If your wife used to like making love with you but is now turning her head away telling you that she “is tired” or “has a terrible headache”- then this article is for you! Asking yourself: how to make my wife horny? Read it and act right now!
Ask anyone how long it takes for a relationship to get boring, and you’re likely to see a wide range of answers from a few years to a couple of years. Relationship boredom is hardly rare and whether you’ve been dating for a few months or have been married for several years, it can strike at any time. And certain major life changes such as having kids or landing a promotion can certainly put some distance between you and your partner or even cause emotional infidelity.
It’s normal. The good news is your relationship isn’t doomed; you just need to make time for it and put some effort into rekindling the flame. Here are ten ways to keep the romance alive and hot when your relationship has taken a turn for Dullsville.
Why doesn’t she want sex with you anymore?
There could be a number of reasons why she doesn’t want to have sexual contact with you anymore, but one thing is for sure: if she’s married to you, she was and probably still is extremely attracted to you. If your sexual relations used to be more satisfying, something probably just went the wrong direction in your relationship.
No matter how much you love her, women are sensitive and sometimes they feel insecure in a relationship. What’s more, with age our bodies change, so she may not feel as sexy as she did before, which can keep her mind from sexual desire and passion.
If a woman doesn’t feel appreciated enough in the relationship, this can cause a lowering of her libido. So, read more about how to raise her libido and make her finish with a wonderful orgasm.
9 Reasons Why Women Lose Interest In Sex
You may be wondering why your wife or girlfriend loses interest in being intimate with you. You might have thought that she doesn’t love you any more or that she already lost interest in you and your relationship. You start comparing her sex drive before, and now you start doubting yourself, asking questions whether it’s your performance in bed caused her to lose interest.
Men’s performance in bed is not usually the reason why women lose interest in intimacy. There are clinical reasons for this, and to better understand your woman, here are the main reasons for women’s decrease in sex drive.
1. Lack of Sleep
A study conducted back in 2015 showed that women who have enough sleep manifest a high sexual desire level. They also show better arousal on the next day, which suggests that women who are sleep deprived are the ones who exhibit a low sexual desire.
The study also suggests that an hour of shut-eye added a 14% increase in women’s chance to engage in sexual activity with her partner. Now that you know about the impact of sleep with your partner’s sexual drive, you now have a reason to let her sleep in peace. The longer, the better.
2. Effects of Certain Prescription Drug
Certain medications can cause a woman’s interest in sex. This includes a particular antidepressant medication categorized as SSRI or Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors.
Women who are under SSRI drug medication manifest little to no interest in engaging in sexual acts. However, there is a relatively new drug that does not have these side effects on women taking the medication.
3. Fatigue
If you already have kids and your partner suddenly loses interest in making love with you, this might mean that she’s experiencing fatigue. Exhaustion of taking care of young kids, sometimes coupled with work, can cause fatigue.
It is also possible that an illness or surgery, specifically around the breast or genital area, can affect a woman’s sexual function, body image, or desire for sex. These issues can also cause your partner’s fatigue. Thus, you have to be more attentive and observant with your partner’s lifestyle or medical background.
4. Alcohol or Weed
A glass of wine isn’t a bad idea to put your partner in the mood, but excessive alcohol consumption might result in the loss of interest in sex. Alcohol consumption is not discouraged entirely, but instead, it’s advised to drink in moderation.
A woman should limit her alcohol consumption to three units a day to ensure that the alcohol won’t affect her libido. And as for men, you should not go beyond four units of booze a day, or else you might also experience a loss of libido, which reduces your sex drive.
5. Hormonal Change
Another factor that can decrease a woman’s sex drive is hormonal change. There are many reasons why a woman’s hormones are altered. The most common ones are menopause, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.
During menopause, a woman’s estrogen level drops as her body undergoes the process of menopausal. This decrease of estrogen causes a woman to have a dry vaginal tissue, which will result in painful and uncomfortable intercourse.
The change of hormones during pregnancy, after childbirth, and during breastfeeding can also cause a constraint in sex drive. This brings us back to fatigue that’s discussed earlier, which can be present post-partum.
6. Psychological Factors
A woman’s mental health can also affect her desire for sex. Low self-esteem and poor body image make a woman think she’s not suitable to have sex with any partner. Other factors include stress, anxiety, and depression. Nobody will be in the mood when they experience these psychological issues, whether you’re a man or a woman.
If your woman has previous bad experience of sex or a history of sexual and physical abuse, this could play a huge factor in her sex mood. Pay close attention to her body language as most abused women are wary, especially to touch.
7. Relationship Issue
If you and your partner are struggling with your relationship, it’s normal that she does not want to have sex with you. No woman enjoys sex with her partner during a relationship crisis.
For most women, the preparation of good sexual intimacy is their emotional closeness to their partner. So, if you just pissed off your girl, don’t expect any intimacy from her until you resolve your issues.
8. Lack of Exercise
Maybe this is the time to encourage your girl to hit the gym with you. Exercise has a connection with a sex drive as it can stabilize and balance the hormone and physiological processes of a person, helping with a person’s libido.
If you think that exercising would increase your partner’s sex drive, motivate her to exercise. It will improve not only her interest in sex but also her overall health.
9. Age
Whether we like it or not, a woman’s sex drive sometimes decreases as she ages. Sex hormones decrease during ageing, plus the side effects of all the medication for age-related health problems contribute to a lack of sex drive. Their energy level also declines, which can make them brush off the idea of having sex.
Ok, so you know already the facts why your partner may not be in the mood these days. Let’s focus on how to make your wife horny again… Are you ready for fresh and hot insights straight from a phone sex girl?
How to Increase Your Partner’s Sexual Drive
You must support and help your partner in dealing with this issue. Instead of condemning her, you should be her number one support system in this battle. This is not just an issue for sex, but it is also a health issue that both of you need to address. Here’s some guidance on how to increase your partner’s interest in sex.
You also have to put in mind that men and women have a different perspective on sex. Men can separate sex from emotions, but most women cannot. A woman engages in sex if they are emotionally attached or attracted to the man. You have to consider how your girl feels about sex and intimacy. What works for you might not work for your partner and can cause further loss of interest.
Remember that you are partners and her sexual issues affect you. Thus, you should be in this together. Help her regain her sexual desire by opening your mind to your problem’s possible causes and solutions. With the given reasons above, you can better acknowledge her situation and can now provide better support for her.
1. Start From Her Head
Female sexuality is more complex than male sexuality. Encouraging her to have sex with you shouldn’t begin with physical things such as touching her breasts or other intimate zones.
First, you have to remind her brain of your presence. Make her think that she wants you and she will not be able to overcome her desire for you.. Forget that you are horny and play the game differently than usual. Although some natural aphrodisiac such as black ginger, which is great for your health as well would help too!
Ask her some non-sexual questions, which will show her that you are interested and make her feel comfortable and safe. This is what most women need before sex. Ask her how her day was and then aks some more specific questions. Try one of these:
- Work related: How did she deal with the difficult client she told you about a few days ago? Say something supportive like “if I were your boss, I would have given you a promotion already.”
- Show that you care about her family: “Did you call your mother? How is she?”
- Or keep it simple: “Would you like me to make you tea or fix you a drink”?
Show her that you are interested in her and her affairs, not only her body. Appreciate her efforts to deal with work and home. Focus on her, without saying too much about yourself. Don’t just ask about what’s for dinner today or other selfish questions.
Aside from helping her figure out the issue behind the sudden loss of sexual interest, you can also try to be more romantic. Rekindle your intimacy by showing romantic gestures, such as kissing her deeply before leaving for work or sending her sexy messages.
You can also reconnect with her by sensual touching and complimenting her anytime you can. They say that women need more time to warm up and be in the mood, and these little gestures can surely jumpstart satisfying sex later.
2. Communicate With Them
Lack of communication is a leading reason why many relationships fail. Communication is the glue that holds a household together, especially when you have children and other important obligations. It’s really important to make your needs known and reach agreements about household chores to be done and who will pay the bills and handle other financial responsibilities when you live together.
This includes communicating in the bedroom as well. Talking to your partner about your fantasies, desires, and what turns you on is healthy and can lead to hotter sex.
And besides this type of communication, just talking to your partner about how their day went can help maintain your union. Yes, it’s romantic sometimes to think that you can read each other’s minds and know what the other is thinking without a word being said. But at the end of the day, all of us need social interaction. Something as simple as a dinner conversation lets your partner know
3. Appreciate Them
How many of us can honestly say we take the time regularly to let our partner know how much we appreciate having them in our life? Sure, we can give them a gift as suggested, but sometimes a person needs to hear verbal reassurance that they’re loved and cherished. Those two simple words, “thank you”, can go a long way towards keeping a relationship strong.
Don’t be shy about thanking your partner if they helped you out by driving you to work while your car was in the shop or coming with you for moral support for a doctor’s appointment. Everyone enjoys feeling appreciated and wanted.
4. Work On Your Relationship
If the reason for the decrease in sex drive in your woman is due to relationship issues, it is better to talk it out. First things first, do not think about sex. Focus on how you can fix your problem. If talking could not mend your relationship issues, you can seek a relationship counselor. If your partner can’t open up to you and talk about her issues regarding your relationship, a counselor could be of immense help.
It is normal for women to lose their interest in sex at some point, but it does not happen without reason. There is always a cause behind it, and understanding these reasons will open your eyes and be more eligible to offer assistance to your woman.
Never neglect your woman’s signs of decrease in sex drive, which usually indicates a more severe problem. Whenever you notice a change in her sexual performance, talk to her, and assure her that you understand.
5. Prioritize Relax Together
Manage stress by taking part in a healthy lifestyle. You have to consider not only your physical health but also your mental and emotional health. It is a good idea to take a break from your everyday life. You can travel together and enjoy an intimate vacation.
If travelling is out of your capacity, you can have a quiet time to relax instead. A spa or massage would be a good option to provide a relaxing and quiet time for your girl. You should spend more time with her and establish your connection once again.
Propose a nap or a nice date. If she agrees with the nap, don’t try to make love to her. Just let her sleep. During this time, you can take a walk in the park with your kid. Don’t watch TV on full volume. Give her time to rest.
If you go out to the movies choose her style of movie. No action or horror, maybe a romantic comedy. If you go to dinner, don’t drink too much. All your moves should appear spontaneous, without the expectation of them leading to the bedroom. Don’t try to be too sweet. Show the side of your personality you know she likes the best. Don’t force yourself to do things, she will notice and it will cause the opposite effect.
6. Schedule Time For Each Other
When life gets in the way, sometimes you need to put your foot down and plan a day or night alone with your partner without any distractions. This shows you’re willing to make them and your relationship a priority. Mark a date on the calendar and then clear that day of work and any other obligations.
And when you’re with your partner, put away the mobile phone and resist the urge to check it during your dinner or other planned activity. Whoever just tagged you on Facebook can wait—your time with your loved one is more important.
Even just spending regular quality time together, whether it’s reading in bed or snuggling on the couch while watching a movie, can be very nurturing to your relationship.
7. Help Her With her Daily Tasks (Even More Than Usual)
If you already have kids, you can help her take care of your children or assist with the household chores. This gesture will help your partner relax and save more energy.
She’ll have extra time for herself, like taking a relaxing shower, reading a book, or even a nap to enhance her overall mood, including her sexual mood. A survey conducted shows 15% of women become aroused if their men help with the household chores. It’s popularly referred to as “chore play”.
If she asked you to fix some things at home, like hanging curtains or repairing the sink, then do it today. Do it yourself or ask someone to do it. Fix the bookcase she asked you about a while ago, so that she feels like you care about the house as much as she does. Don’t brag about it. Just do it and that’s all. She will notice, don’t worry.
If you want to compound the effect, mention something about doing the things she wants. If you’re uncomfortable doing something difficult like buying new furniture or visiting her cousin’s family or other family stuff, you don’t have to do it straight away. Just make her feel that you pay attention and care about her needs.
8. Maintain Physical Contact Away From the Bedroom
Suggest that you have a bath together or give her a massage. She should feel that you want to touch her, not only sexually. She should always know that you care about her. Small, seemingly unaware, random touches can make miracles happen! But you shouldn’t be sneaky, never too obvious. Try one of these:
– When she is making dinner approach her from the back and kiss her neck. Be delicate. Remember, it’s always better to give too little than too much.
– Women love a foot massage. Give it to her while she is watching a movie or reading.
– Catch her by the waist while she is passing by you and hug her gently. Say spontaneous things like “ You look great today!” and “You smell great!” Just say it, hug her, and go about your day.
9. If You Have Kids, Take Care of Them
Entertain your children during the day and make them tired. This is the exact opposite of how your wife should feel. She should be as rested as possible. Nothing is as awful for a woman to think about as the kids entering the room while she is having sex with you.
Send your kids to a swimming pool, a football game, or have them stay at a friend’s place. Send them somewhere so they don’t disturb you throughout the evening. What’s more, your wife will really appreciate that you’re taking care of the children. How men deal with children is an important, unconscious factor that makes men more sexually attractive. Play this card well!
10. Build Anticipation
On that note, foreplay isn’t something that can only begin once the two of you are physically in the same room. Build anticipation for the sexy evening you have planned by sending your partner a few suggestive texts, starting from some flirty good morning messages for her, emails which can inspire her, or loving voicemails during the day. You may find you both can’t keep your hands off each other once you’re both home!
11. Try Something New in Bed
If your sex life needs some spicing up, maybe you and your partner have gotten too used to the same-sex position or type of foreplay. It’s time to try something new, whether it’s looking towards the Kama Sutra for inspiration or perusing sex toys. You don’t need to get overly kinky if you or your partner is uncomfortable—even playing a sexy card or board game for couples can create a hot evening.
No one is born being a great lover; it often requires on-going education and imagination. Sometimes all it takes is doing something minor such as learning the fine art of talking dirty and knowing what turns your partner on. Watching your partner masturbate and seeing what their body needs as they pleasure themselves can be a huge turn-on.
If you’re contemplating using male enhancement supplements to enhance your testosterone production and get stronger erections, know that there’s no shame in that. Check out this site for some good information about all-natural male enhancement supplements that don’t require a prescription to use.
If you both want to become a bit more uninhibited, why not try role-playing? One of you can pretend to be the object of your partner’s fantasy, such as a rock star or police officer. Costumes are optional, but can certainly send those flames soaring!
12. Right Ambiance Can Work Wonders
The atmosphere is as important for women as the sexual act itself. Make sure your bedroom is clean. If she likes flowers and candles, put them there for her, or just play her favourite music in the background. Don’t come on too strong though. She should not feel “trapped” or overly seduced.
Change of settings can also help, such as doing it in your kitchen counter instead of on your bed. You can also enjoy it in your bathroom, with warm water coming out of the shower. The possibilities are endless. Be adventurous and lead your partner to a more exciting world of making love.
13. Make Your Home More Romantic
We believe, though, that you don’t really need to go out there for your romantic getaway. Instead, you can create a more romantic home that can remind you of the love that you share with each other each passing day. Isn’t that more beneficial for your marriage? We think so too!
That’s why, in this article, we are going to help you do just that. We will be sharing the best design tips we have up in our sleeves to create a more romantic home from your bedroom and beyond. Let’s get started!
- Declutter
We know you’re probably excited to head straight to decorating. After all, decluttering isn’t the most fun chore in the world. However, nothing kills romance faster than clutter. So if you’re really intent on creating a more romantic abode, then your piles of random things on the various surfaces around your home should be the first things to go.
Aside from that, decluttering will also free up more space for you to add the decorative elements that we’re going to share and talk about next.
- Home Accessories
Anyway, once you’re done with your decluttering and preparations, we can now finally move on to the main part of the article where we’re going to feature our favorite home interior accessories to achieve that romantic look.
- Lighting
We always prefer to start with the lighting. After all, it can drastically change the look and mood of your home in an instant. Remember, the warmer and dimmer the lights are, the more intimate it will feel, and thus, more romantic. That’s what we’re going for.
Don’t be afraid to experiment with different lighting pieces. Vintage crystal chandeliers have a lot of history and character, combined with an aesthetic that never goes out of style. However, creatively installed fairy lights can also result in the same effect without the hefty price tag. It will seem as if you’re always under the stars.
- Wall Art
Aside from lighting, another decorative element that can definitely set the mood in any interior space is wall art. Can you imagine the effect of an oversized piece on your wall? It certainly makes a statement, right?
We tend to prefer more personal pieces when it comes to decorating a place to make it more romantic for couples. We suggest using photos taken during particularly memorable moments in your relationship such as your wedding or your first date. If you enjoy displaying calligraphy or typography, though, then veer away from the usual romantic quotes. Instead, choose memorable words as well, such as a favorite line from your vows or an inside joke that only the two of you share.
- Cushion Covers
Next, here’s a pro tip to keep in mind during your decor project: the more pillows you have, the more cuddling opportunities you’ll get. However, a pile of plain pillows can easily get boring. Hence, dress them up with stylish cushion covers.
Choose soft colors in interesting textures over bright-colored colors and patterns. And pile them together with layers of cozy blankets.
- Candles
Mood lighting, memorable photos, cushions…sounds like everything is already falling into place. We just need a few more items to complete the look.
First of which are candles. Now, candles are usually categorized under mood lighting as well, but we beg to differ. After all, we still light candles even with proper lighting. Thus, we consider it as a separate decorative element.
We recommend getting scented ones in order to add to the romance factor. Here are a few scents we prefer:
- Sweet. Sugary scents like cinnamon, warm sugar, and vanilla can inspire you to start an evening of nibbling.
- Exotic. Meanwhile, more exotic scents like sandalwood and patchouli can also ignite passion. Opt for more tropical scents like pineapple, orchid, and coconut if it can remind you of past vacations in paradise, though.
- Perfume. Finally, be on the lookout for perfume-infused candles as well. There’s always something romantic and sexy in the scents of Cool Water and Chanel No. 5, after all.
- Flowers
Finally, you have probably noticed that we have skipped floral scents above. That’s because we recommend getting them fresh. Here are our most favorite blooms with their meanings:
- Roses. A proven classic. Red roses symbolize love, passion, and romance. There’s a reason why roses are given during Valentine’s Day.
- Peonies. We love styling arrangements with peonies. They’re just so fluffy, delicate, and stunning. More so, they symbolize romance and bashfulness. Perfect for starting anew or you’re the bashful types who tend to keep things more personal and intimate. Aside from that, there are also cultures that consider peonies as a good luck charm. It wouldn’t hurt to have that extra luck around if you’re about to have a romantic dinner to patch things up.
- Matthiola Incana. Here’s a bloom that’s a little bit more uncommon. But they’re so beautiful that we simply can’t resist not to add them here. As for their symbolism, they stand for beauty and happiness that never fades.
- Ranunculus. Lastly, this has got to be our most favorite bloom of all. Symbolizing charm and attraction, ranunculus flowers look like more stylish and sophisticated roses, almost like works of art that sprang into life.
To sum up our article, here are our design tips for your easy reference:
- Keeping your home neat and tidy is the first step towards creating a more romantic atmosphere at home.
- Choose home accessories that show history and elegance, but in more subdued colors and patterns. You want to accentuate the emotions that they invoke.
- Candles are more than just pieces for mood lighting. Their scent can stimulate the senses and create and add passion to any home.
- The same applies to flowers, but aside from their scent, they add a pop of color and a layer of poetic symbolism as well.
We wish you all the happiness. Now, go start romancing!
14. Focus on Her
The most important consideration: until the end, focus on her, not about sex. That it isn’t just about sex. That’s about your lasting mutual connection which is special, and which sex is just a part of.
Engaging in foreplay is a must. Bring her into the mood by heating her up. Make her feel good and more loved. By engaging in a more emotional and sensual activity, you’ll get a woman aroused.
When you are in bed together, don’t jump in with an overconfident expression on your face. Don’t behave like a man who is about to score.
Even say: “We don’t have to make love. I see that you are tired. I would just like to massage your back.”
Make your girl aroused by studying her body. Identify her hotspots and focus on that part to help her achieve arousal. When you hit the perfect spot, everything will fall into place naturally. Sometimes what a woman needs is a little bit of spice to electrify the mood.
Do it slowly, touching her sensitive areas. Give her time to enjoy the sensation and your hands on her naked body. Don’t go straight to intimate zones. Women are slower than men, so take this into consideration. If she likes the situation, she will advance the situation herself.
On the other hand, if after 10-15 minutes she doesn’t seem like she wants to have sex, don’t give up. Kiss her and continue to slowly stimulate her. “Slowly” is the crucial word here. Give her time and make her think that making love to you is 100% her idea. After sex, be nice too.
Don’t fall asleep immediately after or leave her alone. Stay and build intimacy. That way, you can make love again tomorrow!
15. Try New Things with Her
Try new things with her, such as experimenting with sex toys during your intimate moments. You can find different kinds of sex toys at online e-commerce sites, with different designs and purposes. You can also try new sexual positions, or even explore both of your body together.
16. Go together to Sexologist
Seeking professional help is another thing you can do. Get an appointment with a health-care provider to know whether the cause of the decrease in sex drive is a medical condition. This way, whatever your partner is suffering from can be appropriately addressed by a professional, and she can get proper treatment.
You can also try new gadgets to rise up the temperature in bedroom and make every touch more pleasurable, for example with TOCA •
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17. Try a New Activity Together
Is there something on your couple bucket list that the two of you always wanted to try? Maybe it’s ziplining, learning how to brew craft beer, or perfecting your golf swing. Taking a class or learning a new skill together can be a lot of fun and lead to some laughs and discovering new things about each other.
And if you’re both at a loss for something to try as a couple, maybe one of you can make the effort to participate in a favorite activity of the other. If your partner is into tennis, for example, at least give the sport a try—you may just discover you’re a natural at it.
If you’re not, at least you showed that you take an interest in and support your partner’s passions. Either way, it’s a win-win for your relationship.
Research has found that new experiences can increase dopamine levels in the brain. That’s one of the body’s feel-good hormones that run rampant when you’re first falling in love. So trying a new activity together can definitely help bring back that natural high you experienced early in your relationship.
18. Get Away From It All
When’s the last time you and your partner took a trip alone, without the kids? If it’s been a few years, it may be time to put the family vacation on hold this year and plan an excursion for just the two of you. And even if you don’t have children, requesting some time off from work so you can spend some uninterrupted time together can do wonders for reconnecting.
You don’t have to plan an expensive trip to a tropical location or overseas to make it romantic. Even a weekend at a B&B a short drive away may be just what you need to de-stress and get closer.
Or try visiting a city or state neither of you has been to before, but have always been curious to check out. You may just discover your new romantic place.
19. Don’t Forget The Little Gestures
The little things you and your partner do during the day to show each other that you care and still desire them can go a long way to keeping the romance alive. This includes giving them a sincere, lingering kiss goodbye when they leave for work or return home, giving them a playful slap on the rear end, winking at them, and other flirtations. Chances are both of you flirted with each other while you were dating and there’s no reason to stop that once you’ve been with each other for a while.
20. Dance With Each Other
Few physical activities are sexier than dancing with your partner. Whether you’re into letting it all loose with your moves or shuffling back and forth to your favorite romantic song, dancing forces two people to make physical contact and invade each other’s personal space.
If both of you are willing, taking dance lessons can be a fun activity to try together.
21. Surprise Them With a Gift
Surprising your partner with a gift—especially if it’s something they’ve been wanting for a while—is another way to show you care about them and value what’s important to them.
This isn’t about spending a lot of money and constantly doling out presents to prove your love. In fact, that can backfire if you do it too often. It can be something as simple as giving them a gift card to their favorite coffee shop or buying them a vinyl record they’ve been wanting to add to their collection.
Or surprise them by ordering take out from their restaurant so they don’t have to deal with cooking or cleaning up after a long day at work.
Thesetips can surely help keep the romance alive no matter how long you’ve been with your current partner, but they’re not the only ones. Feel free to get creative with new ways to keep your relationship fresh and exciting.
For more advice on keeping things hot in and out of the bedroom, check out our Love and Sex section!
My girlfriend and I love each other, no doubt. We started off with lots of sex but over the last few months it has gone right out the window. Nothing I do gets her in the mood. We have tried various things to overcome the problem but nothing has worked. Does anyone have any reasons why this is?
Well my friend,it’s called over-excitement,a relationship is not just making sex and figuring out ways all the time how it is gonna be kinkier and etc.Help your relationship by making drastic actions such as discuss with your girlfriend why you are feeling overwhelmed for each other so far,why she gets nuts with everything that you do,maybe is has to do with how you treat her,how you take care of her,how speak to her,if your helping her with her daily chores…Just talk and after that come into conclusion what should be done so as to save your relationship before it goes into the trashcan
Good idea, thank you. I have some book share you. The tao of badass dating guide. You can download for free – http://fileml.com/file/057O580
she may have found someone else already or she is become lesbian .
[…] partners have become less eager to have sex with them. Headache is a common excuse. Many husbands how can I make my wife horny? Instead of convincing your wife to have sex with you, indulge her. Take care of the ambience; […]
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[…] Does your wife not want sex with you anymore? You wonder 'how to make my wife horny again?' Read it and have great sex with your wife tonight! […]
I never believed in Spells or Magics until I meant this special spell caster called DR OKORO.The woman i wanted to marry left me 2 months to our weeding ceremony and my life was upside down.she was with me for 9 years and i really love her so much..she left me for another man with no reasons..when i called her she never picked up my calls and she don’t want to see me around her…so,when i told the man what happened.he helped me to do some readings,and after the readings he made me to realize that the other man has done some spells over my wife and that is the reason why she left me..he told me he will help me to cast a spell to bring her back.At first i was skeptical but i just gave it a try…In 3 days,she called me herself and came to me apologizing..I cant believe, she can ever come back to me again but now i am happy she’s back and we are married now and we live as a happy family..Am posting this to this forum if anyone needs the Dr Okoro help.Can contact him through this email: (Drokorotemple@gmail.com)
I don’t believe in magic spells,only naive people would fall for something like this, how much did he charge you for the favor?
LOL! This has got to be the biggest crock of sheat I’ve ever heard, lmaooo. Spell caster? Only a depressed soul would be dumb enough to buy into that crap. Wow
LMAO, your wife was on my cock last weekend and this weekend, my friend is gonna be hitting it. What makes you think she wouldn’t cheat on you. She’s left you for another man before, that after 9 years!!!!! Why would you take her back you weak POS?
I think you should create a good mood which will make her horny. You can play some adult games, have dirty talks, watch some good videos on http://www.best10.net or various other sites, foreplay, oral sex & try some new moves which will reduce the boredom & will stimulate intimacy.
I and my boyfriend have been dating for four year now and just last three months he told me, he no longer have feeling for me. He did not just say it like that he made it seem like it was his fault. He was like he has been thinking about his life and he feels like he doesn’t know himself anymore and that he doesn’t want to hurt me in the processes. I mean we all know those line i have used them and we all have the next words are always “I think we should take a break” which mean i want out of this relationship. I wish he told me all those things before he asked me to marry him i would totally move on with my life but now, it turn out that we were already engaged and for six months at that. I felt bonded to him my whole heart beats and skips just for him for the record his name is Sean. I tried all i could to get by knowing or having the thought in my heart that we could still fix us only to realize he broke up with me to actually date a girl i he meant. It was like he got tired of me or something. I basically never turned any of his request down what ever it was. Sean was literally the first guy i had sex with the every first day i meant them. Usually i make them wait for 40 day but with Sean everything felt right. Anytime i was with him i felt this pain in my heart it was like its bleeding but it was bleeding love. It was so magically that i can’t just explain it. So living without him knowing he left me for another girl was torture. I tried to talking to him in every way i could to make him see i love him but it was impossible. He made me feel like trash like am good for nothing and he called me fat and ugly. That really broke me down i could not believe it that of every person i have ever dated the one i love the most called me fat and ugly. My friends asked me to stop fooling myself trying to make him love me again but i was too in love i mean the heart wants what it wants right? and the more i tried the more he hated me. I was tagged by his new girlfriend and himself a sociopath. I was losing it and i fell into depression. Heaven know i was gonna kill myself because i really had nothing to leave for and he didn’t even care if i lived or died. I know this sound crazy but it was just what happened. Though we dating again with the help of a great and reliable witchdoctor Metodo Acamu, it still hurts a lot that i had to pass through all those pain. All my friend thought i was crazy because even when they tried to help me i pushed them all away so basically i was all alone in my world of pain i had already given up on life i mean i thought to myself if can’t have Sean, i was not going to live to watch him be happy with someone else. As foolish and crazy as this my sound , it was what i almost did. I was going to kill him and kill myself after wards. I don’t know, some how, maybe the universe wasn’t totally again me i came across the name witch doctor Metodo Acamu and his email address on the Internet there were a lot of comments on how real, nice and how much he has helped a lot of people fix there relationship , money issues, jobs and lottery ticket i thought contacting him was the last thing i should try before pushing on with my plan to take the life of the man i love. Believe me i was so lucky to have contacted him. He told me if i had killed Sean i would have tried in so many ways to kill myself to join him but it won’t have worked. I don’t know how true that is but i know that i was asked to get some materials for the witch doctor to make a spell that will reunite me and my fiancé. I sent him the money for the materials only because i could not get them anyway. He helped me a lot he sent a package for me with ups of which i paid for to get to me from an international. He told me to say what i want when burning the content of package with something that has the smell of incense and that in seven days Sean will be mine again and believe me please that was just what happened. It was so spiritual and out of earth that i could not understand how but i knew it worked for me and it is totally safe like Metodo Acamu told me. I know this all sound crazy but its so true and real life so. You can only know when those who need Metodo Acamu help get it. Contact him her metodoacamufortressx@ yah oo. com and please use this email in the regular format
what a croc of shite article
Bit harsh, there’s a few valid points. But let’s be honest….the main reason she isn’t horny is because she isn’t feeling sexual attraction. I know that’s pretty brutal to read…. but it’s better to know the truth so you can do something about it.
You have to understand that a woman’s sexual desire is far more connected to emotions rather than a physiological need. (Pretty much the complete flip opposite to men) – You need to tap into her emotional side by focusing much more on the ‘mood’. Women LOVE reading the right sexual material. Ever wondered why 50 Shades of Grey makes women so horny?
There’s a genius guide by Michael Fiore called ‘Text Your Wife Into Bed’ which is really worth checking out. Here’s a direct link to his video / guide if anyone wants to check it out: http://www.tinyurl.com/TextWifeThis
Bit harsh, there’s a few valid points. But let’s be honest….the main reason she isn’t horny is because she isn’t feeling sexual attraction. I know that’s pretty brutal to read…. but it’s better to know the truth so you can do something about it.
You have to understand that a woman’s sexual desire is far more connected to emotions rather than a physiological need. (Pretty much the complete flip opposite to men) – You need to tap into her emotional side by focusing much more on the ‘mood’. Women LOVE reading the right sexual material. Ever wondered why 50 Shades of Grey makes women so horny?
There’s a genius guide by Michael Fiore called ‘Text Your Wife Into Bed’ which is really worth checking out. Here’s a direct link to his video / guide if anyone wants to check it out: http://www.TextHerThis.com
Bit harsh, there’s a few valid points. But let’s be honest….the main reason she isn’t horny is because she isn’t feeling sexual attraction. I know that’s pretty brutal to read…. but it’s better to know the truth so you can do something about it.
You have to understand that a woman’s sexual desire is far more connected to emotions rather than a physiological need. (Pretty much the complete flip opposite to men) – You need to tap into her emotional side by focusing much more on the ‘mood’. Women LOVE reading the right sexual material. Ever wondered why 50 Shades of Grey makes women so horny?
There’s a brilliant guide by Michael Fiore called ‘Text Your Wife Into Bed’ which is really worth checking out. Here’s a direct link to his video / guide if anyone wants to check it out: http://www.TextHerThis.com
Bit harsh, there’s a few valid points. But let’s be honest….the main reason she isn’t horny is because she isn’t feeling sexual attraction. I know that’s pretty brutal to read…. but it’s better to know the truth so you can do something about it.
You have to understand that a woman’s sexual desire is far more connected to emotions rather than a physiological need. (Pretty much the complete flip opposite to men) – You need to tap into her emotional side by focusing much more on the ‘mood’. There’s a brilliant guide by Alex Allman called ‘Passion That Lasts’ which is really worth checking out. His tips & techniques work really well. Here’s a link to his video & guide: PassionThatLasts.com
Hope this helps.
It’s also that women have hypergamy.
After a while she *will* be less into you.
Darque Wing has had this problem with me. There is nothing there.It is so disappointing that Darque Wing cannot perform and says that it is not horny.
The above really saddens me. You meet a girl, she loves you endlessly and her sexual interest is wrapped in romance and fuelled by unconditional lust. Marry her and she becomes a fire breathing dragon who makes you feel like the worst person on earth for wanting a proper kiss good bye let alone to be touched once every half year. The above list is sad but ‘true’. And women wonder why mean sometimes cheat, but in all seriousness the womans been cheating the man most of the marriage by deleting a part of herself that she was once. And they have the hide to one day say to their girlfriends, “he just got up and left me”.
Hello I AM LOUIS MULLER FROM UNITED STATE OF AMERICAN !!! I have always wanted to be able to not live paycheck to paycheck or have any debt. I worked in accounting for about 20 years and was barely able to make ends meet. It seemed like any time I moved up in the company and received a raise, my living expenses would go up significantly and I was never able to get ahead. lottery spells. Then one day my best friend told me the truth about what he did when his wife left him. He had a love spell cast and she stopped the divorce proceedings and they got back together. When he told me this I asked who he used and he gave me their email address which is:OKAYASPELLHELP@OUTLOOK.COM.com and I immediately contacted them for help. I saw that they offered different kinds of money spells to help win the lottery. I was immediately intrigued. I have always felt like I was going to win the lottery someday. I had the jackpot lottery spell cast and awaited my win. I was told to play the lottery each week and I did what I was told. I played the lottery each week anyways, so it did not change anything. Within about two weeks it happened. I won $100,000!! I could not believe it! It was not enough money to retire right away, but I invested it well and it has allowed me to go down to part time work and will help me retire much earlier. I am eternally grateful for finding their email address:OKAYASPELLHELP@OUTLOOK.COM .
Hello I AM LOUIS MULLER FROM UNITED STATE OF AMERICAN !!! I have always wanted to be able to not live paycheck to paycheck or have any debt. I worked in accounting for about 20 years and was barely able to make ends meet. It seemed like any time I moved up in the company and received a raise, my living expenses would go up significantly and I was never able to get ahead. lottery spells. Then one day my best friend told me the truth about what he did when his wife left him. He had a love spell cast and she stopped the divorce proceedings and they got back together. When he told me this I asked who he used and he gave me their email address which is:OKAYASPELLHELP@OUTLOOK.COM…. and I immediately contacted them for help. I saw that they offered different kinds of money spells to help win the lottery. I was immediately intrigued. I have always felt like I was going to win the lottery someday. I had the jackpot lottery spell cast and awaited my win. I was told to play the lottery each week and I did what I was told. I played the lottery each week anyways, so it did not change anything. Within about two weeks it happened. I won $100,000!! I could not believe it! It was not enough money to retire right away, but I invested it well and it has allowed me to go down to part time work and will help me retire much earlier. I am eternally grateful for finding their email address:OKAYASPELLHELP@OUTLOOK.COM . ..
I am very happy today for what Doctor Ohimal has done for me with his spell after 10 years of marrying my husband i didn’t know that he was having an affair. He was always cheating on me and each time i ask him why he will say that he has seen a better and more beautiful woman. I try to make him stop cheating on me but all my effort seems abortive until when my friend told me about Doctor Ohimal the great spell caster so i contacted him and explained everything to him and then he told me that he will wipe my tears with his spell totally and i will see result within 12 to 16 hours. I am very glad and proud that Doctor Ohimal is a man on his word because as i speak now my husband has change for better and him now loves and cherish me more than anything or anyone. Do you have problems and need help of any kind then Contact Doctor Ohimal today via Email: drohimalspelltemple@gmail.com
I am another individual that Obudun Magonata awesome has reached. A lot of us have desired love, wealth, luck and all but it always a step too far to reach or the chance never come our way and then it all became a dream nothing more that just a dream. Obudun Magonata the greatest enchanter i have ever known because he is the only one i know helped transform my dream into reality he helped me with an enchantment that made the one that i love find his love for me after wait forever in love with him. We’ve been best friend even before we could speak , we played together got in trouble together made silly promises at least we kept it but one i could not keep one. I could not stay friends with him forever, i didn’t want to just be his friend i wanted more i wanted him to love just as loved him but he saw me as just a friend or he didn’t want to admit he was also in love with me because it was obvious we sync perfectly made the same gestures, always in each other arm we were like lover that don’t make love . I was always a step behind when it came to letting him know how and what i felt about him. I wanted him to be the one to tell to say to me that he loved me and has always did. I wish i didn’t wait for him i wish i told him maybe it wouldn’t have took so long to be with him in first place. Through out our high school and collage years he was the guy every girl wanted to date he was the guy every wanted to give up their v card for and all the while i was the best friend of the guy i was in love with the one he tell all the nasty things he’s been doing with them. As hard as it was for me i couldn’t complain because we weren’t dating even when i wanted it so bad. I always found myself wishing i was the girls on the other side. We shared everything about our life and even told each other thing we never told those we dated. I couldn’t keep a stable relationship with any guy they all thought we hang out too much each other and i care for him more. They all left because they knew i was in love with him even when i tried to hide it always surfaced. My love life was a total mess and at first, it was really not a big deal because i thought with each man that come into my life a part of what i felt for him will fade away but it wasn’t the case. I found myself not being about to love them enough or always comparing them with him that always led to the death of the relationship. I knew i had to let him know i was in love with him and i knew it was going ruin a our friendship and also his relationship. I hated myself because she was a nice girl but i wanted to know if i had a chance, if we loves me just as much as i loved him but he never told me he was too mad with me for what i did not until Obudun Magonata helped me unveil it. I kinda picked the worst time to let him know about my feeling because he was engaged and i made his fiancée call it off. And for two years we didn’t speak he told me he never wanted to see me again and that i was dead to him. I was once again alone with my feeling all my effort to restore what i broke was in vain. I was happy the wedding was called off but was not so much because i didn’t get him instead he hated me for what i did. I was really really confused i wanted to stop loving i needed to get him off my mind and over. I was on that quest when i found Obudun Magonata on the Internet read about his work with some people and how they all got their heart desire. I contacted him with this email spiritsofobudunmagonata AT yahoo DOT com in the standard email form off course that they left on the Internet he told me the spirit had already told him that i was going to contact him. I only told him about how i was in love with him and what happened when i told him about my feelings but he knew we’ve best friends since we were kids that i did not tell him he reveal something only Ryan and i Knew yeah that is his name. Obudun Magonata told me that Ryan was always in love me like i loved him but he was unaware of his feeling. +I asked him to help with with an enchantment that will make him love me and spend the rest of his life with me. All he used for the process was the materials he asked me to provide and after four days he sent a package via courier service which i paid for with content based on the enchantment he had done for me. I did not pay him anything for what he did for he did not ask me for anything. I followed the instruction i was given and just like told me Ryan was my to love again and i was his to love just like i wanted. Everything happened like the movie only that it was not like it. I mean he was in another state but he came down to let me know he now knew he was in love with and he wanted to love and just love me. It was the best moment of my life i never felt happier than how i felt that day. Just for the record we have being together for a year and six months now and still strong i can even sense a proposer it was one of the thing Obudun Magonata told me will happen.+
i have a better way to make your wife horny: lie…..just tell her what she want to hear not you realy feel cause women dont like the truth…they just need to hear another lie
You’re right .
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Minty breath. Cologne. Come up close and touch her hair. Give her a compliment. Tell her she’s beautiful. Kiss forehead. Eye contact. Then kiss lips. Put hand on back of her neck. Keep kissing. And kissing deeper. Hand on her waist. Press her close. Keep kissing. Now she wants you.
My wife hasn’t made love to me in over 3 months and I am extremely wanting her but can’t get her to want me in bed. I went 11 months before and it wasn’t easy. If I don’t ask I will never get it. What can I do I have tried everything on here and nothing is working. I give her a massage and she automatically thinks I want something in return.
just take her. Literally
Chris , dump her ass and go find yourself another women .
My husband and I have been married 5 years happily I thought, but he came out and told me the same exact things you are saying and its true I didn’t want sex, I wasn’t horny anymore, I am not even affectionate. He told me it needed to change or he we may have to separate because he needs affection. Let me tell you that after he told me I felt the need to work for that affection again and things are improving already, maybe just tell her that its areal problem that she needs to give more love. Good luck to you , marriage is work but its true love also
After reading your response to bigsal42’s posting, I have to say that you Ashley are a very rare bird, indeed. The fact that you responded positively to your husbands comments is a measure of what a balanced and intelligent woman you are! Others would take the path of least resistance and cast the blame back on the man – citing dozens of excuses to justify yourself. But you DID NOT!! Instead you looked to yourself and and starting making the changes that your marriage needed.
Wishing you both all the best.
I said the same thing to my wife, and her response was that I should be focused on the problems of my kids, instead of the problem of her not wanting to have sex with me. In other words, she deflected the issue and started a HUGE fight with me. It seems like no matter how diplomatically I try to address this issue, it just leads to a massive fight. I’ve tried taking her on vacations, cruises, complimenting her, helping around the house… Nothing helps. She’ll give me a “Token” night of romance, barely kissing, barely doing the things she used to do to me, then calling it a night. Then she expects me to be OK for the next several months of NOTHING. I’m pretty much done, as soon as I finish paying off the credit cards I’m gone.
Funny how the same thing happened with a friend of mine, and my wife said he had a “Middle Aged Crisis” and started dating someone half his age. I told her, NO… Becky stopped fucking him and he had enough. He didn’t change SHE changed. Well the same thing is going on here.. I’m sure that when I leave and get myself a younger woman who is still into sex, my wife will go around telling everyone that I left her because I had a Middle Aged Crisis!
Just do one thing….go near to her …look into her eyes without looking anywhere or making expression in face
Keep talking bull shit ask questions….if u make her stare into ur eyes for 5 sec …first thing will happen to her is heavy breathe ,then her ass will wide open ..current will pass in her stomach….she will look at you like she want you
My Wife,and I have to do some roleplay to spice off our Sex life! We live out in the Bush on a Homestead 130 km Northwest from the closest Town (Watson Lake) Our 4 Daughters going to School in Watson Lake they’re Staying at the School’s Dorms. My Wife is the Athletics Director for the “Lower Post Lheidli T’enneh First Nations Band” She was one of Canada’s Top Synchronized Swimmers for 10+ yrs. She started Sync.Swimming when she was 4 yrs old she’s 39 now and she’s still practices at least twice a week,she drives to Town (1 hr and a half each way) and this way she sees the Girls and take them swiming with her, She have 3 training Partners in Town too. She was real good, In Team they placed 2.nd at the World Championships in 1999 and She won the Pan American Games tie (twice Double,and twice Teams) She was Canadian Champion twice and placed 2n. and 3’rd multiple times. She was selected for the 2000 Olympics in Sidney, but she chose to have the Baby when “we got Pregnant” I felt so Guilty coz it was her Dream. And of course Canadian Girls won all the Gold Medals in all the Events They enetred. But her Team members were so awesome they’re all Chipped in and ordered a Perfect Replika of the Sydney Gold Medal and sent it to her! aNYWAY THE THING IS ESPECIALLY wINTER i WORK AT THE rIGS 2 weeks in Camp 1 week home. So the one week we’re both home it’s only the 2 of us and our Dogs Cats our Pet Coyoty (Rescued it from a Flood when she was a pup maybe not even 2 weeks old,her eyes weren’t even open yet) So all we’re doing is have Sex like 2 to 6 times a day(then when I go to work at Camp on the Rigs,for 2 weeks I get Nothing),so we’re have to catch up. Could get laid,because there are like 10 Ladies( cooks cook helpers dish washer,Camp Attendants and the First Aid Attendants) at Camp for 6 of us Guys( two 3 mens Crew,we’re stay in Camp and drive ot to the Rig for each 12 hr shift. Plus there are the 2 Dillers the Engineer, the Toolpush, the Geologist,and 1 first aid attendant
I can’t see why she’s no longer interested in you.
This is either written by a woman or a man with a vagina. Men and women like to fuck. When a human wants to be horny it is a choice to get in that mindset. Men have the advantage of testosterone, regaurdless the most important sex organ is the brain. A woman that doesn’t want to fuck is in a different mindset, and has fallen out of practice getting there. A man that is gracious enough to go through those 6 steps should have no problem with a wife that does not want to fuck. Furthermore that man should have no problem accepting when his wife finally admits she wants to fuck , but she just doesn’t want to fuck him. Imadmit Women and men are different and these steps might work, If you started your relationship like this, and you should keep at it. If you started your relationship fucking on the first date and screwing every chance you had then keep at it. In any case Women need to keep in practice getting horny. Men have Viagra, and happily use it to assist when their body fails, but why do men have to take it upon them selves to make up for the sexual shortcomings of womens libidos. If a woman doesn’t want to fuck, that’s her prerogative. But a woman should not expects a man to tone down his sexdrive to meet her sexual shortcomings. Or lay a list if tasks to be completed before sex can happen.this article portrays woman as opportunistic dominants that take advantage of men’s need to fuck. No thanks. Lets see some articles telling women to work daily on getting themselves horned up like they did when they were seeking a mate, and ready to be fucked at the first opportunity. Giving them advice to submit to their husbands nonsexual whims and meet his sexdrive head on daily. An advice column that lets a woman know that her lack of interest is OK if she need a short relationship hiatus or is looking to end the relationship, but it is her responsibility to work on it daily the same way her husband does.
Well bigsal42, its been a yr or so since you wrote that. I am curious if you have matured enough to understand why your post was stupid or are you still single. I say that cuz no MAN would have wrote what you did. And you obiously do not understand women even a little tiny bit.
You are the idiot.
Bigsal hit the nail on the head. You feminists are pathetic!
I guess you agree with him.
Do you work on getting yourself horny for your man?
Or do you expect him to do it all?
Women initiate divorces way more.
Women cheat more.
And women are even more miserable now then ever before(even though they make more money up until their 30s…when they have kids. But many working women aren’t even having many kids)
Women are miserable. Period.
While I do agree that men (including myself) could stand to be more aware of their significant other’s daily struggles……..and while I also agree that men can do MORE to show their love besides just groping….but I oppose the idea that men have to jump through a bunch of hoops in order to have sex with their WIFE, or significant Other. It is bullshit. The implication is that women should only reward for deserving behavior. But what the hell is wrong with just having sex between two committed people? Why all the fuss? I honestly think that it is an almost fun, and definitely cruel game that women play with men. And god forbid if a man had a wandering mind in an attempt to satiate that need by himself in the privacy of a shower, etc…I know I’ll be hated on, but my opinion is that women are a lot to blame (uptight, paranoid about body) for sexual tension.
Who says they are no real Prophets, I have met one who has helped me win my lover back, his name is Prophet Samuel, he helped me get my wife back after she fell out of love with me, i could not take it, i almost ended my life until i heard about Prophet Samuel at the last convention, he prayed for me and told me my wife would come back to me and indeed my wife came back and we love each other so much now, Here is his email address, prophetsamuelyesufu@hotmail.com
This thread of comments is depressing,but so true.
My wife pulled a bait and switch.
All the while of having underlying pain from past sexual experiences she lured me in with the wild sex we had when we got together.
After she became pregnant with our first son she just completely shut down.Stopped giving.
If i did get it,i got it after a scolding for trying to get it.
I fell away and started using porn to manage my libido..big mistake…BIG MISTAKE.
From then on the “issue here” has been me.
She refuses to acknowledge the obviousness that she doesn’t want me sexually.
If at all.
I have pleaded,and practically displayed my weaknesses by begging her to try to enjoy it,but she just gets mad at me when i bring things up.
I feel like I am a prisoner.
Her solution to it all is “well why dont you just go find someone else”.
I feel like I’m gonna click out soon.
These women dont seem to understand we are simple to please and connect with.
It is these women who suck the life out of good men,with their selfish sight.
Their neverending “all about me”
I pray you all are made happy.
My only refuge in all of this is Christ.
The gospel has been the answer to all the big problems so far.
He is the answer to this one.
I want to appreciate priest tokubo for helping me to get back my wife with his powerful power, i was at the point of killing myself until i found a testimonies of how tokubo helped people to get thier ex back,now am happy with joy in my heart to share this good news that am living a happy life with my wife now. for my major purpose is to inform those that are in need of getting their ex back to get in touch with this great man, priest tokubo and be happy in thier relationship just as i am….for help you can also get in touch with him through his website, just type, highpriesttokubo. wordpress . com on your browser Thank you once again priest tokubo.
The fact is that most women are interested to make their men happy unless there is something in returns , sorry girls , i had to be honest here .
The secrets of giving Women the best orgasm are revealed here
slowly and patient is the most important thing.
7. Buy her a strap on and let her use your back door……
Come on!!! seriuosly????? fix something? give her a massage? take care of the kids? who the F wrote this?
4 years and my partner and I still have sex often but I want to spice it up a bit, I ain’t bored and I don’t think she is either, we’ve found our favourite position and we rarely change, it does get repetitive though, any suggestions
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Yeah BS men don’t don’t need to kiss ass to get sex women are to put out as scripture says.
1 Corinthians 7:3-5
“The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise
the wife to her husband. The wife’s body does not belong to her alone,
but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband’s body does not
belong to him alone, but also to his wife. Do not deprive each other
except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote
yourselves to prayer. Then, come together again so that satan will not
tempt you because of you lack of self control.”
there is no other excuse except for one or both cheating or the man or women since that can and does happen physically or mentally abusing the other.
Sorry but menopause is no excuse. Hot flashes your pussy is dry it hurts whatever fix it and stop making excuses.
If you were fat and not very attractive when he met you then if he gains weight that’s not his fault, it’s yours for being so damned shallow.
he like you fat you like him fat.
People always criticize gods word but this is true. don’t want your man to cheat spread your legs even if its begrudgingly. men too fuck you wives stop making excuses or she will cheat.
Rapped molested as a kid then deal with it stop taking it out on the man.
parents were freaky on sex get help again stop taking it out on the man.
Fucking modern feminists and shit have fucked up good marriages because of their damned selfishness. Don’t give me the it’s selfish to stay crap if you didn’t fuck it up to begin with with your feminist BS or playing upper hand games crap then more likely you’d want to stay and not feel like your being trapped.
This BS women say about Menopause tie string around it or something else similar are being selfish and sinning against their man.
Don’t give me the “Well he doesn’t fulfill this or that crap either ” IF it’s something that need, known then tell him don’t expect us to read your minds.
Even if your a closet Lesbian that’s your fault for it’s still a choice and a sin.
Most of what this scripture says is true you deny sex to one another what your doing is inviting Satan in and once in will divide you two.
If your a women who deny’s a man sex don’t’ be surprised if he cheats But at the same time don’t bitch at us about work then cheat because were working that’s BS. or bitch at us if we call in to be at home to try and spend some time with you.
One thing the bible says men are to lead,but if the women is always telling us to fuck off when we do. Can’t have it both ways we either lead or you will and in most cases if the woman leads that’s a recipe for disaster.
This sex isn’t everything is BS for to us yes it is. The kissing and all the other sexual contact is what we like and when we don’t get it the is she cheating is she a lesbian or other starts coming to mind which again is letting Satan in.
then you get pissed at us for snooping.
So yeah BS if we have to beg or do a bunch of shit to get women to put out then it’s the woman’s fault not ours.
That’s the main reason it says to not deprive each other except in agreement for a time for prayer then come together again. Because it allows Satan in and ruin our marriages.
lots of wisdom in that statement of the bible and only wicked people will not see.
again your not interested in it because Menopause and libido is gone fix it, don’t just sit there and do nothing and expect the husband ot not do something himself. If that’s how you want it then it’s your fault for not even trying or having some unreasonable expectation of what marriage was supposed to be.
Or again if your parents fucked you up by telling you sex was dirty or your mother told you something fucked up then it’s your duty not his to fix it.
Want a wife’s perspective? Read my tips to get your wife to have more sex with you
My problem is that my wife don’t want to have sex and when we due it seems like she doesn’t enjoy sex any more because she just lays there and don’t make sounds or cum any more.
I take my wife shopping:) Chocolates with high cacao and cheap flowers from the local grocery chain. It’s cheaper than a whore. Uh, just kidding. Actually, I like the article. All of us, men and women, deserve to be loved on several levels and in the best of ways. Sex is great and all of us need it. Sadly, I just know so many buddies who do not take care of themselves. Not just talking about their bodies either. They spend way too much time watching the telly and getting soft and fat when they could be studying some subject that complements their wife’s interests. Plus, my wife doesn’t like overly-buff men because it has the same effect on her as a bimbo has on me: It looks terrible and I do not wish to touch some hard, muscle-bound “woman.” So, it goes both ways. Hey! We are all in this together.
thanks for showing me how to make your wife horny… not much men like their wives fucking others, but not you..