How to Safely Remove Pearly Penile Papules at Home
To treat any problem, it is important to understand the cause of the issue and treat it properly to avoid further complications. One such misunderstood ailment is Pearly Penile Papules or PPP. Treating PPP at home is relatively simple and does not involve any side effects.
What are pearly penile papules?
PPPs (Hirsuties coronae glandis) are often found just around the head of the penis. These pearly papules are sometimes hidden under the foreskin and pulling the foreskin back can reveal them to be small spots that are either the color of the skin or white.
They most commonly appear in a row, somewhat like a string of pearls, which is why they are called pearly papules. Men who’ve suffered from this skin ailment know these papules look gruesome and tend to worry about their sexual health.
However, the papules are fairly common and hardly serious. They pose no health risks and are completely painless. About 20% of men are expected to develop some form of PPP in their lifetime. It is also unrelated to sexual activity or personal hygiene.
Many men tend to mistake this skin ailment for a sexually transmitted disease. PPP is not contagious and is mostly harmless.
Nevertheless, if you’ve developed this skin issue recently it could be advisable to see a doctor. If you want to try to get rid of it yourself here are a few home remedies for pearly penile papules removal at home:
Castor oil
Castor oil is said to be highly effective in treating PPP. Most men find this to be one of the easiest home remedies since castor oil is easy to obtain and is most likely at home anyway. Castor oil comes from a plant called Ricinus communis.
Mostly found in parts of Africa and Asia, the seeds of this plant are somewhat toxic, but the extracted oil has amazing benefits for your skin. Getting rid of PPP with castor oil involves applying small portions directly on the affected area with cotton balls or swabs.
Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is directly extracted from the Melaleuca alternifolia tree leaves and is commonly used oil for skin ailments. The oil is well regarded by the scientific community in treatments for acne and skin rashes. Even the American cancer Society found the oil was useful while treating skin injuries and avoiding putrefaction. Studies have shown the oil is toxic when consumed and must not be applied to skin if the concentration is greater than 5%.
Alpha hydroxy acid
Better known to the public as AHA, this substance can help the skin recover quickly and with no side effects. Most men can get their hands on this in concentrate form in either creams or skin wash.
Triple Antibiotic Ointment: Application of triple antibiotic ointments can reduce PPPs. The cream or ointment needs to be applied a few times a day and left to seep into the skin overnight if possible.
toothpaste often has antibacterial properties as it fights cavities in the teeth. This is why many men swear by using toothpaste to rid the penis of these annoying papules. Again, applying toothpaste and leaving it over the skin and affected area for a while can help relieve the symptoms of PPP.
Bio-oil can help with PPP and is a relatively new way to treat skin issues. This oil needs time to work, so applying it multiple times a day for many weeks will help you see the results you need. Over time the oil helps to soften the skin and make the papules less prominent. The PPP disappears altogether over time.
Honey is a great natural remedy and can help get rid of PPP at home effectively. Just apply like regular ointment and allow to sit for a while. Remember to wash it all off after a while.
Calamine lotion
Calamine lotion is highly effective for acne treatment because of its zinc content. The zinc tends to treat the skin by drying it out and getting rid of any bumps such as acne or papules. This is why Calamine lotion is a suggested remedy for PPP.
Oatmeal can help with a number of skin issues and PPP is one of them.
Mud masks: Mud masks are for more than just youthful skin and facial muscles. The pack can help moisturize the skin and treat PPP.
Home remedies are safe and effective w/o any side effects
Home remedies are often recommended for this issue since these oils are known to be very effective and do not have any side effects. Make sure you clean the area completely, apply the oil with a cotton ball and continue this for a few weeks till you start to see results.
If you don’t see results with a certain type of oil, try another one from the list above. Home remedies are natural and completely safe, so you can take your time with this treatment. The best treatments are the ones you can do yourself in the privacy of your own home. Many of these treatments involve common household items that are in no way dangerous. Careful application of these oils or ointments can help your skin naturally heal itself and preserve its elasticity and sensitivity.
Make sure you don’t try to cut or scrape the papules, however, since this can cause severe infections. The tissue around the affected area can also lose sensitivity or elasticity if you attempt to cut or scrape the spots.
You must also refrain from using any sort of ‘heat’ or ‘burn’ solution to the papules to avoid permanently damaging your reproductive organ. Here is a list of things you MUST NOT USE to treat this issue:
- Wart remover
- Chlorine
- Gasoline
- Aspirin
- Ammonia
- Bleach
- Oven cleaner
Alternatively you can try PPP Kit. The PPP KIT is one proven and guaranteed way to remove pearly penile papules at home. It is a device that vaporizes papules, just like it is done during laser treatment by dermatologists. The PPP KIT contains everything needed to safely perform the treatment by yourself at home.
The procedure is quick and easy, taking only 10 to 15 minutes to perform. You must follow the provided step-by-step instructions; it ensures that you do the treatment safely and targets all papules on the first try. A numbing cream is supplied with the kit, so you do not feel any pain while zapping the papules into smoke! If you missed some, you could always do another session and remove the remaining papules.
After the treatment, the burned papules will become scabs within the next few days and will be mostly healed within five days only. However, you must wait for the full ten days of recovery before doing another session (if needed). You must also abstain from having any sexual activities for the entire 10-day period, which might be the most challenging step! The step-by-step guide emphasizes this in their “Aftercare” section for obvious safety reasons; like for any wound, you must avoid getting it infected as it heals.
Doing the treatment by yourself might sound scary. However, in practice, thousands of men have already performed the treatment without any reported side effects. You can find plenty of reviews with before & after pictures from men using the PPP KIT. You basically get the job done by yourself for less than a dermatological consultation fee!
PPP is a fairly common and completely harmless issue that one in five men will deal with at some point in their lives. There are a number of ways doctors can treat the issue with cosmetic surgery or over-the-counter drugs, but these solutions almost always come with medical side effects.
As long as you don’t worry and try to scrape the skin off using a sharp object, you can effectively treat this issue at home. All of the remedies suggested in this article are easily available and really useful while dealing with this embarrassing issue.
Learn how to remove your pearl penile papules in the privacy of your home. This product is called “Pearly Penile Papules Removal”. It’s 100% natural and it’s been proven to work.
I had an awful case of ppp. This is the only thing that worked for me:
ok I tried this and it seems papules are going away. still too early to be sure…
I’ve now discovered an amazing Pearly Penile Papules Removal system that actually works. The really cool part is you can easily do it yourself in the comfort of your own home. It’s 100% natural and it’s been proven to work. Finally you can remove the problem for good and start enjoying life again. You can find it here…
Woah!! Didn’t know there were so many methods! Can someone from this site maybe say the #1 method that they’ve heard bring the best results?
Would zinc and castor oil cream work?
Does all that home remedies work like toothpaste?
Thanks a’lot sir for telling me about ppp treatment …… because i have suffered from ppp for a year …… and i was really trouble about this small bumps. thanks sir for the treatment .<3 god bless you.