl
Shower cap
Take a mixing bowl and into this add in the aloe vera gel, coconut milk, and the wheat germ oil.
Mix this well till it forms a smooth pack like consistency.
Now apply this mixture all over your scalp and onto the lengths of your hair.
Later massage this hair mask deep into the roots of your scalp for 5-8 mins.
Later cover your head with a shower cap.
Leave it on for about 20-30 mins.
Later wash your hair with regular shampoo and towel dry your hair.
This remedy to treat hair fall can be repeated twice a week for promoting healthy hair growth.
The above-mentioned home remedies have been proven to promote healthy hair growth within a short period of time.
Apart from the home remedies, there are a few important tips that one needs to follow to deal with the hair loss caused by the changing levels of testosterone in the body.
Few Important and Useful Tips to Deal with Hair Loss
Avoid junk food or foods that are high in the sugar content. As this leads to a rise in the toxic level of the body resulting in hair fall.
Avoid excessive smoking and alcohol consumption as this too gives a rise to the toxic level of the body.
Make sure to oil massage your scalp at least twice in a week with oil that is rich in vitamin E like almond oil or coconut oil. This improves the blood circulation and promotes hair growth.
Avoid tying your hair too tight as this loosens the roots of your hair and causes hair fall.
Exercise every day for at least 20-30 mins. This helps in improving the blood circulation all through the body. This also stimulates faster and healthier hair growth.
Make sure to include foods that are rich in protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and most importantly vitamin E.
Last but the most important of all, make sure to keep yourself well-hydrated by drinking at least 7-8 glasses of water a day. Dehydration is another main reason behind excessive hair fall.
One can also opt for health supplement Biotin as it helps in preventing from hair fall.
There are many hair-boosting health supplements and hair weaving treatment options available today. But most of these treatments are often expensive or either is way too risky with many side effects.
So the ultimate, convenient, safest and the most affordable way to treat the hair fall issue in men caused by hormones like testosterone or any other reasons is by trying out a few home remedies. If the hair fall issue prolongs for a longer period of time or gets worse then it is always best suggested to consult a specialist.
What are some of your favourite natural remedies for hair loss?
Find something that works for you, and practice regularly to keep calm.
Huge thanks for the great article. I am 45, started around age 24 after serious thinning and a lot of frontal hair loss. Finasteride (Propecia) has made my receding hairline stop completely so far. No side effects that I notice, I take half a pill every day (.5mg). My insurance didn’t cover Finasteride. So I got it online (thanks friends). This is reliable website I buy it from
When I ordered some Fin recently they gave me a discount code (which was
‘HAIRS’ if anyone’s interested). As far as I know this code can be used as many times as you want.