10 Home Renovation Tips for Expecting Couples

By Patrick Banks

Posted 8 months agoOTHER

Orlando, a city known for its magical theme parks and vibrant cultural scene, is also a place where many couples choose to nest and grow their families. If you’re expecting and living in this lively city, preparing your home for the new arrival is as exciting as it is essential. 

Renovating your home to create a safe, comfortable, and functional space for your growing family can be a joyful journey. From setting up the nursery to making practical adjustments around the house, these renovation tips are tailored for expecting couples. Whether you’re looking to undertake major renovations or simple, effective changes, this guide will help you create the perfect haven for your new addition.

1. Create a Functional Nursery

Designing the nursery is a blend of aesthetics and functionality. Choose calming colors that promote a serene environment. Invest in key pieces of furniture like a sturdy crib, a comfortable rocking chair for feeding and soothing, and a changing table with ample storage. Consider the room’s layout carefully to ensure everything is easily accessible. 

Incorporating elements like blackout curtains can help regulate your baby’s sleep cycles. Also, invest in good storage solutions – shelves and bins that can easily store toys, books, and clothes. As your baby grows, these storage solutions will be invaluable in keeping the room organized and clutter-free.

2. Update the Bathroom

A functional and safe bathroom is essential for families with infants. Consider a bathtub with non-slip surfaces for secure baby baths. Easy-to-clean and durable surfaces will make upkeep simpler. Ample storage for baby toiletries, towels, and bath toys will keep essentials organized and within reach. 

If a complete remodel is on the cards and you’re in Orlando Bathroom Remodel experts, like Quality Craftsmen, can provide insights into family-friendly designs and materials. They can also help in incorporating elements like a handheld shower head, which is useful for bathing children, and ensuring there is enough counter space for diaper changes or dressing your baby.

3. Safe Flooring Options

Flooring in the nursery and play areas should be safe and comfortable. Soft materials like cork or carpet are ideal as they provide cushioning for crawling and early walking stages. If you prefer hardwood or laminate, consider placing non-slip rugs or play mats for additional safety. Ensure that these rugs are securely anchored to avoid tripping hazards. 

In high-traffic areas, choose durable, easy-to-clean materials that can withstand frequent cleanings. It’s also a good idea to choose flooring materials that don’t trap allergens to maintain a healthy environment for your baby.

4. Optimize Kitchen Functionality

The kitchen should be a safe, functional space for families. Create a kid-friendly area with lower cabinets dedicated to child-safe items. Consider safety locks for cabinets and drawers containing dangerous items like knives and cleaning products. 

If you’re renovating, think about a layout that allows you to watch over your child while cooking or cleaning. A kitchen island can provide extra space for meal prep and double as a spot for quick meals or snack time. Durable, easy-to-clean countertops and backsplashes will make maintenance easier, especially during the messy toddler years.

5. Enhance Lighting Throughout the Home

Good lighting is crucial, especially in areas where you’ll care for your baby. In the nursery, install dimmable overhead lights to easily adjust the room’s brightness. Soft, warm lighting can create a soothing atmosphere, ideal for evening feedings and calming your baby. In changing areas, ensure bright, focused lighting for safety and convenience. Motion-sensor nightlights in hallways and bathrooms can make nighttime navigation safer during feedings or diaper changes. Consider energy-efficient LED bulbs to reduce heat emissions and save on electricity bills.

6. Create Ample Storage Solutions

Babies come with numerous accessories, and ample storage is key to keeping your home organized. In the nursery, consider built-in closets with adjustable shelving to adapt to changing storage needs. Use drawer organizers and storage bins to keep small items like socks, bibs, and toys in order. 

In communal areas, look for furniture that doubles as storage, such as ottomans with hidden compartments or shelves with baskets. Wall-mounted shelves or cabinets can store items out of reach of children while keeping them accessible to adults. Having dedicated storage for baby items in each room of the house can also reduce clutter and make it easier to find things when you need them.

7. Laundry Room Upgrades

An efficient laundry room can make a world of difference for expecting couples. If you have the space, consider installing additional storage cabinets or shelving for baby clothes, linens, and cleaning products. A countertop for folding clothes and a sink for hand-washing delicate items can also be extremely useful. 

Think about the ergonomics of the space; raising the washer and dryer to a comfortable height can ease the strain on your back. If the laundry room is close to the nursery, soundproofing the walls can be beneficial to avoid waking the baby during laundry cycles. 

8. Paint with Low-VOC Products

When repainting rooms, it’s important to choose low-VOC or no-VOC paints, especially in spaces like the nursery. These paints have fewer harmful chemicals and emit less odor, making them safer for expectant mothers and newborns. Besides the nursery, consider repainting other high-traffic areas of the home with these safer options. 

The color palette can also play a role in creating a calming and pleasant environment; soft, neutral colors are generally soothing and can make spaces feel larger and more open. Remember, adequate ventilation is crucial during any painting project, so keep windows open and fans running to circulate fresh air.

9. Revamp the Outdoor Spaces

Creating a safe and enjoyable outdoor space is essential for families with young children. Start by ensuring that all fencing and gates are secure and in good repair. Child-proof any pools by installing safety gates and pool covers. Consider creating a shaded play area with soft, child-friendly surfaces. As your child grows, this space can be adapted to include play equipment like swings or a sandbox. 

In the gardening area, choose non-toxic plants and ensure that garden tools and chemicals are stored safely out of reach. A comfortable seating area where parents can relax while supervising children can also enhance the usability of your outdoor space.

10. Smart Home Systems

Smart home technology can add convenience and safety to your home. Automated systems like smart thermostats help maintain a comfortable and consistent temperature, which is particularly important with a newborn. Smart cameras and baby monitors provide peace of mind by allowing you to keep an eye on your baby remotely.

Consider smart lighting systems that can be controlled via your smartphone or voice commands, making it easier to adjust lighting without disturbing your baby. Smart locks and security systems enhance the safety of your home, offering easy monitoring and control of who comes and goes. These technologies not only simplify daily routines but also adapt to your changing family needs.


Preparing your home for a baby through thoughtful renovations can be both fun and rewarding. These tips provide a comprehensive guide for expecting couples to create a safe, comfortable, and functional environment for their new arrival. Remember, each change, big or small, contributes to making your home a wonderful place for your growing family.

About the author Patrick Banks

Patrick is a Berlin-based dating advisor, motivational speaker, a huge fitness and vegan diet enthusiast and the main editor at Wingman Magazine, specialised in men's health. His ultimate goal is to share with men around the world his passion for self-development and to help them to become the greatest version of themselves. He believes a healthy body and successful social interactions are two main keys to happiness.