That day is finally fast approaching when you are supposed to go to college. You have finally selected your majors and you are content with it. All your fees related worries have been covered by the student loan that you have taken. Now all that worries you is facing the first day of college. You may fear that you don’t know anyone, and you never were really popular in your high school so it worries you even more how you might be able to make new friends. All that worry is mixed with the excitement of the new era of life, that is about to begin for you.
It is but natural to have mixed emotions on starting your college. After all, this is your first step to your new adult life and also the beginning of an independent life. From here on you will be making your own decisions and taking all the responsibility for your actions.
1. Studying before starting class
Now, this may sound like a boring thing to do, and the thing that might just be suited to nerds, but it is better to be prepared for the classes ahead. It gives you an advantage and you already understand firsthand what your college professor is talking about in his first lecture with you.
Remember this; it is not about showing off to the other students how brilliant you are. Instead, you are doing this because you want to succeed in that class. Teachers don’t support failing students unless a student specifically asks for counseling.
Don’t just do this for one subject, but instead, make it your habit to be prepared for the upcoming lecture. You will automatically be the center of attention when people find out how brilliant you are.
Also, beware that the first few weeks of your college will always be harder. Since it is a totally different curriculum and it will take time for you to develop a steady pace. So don’t get too confused and let nature take its course.
2. Talk to everyone, but don’t trust everyone
Life teaches you a lot of lessons, and one of those lessons that you will learn in life is that not everyone you see will be your friend. In fact, many will only talk to you because they need a favor from you or some sort of help in their assignment. This doesn’t mean that you should not make friends.
Sometimes is worth being careful on whom you call as friends. Take your time and talk to people as much a possible before you finally decide to extend your friendship. Get to know your dorm mates and spend time with them. Your roommate may be there with you for a major part of your life in college, but that doesn’t mean only he is destined to be your best friend.
3. Preparing your Notes
While you are getting that lecture in the class, it is best to note it down as you listen to the lecture.
When you are studying for your exams, you won’t be able to understand a lot of things if you didn’t note those things down in the lecture. So in order to avoid this confusion, and to avoid begging others for notes, it is best to have your own set of notes. If you are slow in handwriting, work on improving that.
If it doesn’t help, then try noting down the lecture in points instead. This will at least help you in remembering what the lecture was about when you open your books to study later.
4. Taking a timeout
It is always good to have a little time out with your friends and enjoy life. Being in the same routine classes always or being locked up in your dorm would only stress you out. It is beneficial for you to relax by doing something other than study. Go out with your friends and classmates to your nearest bar and have a fun time with them. Or better yet go to a party if there is one. Taking your time out to hang out with your acquaintance is going to help you develop a better friendship and do well for your social life.
Go out with your friends and classmates to your nearest bar and have a fun time with them. Or better yet go to a party if there is one. Taking your time out to hang out with your acquaintance is going to help you develop a better friendship and do well for your social life.
Look for help with the social media to know the recent happenings around you. Your social media accounts can help you make friends and also plan outings.
5. Take ample rest
Between all the classes and going out to have fun, you might not give much importance to your sleeping pattern. But your sleep really matters for you to lead a balanced life. If you are not getting enough rest you end up overexerting your body, which does not bode well for you.
You might end up getting sick or weak and this will, in turn, affect your performance in classes, assignments, and exams. Moreover, your parents won’t be there to help you get well, the best you could do is to go to the campus nurse. So might as well save yourself that trouble of lagging behind in class and get enough sleep.
Research says that adults need at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep daily to carry out their routine effectively. When you will cut back on your sleep, you will feel tired and weary the rest of the day as well.
6. Having a healthy Lifestyle
We have all been through that phase in life when we start getting fed up with the food that the college hostel is giving us. It doesn’t taste good often and you are tired of eating repetitive food time and again. So you go out with your friends. And everyone deserves to go out once a while. But do not make a habit of eating unhealthy foods. This will not just affect your health but will make a big dent on your budget and increase your expenses. Sure go out to hang in a bar and drink away your worries sometimes, but always remember to eat as less junk food as you possibly can. Your health is an important factor.
Also, the key to a healthy lifestyle is enough exercise. It is important for everyone that they exercise daily. But if not daily then you may choose to pick a few days from the week where you go to the gym and workout to get a toned physique.
7. Ask for help when needed
Do not be shy in asking for help, be it from seniors or from your professors. If you don’t understand something, hang back in class or ask the professor to take some time out to explain something you are having difficulty with. If that doesn’t help try asking a senior whom you are familiar with, maybe he can give you another perspective and help you solve that problem.
8. Respect your teachers
Remember, this is not school, you won’t get detention for being a bad student in class. But you won’t succeed much in getting good marks in your exams either.
It is better to be in your teacher’s good books. These teachers will then help you in giving recommendations after you have graduated from college and are looking for a job. You don’t have to be a teacher’s pet for that, but just get acquainted with them to have a good student and teacher relationship.
A student’s life is filled with many complexities and challenges. As you are growing up you are faced with hurdles which you, yourself have to overcome. Your time in college is preparing you for the rest of your life, therefore, use your time in that part of life wisely, and use that experience to take you ahead in life. And always remember not to be let down by failures, as these are a part of life and cannot be ignored. So enjoy your student life as much you can.
Your time in college is preparing you for the rest of your life, therefore, use your time in that part of life wisely, and use that experience to take you ahead in life. And always remember not to be let down by failures, as these are a part of life and cannot be ignored. So enjoy your student life as much you can.
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