How to Get Rid of Acne Overnight – Home Remedies

Waking up with an annoying zit on face is a man’s biggest nightmare; apart from having a bloated waistline, obviously. Yes, there are tons of reasons why your skin gets super pissed at you and allow those little stubborn pimples to pop out every now and then, but changing your lifestyle by eating right, doing right, and feeling right can do miracles.

Acne happens because of excess skin oil plus dirt plus bacteria. Don’t worry, everyone experiences an unexpected pimple from time to time. All treatments address one or more of these causes from clogging the skin pores and getting infected resulting in acne breakouts.

But what you can do if you need a solution NOW? Look for it in your own kitchen!

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is well known as a remedy for all sorts of human ailment. This is due to it being anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antiseptic. Experiments have shown that aloe vera’s antibacterial properties helps to prevent infection. It has been used to reduce inflammation and its associated pain. Aloe vera gel is used for burns and injured skin and is ideal for skin repair, it accelerates the healing process and its soothing nature calms blotches, redness and swelling of the skin.

Be careful and aware that aloe vera may cause itchiness and rashes in some people. When starting to use aloe vera, apply a small amount to a small area and monitor for any skin irritations. If this happens wash off the aloe vera with soap and warm water as you may have an allergy to the plant. Otherwise, use the aloe vera gel liberally and it will yield pleasant results.



Honey is well known for having anti-bacterial qualities and has been used by the ancients to prevent or treat infections. It has also been observed to fade out the scars of acne. Needless to say, this is a very desirable effect sought by acne sufferers. It has been reported that applying honey directly to an existing acne breakout reduces the existing inflammation. Honey can also be used regularly on the face to prevent the breakout of new acne.

Usually, a sticky paste consisting of oatmeal mixed with honey and water is applied to the face as a mask. The mask is left on for about 15 minutes to let it absorb excess oil from the skin pores. When done, the mask is washed off with water. Gently rub in the paste while washing removes dead skin cells from the face leaving a fresh exfoliated skin.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is derived from the foliage of the Melaleuca tree native to Australia. The oil extract has antibiotic properties which can reduce the bacteria that triggers acne. It is known to reduce the inflammation. Caution must be used when using Tea Tree Oil as it may cause skin irritation particularly if used too often.

Tea tree oil is typically diluted with either water or aloe vera gel. A much diluted mix is recommended as a start until sure that the skin does not get overly irritated. A few users have reported lessening of acne breakouts, minimum scarring and clearer skin.



Garlic has been known since ancient times as nature’s anti-inflammatory and antibiotic remedy. It is highly effective in reducing the swelling and redness that comes with acne. It kills the bacteria causes acne in the first place. If you can tolerate the smell and taste of garlic, it is probably best to incorporate it in your diet to minimize the recurrence of acne. Some people mix honey with the garlic to make its taste more bearable.

Raw garlic should not be rubbed directly on the affected skin area as it will sting and burn your skin. It should be diluted with water and the garlic solution used as a daily facial was. This cleans the pores and kills the acne bacteria before inflammation starts. The smell of garlic makes it an unpopular home acne remedy in spite of numerous reported successes in treating acne.

Baking Soda

Baking Soda’s antiseptic and antifungal properties have proven to be one of the inexpensive acne home remedies. It regulates the skin pH by keeping the right level of acidity/alkalinity. It is a very effective acne treatment that clears up acne quickly. Mix baking soda with water into a paste and apply to the acne breakout. Some people suggest mixing baking soda with honey instead of water. The combined acne fighting properties of baking soda and honey makes it a potent acne home remedy. Leave the paste on for 5 minutes then massage the paste in a gentle, circular motion. If you find that your skin is too sensitive, wash the paste immediately with soap and water.

You may want to try again after a while but reduce the time you leave the paste on for 2 minutes. You can use Baking soda as a regular preventive treatment to reduce the breakout of new pimples. Wash your face with baking soda to clear away dead skin that blocks oil and dirt in the pores. This should be done in the morning and before going to bed.

Green Tea


Green tea is known to be antibacterial and exhibits antioxidants effects. Studies have demonstrated that green tea has significant antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Used as an acne home remedy, it has few if any side effects. It is all natural and is cheaper than other types of acne home remedies. Green Tea may be used to treat acne by direct application to the affected skin.

This is soothing to the skin and quickly reduces any inflammation and redness. A wet green tea bag may also be used by rubbing it on the skin regularly and prevents the recurrence of acne.

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a shrub that exhibits antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The plant contains tannin acid which proves to be effective against fighting acne and other skin conditions. The extract of Witch hazel is an effective topical treatment for acne and acne scars and known decrease the swelling and redness of pimples. A distilled form of the extract when used as a wash has been shown to inhibit acne breakouts without the usual irritation that comes with other commercial astringents.

Witch hazel is applied directly to the facial skin. For breakout areas, apply witch hazel twice a day, once in the morning and once at night before bed time. Witch hazel has a tendency to dry the skin. If you notice your skin getting too dry, reduce your use of witch hazel or use a moisturizer to restore skin moisture.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar helps restore the natural condition of the skin ravaged by unhealthy lifestyle such as smoking, drinking, poor diet and lack of sleep. Used as a wash, it kills the bacteria that cause acne. Apple cider vinegar is used as a topical treatment. The vinegar is diluted to 20 percent using water.

The solution is applied to the affected area using a cotton ball and let to stand for 10 minutes then washed thoroughly with water. This is repeated 2-3 times daily until the pimples go away. The treatment should tingle at most and should never burn at the proper dilution. The undiluted acetic acid of the vinegar can irritate the skin. Apple cider vinegar is cheap and available at your local grocery store making it a popular acne home remedy.


Toothpaste contains an ingredient called “triclosen” which is antibacterial and will effectively eliminate the acne bacteria and sanitize the infected skin area. The toothpaste is applied topically to the affected spot and left for about 30 minutes then rinsed clean with soap and water. Exercise caution as toothpaste contains other additives which may prove to cause irritation. Positive results have been reported although there have been mixed opinions as to the role of toothpaste as a home acne remedy.

Want to avoid acne in the future? Start with changing your diet.

What should you eat and what should you NOT eat to avoid acne in the future

We have heard several times that overstressing, eating loads of junk food, and sleeping less are one of the many things that changes our body in an erroneous way, which is quite true. Acne is also a byproduct of these unhealthy activities. And no, it is not entirely an outcome of hormonal changes or an adolescent age result – people in their twenties can also get acne.

It is time for you to flush out all the mythical beliefs of acne from your head (like the one that says chocolate and oil triggers acne growth) and start looking at the picture more clearly. Here, in this article we have gathered some foods to eat and foods to avoid for acne.


Cutting down unhealthy foods can clear your skin, but adding foods that actually prevent acne can provide even better results. Following are some of the foods that you should definitely include in your diet to avoid pimple growth.

Green Tea

It is life savior – not only it can help in weight loss but it gives a flawless glow to your skin. So many studies have shown that EGCG, an antioxidant found in green tea is a powerful component that drastically reduces sebum production.

Applying skincare products that contain EGCG is great for acne-prone people. Also, consuming green tea daily clears out the skin. If you don’t trust skin products, you can still apply cool green tea bags on areas prone to pimples productions.



Oysters are great containers of zinc, and studies have shown that mineral zinc can reduce pimples. Taking less than 100 mg of zinc a day can clear out your skin, but make sure not to eat too much of it, otherwise there will be side effects. Other than oysters, veal liver, roasted pumpkin, roast beef, watermelon seeds, squash seeds, and toasted wheat germs contain good amount of zinc.

Omega 3 – fatty acid

Inflammation is tied with intake of omega 6- fatty acid foods. Therefore, replacing it with meals that contain omega 3- fatty acid can reduce the chances of acne. Flaxseeds, walnuts, fatty fish are great foods that tame inflammation and clear skin.



Yes you have heard many times that drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily can fight off diseases, unnecessary fat, and toxins from our body. Keeping your body hydrated should be your main goal – so is keeping your skin dewy. If you are drinking enough water a day, you will ultimately hydrate your skin. And hydrated skin is less prone to pimples, since there will be less toxins on your skin. If you are not a water lover, you can always flavor it up with lemon, cucumber, grapes, oranges, and berries to add more benefits into it.

Fresh Juice

We have already mentioned that fruits and vegetables are low-glycemic foods that can help in eliminating acne. Leafy greens that are dark detoxify our body and wash out toxins from our skin. Dark berries on the other hand contain phytonutrients that are great for our skin. Many fruits and vegetables are also anti-inflammatory; therefore, consuming their freshly squeezed juices can clear out pimples.

Other foods like:

  • broccoli,
  • garlic,
  • nuts,
  • artichoke,
  • brown rice,
  • alfalfa sprout,
  • red grapes,
  • avocados

are also great in fighting off overwhelming zits. Once you understand what food you should include in your platter, your lifestyle will most certainly lead towards a happier you and a healthier, better-looking skin.


It’s only recently that studies and researches around the world have shown that eating chocolates more than often does not result in pimples, but it definitely leads to weight gain, which is another topic to debate over. Let’s focus on the foods given below that can directly or indirectly spark off acne.


Many people have suspected that sugar changes our body in quite a lot of ways – some researchers suggested that it produces acne as well. If you have a sweet tooth for sodas and candy bars, it is time for you to cut down your sugar intake. This not entirely means that adding sugar in your meals in an appropriate amount activates pimple growth too, but having too many sugar in your meal even at a particular time of the day can ultimately generate a zit after couple of hours.

Cow Milk and Dairy Products


Although it is not yet clear as to why cow’s milk increases acne, but scientists have stated that consuming cow’s milk increases sugar level in our body, which gradually boosts up inflammation, leading to acne.

It also increases insulin level because most of the packaged dairy milk we drink comes from pregnant cows that are going through hormonal changes – these can increase sebum, the substance that generates pimple. Studies of 2005 by Nurse’s Health Study II have also shown that teens who consumed more milk had higher percentage of severe acne than teens that had little amount of milk intake or no milk at all.

Fast Food

It is our generations’ dilemma to prefer healthy meals over fast foods. Studies have already pointed out fast food as a culprit of childhood asthma, because of generating inflammation in overall body. Inflammation ultimately leads to acne, so the next time you plan to eat fast food, remind yourself about the consequences.

High-Glycemic Meals

Processed grains, white bread, potato chips, pretzels, cookies, candies, cakes, white rice, and processed cereals are some of the foods that contain high-glycemic, which is known for creating inflammation and hormonal fluctuation in our body. And we all know what these two encourages – acne! Choose low-glycemic meals like whole grains, brown rice, sweet potatoes, vegetables, and most importantly, fruits.

5 Effective Skin Care Routine for People with Acne-Prone Skin

Acne is one of the problems most young people face today, especially during their adolescence stage. Besides itchiness and discomfort, acne breakouts can also affect their confidence and self-esteem.

It may be a trivial problem compared to other diseases, but the emotional consequences of having such skin problems can impact your entire life and make you feel less than confident.    

On top of that, some studies have shown that people with acne breakouts experienced emotional, psychological, and social ramifications. There are some great home remedies to get rid of acne overnight, but it’s way better to focus on prevention to avoid scars and additional stress.

They tend to struggle against  psychological issues such as embarrassment, dissatisfaction with their appearance, and self-consciousness. As a result, it affects their daily and social activities, works, studies, as well as interpersonal relationships. 

If you don’t want to suffer any of these, you should take care of your skin before zits, blemishes, and pimples will invade your face; Surely, there are no young men out there who will want that. Though everyone’s skin is different, there are skin care routines that can work wonders for gentlemen who have oily and acne-prone skin. Check them out!   

1. Cleanse Your Face The Right Way 

Cleansing is essential with oily skin to prevent blemishes and acne breakouts. It may seem to be the most simple and straightforward step to any skincare routine, but doing it correctly with the right product could make a huge difference. As such, if you’re only washing your face with soap whenever it looks dirty, you’re doing it the wrong way. 

Ideally, it would be best if you cleansed your face twice a day, once in the morning and another at night before going to bed. Cleansing in the morning refreshes you by eliminating dull skin and impurities, while nighttime cleansing, on the other hand, can wash away pore-clogging dirt from sitting on your face throughout the night. 

On top of that, you shouldn’t use any soap on your face, unless they’re specifically formulated for your skin type. Most generic bar soaps can change the skin’s pH balance, increasing yeast, and bacteria growth. To avoid this from happening, you should find a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser that is alcohol-free in cleaning your face.  

Furthermore, to effectively remove the daily grime without drying out or irritating your skin, you should splash lukewarm water on your face before washing. Warm water temperature can open up pores and help loosen the dirt while preserving the natural hydrating oils of your skin. When you’re done cleansing, use cold water in rinsing your face to close the pores, then pat it dry.

2. Exfoliate Your Skin to Get Rid of Blemishes

Besides washing your face, exfoliating is another essential step in taking care of your skin. But unlike cleansing, scrubbing your face shouldn’t be done on an everyday basis. However, men with oily and acne-prone skin should exfoliate more often than those with dry and sensitive skin.   

If you have oily skin, exfoliating 1 to 3 times a week is ideal for eliminating dead skin cells, as well as other bacteria on your face. With this, healthier and fresher skin cells will come out, improving your complexion and, at the same time, preventing acne breakouts. Hence, the less build-up on your skin, the fewer breakouts and clogged pores you’ll have. 

How to exfoliate your skin?

  • Choosing the right facial scrub is the first step in skin exfoliation. You should use a product that contains tiny beads and is more gentle on your face to prevent irritation. 
  • Put a nickel-sized amount of facial exfoliating scrub on your palm and massage it around your face in a sweeping and circular motion. Be careful not to put something on your lips and eye area, the skin here is susceptible and thin. Otherwise, the grainy scrubs may aggravate and damage these sensitive parts of your face. 
  • Gently exfoliate your face. Your aim shouldn’t be scrubbing off multiple layers on your face but removing dead skin cells and other build-ups that cause acne. That said, exfoliating should be more like buffing than scrubbing to prevent skin irritation and more damage.

3. Don’t Forget the Toner in Your Skincare Kit

If cleansers unclog pores and eliminate grimes, exfoliators remove dead skin cells, toner, on the other hand, balances the oil levels of your skin. In other words, this skincare product might work miracles for guys with an oily and acne-prone face

Here are some of the reasons why facial toner is a great helping hand for gentlemen who want to deal with their slick, sweaty, and greasy skin:

  • Balances skin pH levels. Men with oily faces find it more challenging to maintain the pH balance of their skin. If your skin’s pH level gets off the equilibrium, you may experience skin inflammation, faster-developing wrinkles, and higher risk for blemishes. Thus, to avoid these skin problems, applying toner to your face is a significant step.
  •  Controls oil production. Excess oil production can give your face a greasy sheen that may cause acne breakouts. Good thing, facial toner for men balances the oil levels of your skin and gives your face a healthy and glowing appearance. 
  • Unclogs or minimizes pores. Facial toner designed explicitly for gents eliminates redness, reduces inflammation, and removes pore-clogging impurities. As a result, your pores will become less noticeable and reduces the chance of having acne breakouts. 
  • Toner enhances the effects of facial moisturizers. When the excess oil on your face has been removed, and your skin’s pH level is balanced, the moisturizer you apply will absorb more on your skin, making it more effective. 

How To Use Facial Toner?

Using facial toner is simple. All you have to do is place a few drops on cotton balls or in the palm of your hands, then distribute it evenly all over your face after cleansing and or exfoliating. Make sure not to skip the crucial areas that are susceptible to oil and acne accumulation. 

Furthermore, applying toner once in a day is enough to prevent redness and over-drying — make sure you’ll use the one with an alcohol-free formula. If you have sensitive skin, you can start using it twice a week to observe how your skin reacts to its ingredients. The following week you can move forward and apply it every other day, and after that, you can use it daily.   

4. Moisturizing Your Skin is Essential

Most people with oily skin thought that moisturizers could only worsen their problems; that’s why they didn’t include moisturizing as a part of their skincare routine. However, adding oil and adding moisture are two different things. That means you’re not putting extra oil on your face when you apply moisturizer. 

In fact, this product protects your skin from the harmful effects of sunlight, environmental pollutants, wind, and shaving without clogging your pores. In addition, the products made from natural ingredients offered by Anoque Skincare and other brands work better for men with oily faces. 

How to Moisturize Your Face?

To achieve healthy and hydrated skin, you can apply moisturizer after shower or immediately after you’ve cleansed and patted dry your face. With the same manner in cleansing and toning, you should also moisturize your face with a gentle touch. Doing it twice every day is ideal, especially if you have dehydrated skin.

As a piece of advice, apply your evening moisturizer at least 30 minutes before going to bed so that it has time to sink in and doesn’t rub off on your blanket and pillows.

Man getting a mud mask at a spa

5. Use Facial Mask to Deep Clean Your Pores

Another effective way to control your oily face is by using facial masks for men. Yes, you read it right! Facial masks are for men too. This skincare product helps spruce up gentlemen’s complexion, whether they want to remove dead skin, unclog pores, or lessen the appearance of wrinkles. 

There are different types of facial masks you can incorporate in your skincare routine. Here’s a few of them:

  • Cream masks
  • Clay masks
  • Peel-off masks
  • Sheet masks
  • Gel masks
  • Overnight masks
  • Aging masks
  • Mud masks

In choosing a facial mask, you should check its formula and make sure it’s recommended for your skin type. Thus, opt for the one with deep cleaning natural ingredients to help diminish dirt and excess oil from your pores. By doing so, you don’t have to worry that it’ll leave your skin dehydrated or irritate your face. 

How to use facial masks? 

The first step in applying facial masks is choosing the right product for your skin. If you have an oily and acne-prone face, gel masks or clay and mud-based can be perfect. Once you’ve found the one, here’s what you need to do:

  • Spread an even amount of gel or clay masks over your face using your fingertips. Avoid getting it on your eyes and lips as these areas are susceptible and thin.  
  • Leave the mask on your face as specified on the instruction. 
  • After a particular time, wash off the mask with lukewarm water and cleanser until it’s completely removed. 
  • The last step is moisturizing. 

Moreover, you should apply a facial mask only once or twice a week. Also, don’t leave it on your face for too long as it could dry out your skin. 

Bonus Tip: Don’t Overdo It!

If there’s one thing that you should remember when doing the five skincare routine above, it will be “Don’t overdo it!” Thus, if you think the more you wash your face or exfoliate daily produces better results, you are mistaken.

If you wash your face more than twice a day, it may produce more oil instead of putting it under control. Excessive scrubbing, on the one hand, may cause burning, redness, and or peeling. If any of these will happen, your skincare routine won’t work and leave you the exact opposite of the results you want to achieve.  


Whether you’re an adult dealing with an oily face or a young gent who wants to get rid of pimples and blemishes, following a skincare routine is essential in dealing with your skin problems. The tips mentioned above will only take some minutes, but the results may significantly impact your everyday life. 

Why will you need to go through psychological issues of having acne when there are countless ways to prevent it? Thus, if you’re doing nothing to avoid it, you should start following a skincare routine right now before it’ll be too late.

Sarah Williams
Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is an avid blogger who specializes in dating advice. Her interests include gender relations and the underlying mechanisms that drive human interactions. You can check out her thoughts on men, sex, dating and love at Wingman Magazine .

Articles: 69


  1. Baking soda is commonly known as sodium bicarbonate. It is very beneficial for the skin. Baking soda can be removed dead skin cells and pores. It regulates pH levels of the skin, good for the human. Because of these, baking soda remedy is very useful for the acne or acne scars. Here I am going to telling you how to get rid of acne scars with baking soda.

    1. Make a paste by mixing 2 teaspoon of baking soda and a little water..

    2. Apply this paste on your affected area and wait to let it dry..

    3. After it Dry, then wash your face with cold water..

    4. Do this 2 times in week…

  2. My Friend have rosacea as well! I have a few tips to add. I have noticed that the biggest contributors to skin redness are sugar and oily food. Once you eliminate them from your diet you can see a complete transformation. I tried that for 2 months and the results were amazing.. Hot water and overexposure to sun are also bad ideas since they open up the pores more and cause more redness. This is nice post about how to get rid of facial redness.

  3. Pimples are a ussual skin condition that have an effect on lots of
    people. Pimples are an inflammation of skin within which the sebaceous
    glands (oil glands) develop into infected with bacteria, swell up, and
    fill with pus.

    Excess sebum secretion by the oil glands is the primary cause behind
    this problem. Pimples quite often occur on the face, neck, back and
    shoulders. Though not a critical issue, pimples can make someone feel
    miserable owing to their appearance.

    You can find lots of lotions and drug treatments available on the
    market to treat pimples but they could take time. Many natural methods
    are effective inside treating pimples within an extremely in short time.

    Listed here are the top find out how to get rid of pimples fast.

    1. ice

    Ice can be used to quickly reduce the redness, swelling and
    inflammation of pimples. It helps in improving blood circulation to the
    affected area, and in tightening the skin pores and eliminating dirt and
    oil accrued on the skin. Momentary relief from pimples can be gotten
    from ice, you may use ice cubes or crushed ice, whichever is convenient.
    Here is step by step how to get rid of pimples fast using ice

    – First, take an ice 3d shape and wrap it up in a delicate and clean bit of material.

    – Now, apply everything over your pimple and leave for a few minutes.

    – You can likewise take an aluminum foil and fold ice cubes in it. Verify that the ice doesn’t drop out from the foil.

    – Now put the foil stuffed ice cubes in a Ziploc pack.

    – Check whether any air is trapped inside the zip lock pocket. Apply it
    directly on the pimples for faster relief and a soothing effect.

    2. Lemon

    One more fast method to get rid of pimples overnight using lemon
    juice, which is rich in vitamin C. Lemon juice helps pimples dry up
    faster. Be sure to use fresh lemon juice and not bottled juice, which
    has preservatives. You will find a pair of ways to use this remedy.

    – Dip a clean cotton swab in fresh lemon juice and apply it to the pimples before going to bed.

    – You can also mix one tablespoon of lemon juice with one teaspoon of
    cinnamon powder and put it on the pimples overnight. In the morning,
    wash the skin well with lukewarm water. However, this particular remedy
    is not suitable for those with sensitive skin. We would not recommend
    this remedy for individuals with sensitive skin since It may cause
    irritation, dryness and redness.

    Read more

  4. DermalMD Acne Serum is very effective in treating acne and acne scars. It is nice and cool on the skin. Very gentle, no harmful effects on my skin, and it smells great. My skin feel much cleaner now.

  5. You CAN get rid of your acne! The only method that worked to get rid of my crippling acne was – I had tried a lot of methods to rid myself of my acne, but nothing else worked. After using the tips on my acne cleared up and very quickly, I might add. My skin is now remarkably clear. Not a day goes by where I don’t thank the Lord that I found this powerful solution. It really works to eliminate acne forever… it’s actual real information you can use right now…unlike anything I have ever seen before in the acne industry. Best of luck to those of you wishing to end your acne problems. I did it and so can you!

  6. I purchased dermalmd acne serum for my teenage step daughter since I don’t have much of an issue with acne. After a week of using it as recommended her skin started clearing up. However, she did complain of a burning sensation but still continues to use it. I would say that her acne has reduced about 70% since she started using it a little over a month ago.

  7. I have acne on my face and it quite get irritated with razors and harsh products. DermalMD Acne Serum is just perfect for me. I use it on regular basis which helped me to reduce acne & pores.It is just a nice product.

  8. I’ve been using dermalmd acne serum for a years and it really works ! You do have to use a moisturizer with it because it does make your skin dry but it clears up acne and keeps it away with continued use.

  9. We’ve tried several products for our daughter’s stubborn acne and
    Dermalmd blemish serum was the best product by far. It was quick and did
    not dry out her skin like other products did.

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