How to Increase Your Testosterone Naturally – 29 Natural Testosterone Boosters

The natural male hormone is involved in a number of important bodily functions. Not only does it help to repair muscles and strengthen bones, testosterone also plays a key role in maintaining sexual performance.

Food is a fuel that your body uses to produce energy. It delivers vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins, and other nutrients to the organism, thus improving its health. When you want to lose weight, you change your diet.

To improve heart health and decrease the risk of multiple diseases, you make some tweaks in your eating pattern.

In recent years, testosterone boosting has become all the rage. The question is; can you boost testosterone levels with food ?

Why Boost Your Testosterone?

Natural levels of the hormone decrease with age, and as a result of environmental stressors. It’s, therefore, no wonder that more and more men are looking for ways to boost their testosterone production.

Lower than average testosterone levels in men have been shown to:

  • Reduce muscle mass
  • Reduce libido and sexual performance
  • Reduce bone density
  • Increase the risk of prostate cancer
  • Increase heart disease risk
  • Increase the risk of depression and anxiety
  • Increase all-cause mortality risk

There are easy and safe ways to test your testosterone levels at home and be sure what is your true testosterone level.

Although there are plenty of pills and potions out there that promise to solve all of your testosterone woes and send your levels through the roof, many of them are based on little to no evidence and may do nothing more than draining your wallet.

Thankfully, there are a number of natural alternatives. Most of them you can easily pick up at your everyday grocery store, and they don’t cost an arm and a leg.

Without sufficient testosterone, a man becomes infertile. The procedure of spermatogenesis requires testosterone. In men, testosterone is necessary to maintain an adequate level of red blood cells, sexual function, bone growth, and muscle bulk. Most of us associate testosterone with all the things that make us masculine. It affects the size of our muscles, sex drive, and even how dense our beards are! It’s a vital hormone that makes us who we are, but levels can vary massively between different people.

If your body isn’t producing as much as it should, then you’ll soon start to see the warning signs, but where do you go from there? How can you increase your testosterone without resorting to dodgy pills from that guy at the gym? In this article, we look at 5 ways to naturally boost your T-levels and maintain those alpha-male looks.

How can I Tell if My Testosterone Levels are Low?

It can be tricky to tell if your testosterone levels are low, particularly when they first start to drop. However, there are some classic symptoms that point to this issue, so if you’re experiencing some of the following then your hormones may be the cause…

  • Low muscle mass – either struggling to build muscle or an overall decrease in volume
  • More body fat – especially around the chest (also known as ‘man boobs’)
  • Hair loss – particularly facial or body hair
  • Tiredness – lack of energy or extreme fatigue
  • Low sex drive – just not feeling up for sex like you used to
  • Erection difficulties – having trouble with either getting or maintaining one
  • Changes in mood – feeling irritable, depressed, or struggling to concentrate

You don’t have to believe a lucky guess anymore. There are easy and safe ways to test your testosterone levels at home.

The best way to know for sure is to have a blood test – this will tell you categorically if you have low testosterone levels. If changes in mood are getting to you, particularly feelings of depression, then it’s worth getting advice from a qualified medical professional rather than trying to deal with it alone.

Causes of Low Testosterone Levels

The body starts declining testosterone level naturally. This decrease is common after 30 years in men, and this process will continue for the rest of your life. Some significant reasons for this decline are mentioned below:

  • A decrease in libido (sex desire)
  • Reduced erectile quality for nighttime erections
  • Mood swings
  • A decrease in cognitive and intellectual function
  • Anger, depression, and fatigue 
  • Reduction in muscle strength and mass
  • Diminished body hair
  • Reduced mineral density or bone mass
  • Increase in the mass of abdominal fat
  • Chronic illness
  • Alcoholism and smoking

Without testosterone, you may feel depressed, experience decrease in the sense of well-being, erectile dysfunction, lose his sex desire/drive, and find it difficult to concentrate. 

Ways to Skyrocket Your Testosterone Levels (100% Naturally)

There are some practical steps you can take to address your testosterone levels naturally. If you are experiencing the symptoms of reduction in testosterone levels, you can treat it by bringing some changes in your diet and lifestyle:

Here are 5 of the easiest and most effective

1. Stay Active

Exercise is crucial. If you’re sedentary all the time, your body’s natural testosterone levels will adapt accordingly. When you get out and exercise on a regular basis, you tell your body it needs to produce more testosterone. You can start slow with something as small as walking quickly for 10 to 20 minutes each day. You should combine this with regular weight and resistance training. As you progress, a trainer can help you learn the proper form for better results.

Exercise is an effective way to avoid numerous lifestyle-related diseases. It can dramatically improve your testosterone. People who diet and exercise regularly have higher levels of testosterone.  With growing age, the exercise increases the testosterone levels, reaction time, and fitness. Physical activities can ultimately reduce your weight.

You will notice an increase in testosterone because obesity is an underlying reason for low testosterone levels. You can try weight lifting to boost your testosterone.

HIIT (high-intensity interval training) can be useful. You can take creatine monohydrate supplements and caffeine to increase the levels of testosterone.

2. Lose Excessive Weight

Maintain a healthy weight. If you’re concerned about your weight, address the problem now. Hit the gym and find a diet plan that works for you. Some do better on a vegetarian diet. A growing number of people have found success with the high-fat keto diet. Obese or overweight men tend to also have lower testosterone levels.

Lower testosterone levels can also make it harder to lose weight or maintain muscle. It’s up to you to break the cycle. While you might not think about it as much, men who are underweight can also benefit from gaining weight. Avoid crash diet because it is harmful to your testosterone level. If you want to achieve a healthy weight, make sure to follow healthy eating and exercise routine. 

Obesity is a leading cause of low levels of testosterone. If you want to improve the testosterone level, it is essential to pay attention to your weight. Eat healthy food, treat with a psychologist the emotional causes if you have tendency to emotional eating and increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

3. Train on an Empty Stomach

Not many people realize this, but exercising on an empty stomach can skyrocket your testosterone levels. When the body doesn’t have food, it’s unsure when it will get its next influx of energy. It doesn’t know that you’re planning to eat a meal right after, so it thinks it may be at risk of starving.

One of the coping mechanisms that it’s developed over the generations is to pump out high levels of testosterone and growth hormone. This is designed to ensure that your body makes the most of the mass it already has, but can also be used to your advantage. By doing this every time you train, you’ll generate a healthy boost of testosterone naturally.

4. Increase the intensity of your workouts

Lifting heavier weights isn’t the only way to push your body harder. You can also increase the intensity of your workouts to create the same stimulus effect on your testosterone levels. This means moving faster and taking shorter breaks between exercises so that you don’t have as much recovery time.

A high-intensity approach will keep your heart rate elevated for longer, give your metabolism a boost, and ensure that the body feels sufficiently stressed to increase T-levels. Sprint intervals are a fantastic way to achieve this high-intensity effect.

Warm up for 5-10 minutes beforehand and then go all-out on 30-second sprints. Rest for 30-60 seconds between each one and then repeat 10-12 times.

Remember to run at maximum speed so that you’re truly pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.  Then do a 5-minute cooldown afterwards to flush out any lactic acid and keep your muscles injury-free. You can combine this with training on an empty stomach to produce an even greater effect.

5. Go Heavy With the Weights

If you want to give your testosterone levels a boost, then lifting heavier weights is the way forward. The higher the weight you train with, the more stress you put on the body. In the gym environment, this stress is great because it stimulates your systems, which causes them to increase testosterone production. By pushing yourself that little bit more, you can super-boost your T-levels quickly and easily.

One really effective training technique is to focus on compound movements. You’re probably familiar with them already, but for those that aren’t – they’re the exercises that recruit more than one muscle. For example, a bicep curl just works the bicep, but a pull-up works the bicep, deltoids, trapezius, and core muscles too. This makes it a much more efficient exercise since you’re hitting four muscle groups instead of just one.

Try incorporating squats, lunges, bench presses, dips, deadlifts, and military presses into your workouts. And don’t sacrifice quality when you’re lifting heavier weights as this will reduce the results. Focus on correct form and technique so that you get the most out of every movement.

5. Eat More Carbs, Fat and Protein

Eating habits have a significant impact on testosterone and other hormones. You should focus on your long-term diet strategy. Overeating or constant dieting can disturb your testosterone levels. Eat sufficient protein to build muscles and reduce body fat. It is beneficial for your testosterone. Carb consumption is also crucial because foods rich in carbs can optimize testosterone levels during your resistance training.

Healthy fats are also good for your health and testosterone. Your diet should consist of whole food with the right balance of carbs, protein, and healthy fat. It proves helpful to optimize the level of hormone and improve your long-term health. Keep it in mind that crash diets and overeating; both are harmful to your testosterone levels.

6. Decrease Cortisol Levels and Stress

Long-term stress is harmful to your health because it can increase the level of cortisol hormone. The abnormal increase in cortisol can decrease testosterone. These hormones work like a seesaw, such as if one hormone goes up, the other will automatically come down.

High cortisol and stress can increase your hunger, storage of harmful body fat around critical organs, and trigger weight gain. These changes can negatively impact the level of testosterone. To improve hormone levels and health, make sure to decrease monotonous, stressful situations around you. 

7. Vitamin D Supplements

Vitamin D is a natural testosterone booster. Almost half of the US population lacks vitamin D. An increase in vitamin D can directly affect the production of testosterone. In old age, calcium and vitamin D can optimize testosterone levels that decrease the falling risk. If you want to boost your testosterone levels, you have to get exposure to sunlight regularly or take almost 3000 IU supplement of vitamin D3 daily. It will help you to reap lots of benefits like healthy bones.

8. Healthy Fats

If you are accustomed to consuming junk food and carbohydrates, you will experience low testosterone. Stay away from unhealthy junk food and increase the consumption of healthy fats. Stay away from healthy calories and increase the use of healthy fats. There are three classes of healthy fat, such as saturated fat, monounsaturated fats, and omega-3 fatty acids.

The saturated fats are coconut oils and fermented dairy products like sheep or goat milk cheese, yogurt, goat milk kefir. Flaxseeds, walnuts, and chia seeds are healthy sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Avocado, almonds, and olive oil are a good source of monounsaturated fats to boost testosterone naturally.

The most effective way to do this is to workout first thing in the morning. By doing it early, you’ll be well-rested and completely fasted from sleeping overnight. This means that you’ll have high energy levels and an empty stomach – a combination that produces the best training results. Be sure to drink some water first and then get on with your usual workout.  

If you start to feel hungry, then just push through it – the feeling will subside once you’ve been exercising for a while. In most cases, hunger is more like a habit than an actual physical need. It’s just appearing because your body is used to eating at a certain time of day, not because it really needs the food. The hormones that produce these feelings of hunger tend to spike in the morning but will soon subside once your body starts moving. Unless you have exceptionally low levels of body fat, you’re unlikely to pass out from delaying that one meal!

For people who prefer to train in the evenings or can’t fit it in first thing, this approach can still work. You’ll just need to ensure that you don’t eat anything (not even a snack) in the 3-4 hours before working out. This should mean that your stomach is empty enough for testosterone production to be kick-started.

Fat has been demonized for years, but doctors now agree that it’s essential for our health. Gone are the ideas that simply eating fat causes you to become physically fat – the body doesn’t operate that way! There are far more complex processes at work when we digest and absorb food, one of which is its relationship with hormones. Without sufficient intake of healthy fats, you risk compromising how hormones (and in particular testosterone) are released throughout the body.

The simplest step you can take is to increase the amount of healthy fats that you eat. This means focusing on things like oily fish (sardines, mackerel, salmon), avocados, and free-range eggs. Try adding nuts and seeds (like hemp, chia, almonds, and walnuts) to your salads and cereal, or snacking on them between meals. Testosterone boosting foods like these will ensure that your body has the building blocks it needs to create and release the hormone so that your T-levels are given a nice uplift.

9. High-quality Sleep

Along with a healthy diet and exercise, your body requires plenty of sounds and restful sleep. The ideal time for sleep may vary in each person, but a study found that sleeping for only five hours each night can bring a 15% reduction in the testosterone levels. Every extra sleeping hour can give a 15% increase in your testosterone levels.

Lack of sleep can completely mess with your hormones but it’s something that many of us overlook. If you’re not getting enough shut-eye, have a changeable sleep schedule, or wake up at regular intervals, then you aren’t getting the rest you need to function optimally. If you want to increase your testosterone levels quickly, then it’s essential to prioritize sleep and head to bed at a decent hour.

Aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep every night – this is pure sleep, not hours in bed. So, if it takes you a while to nod off then you’ll need to plan for this in your sleep schedule and get into bed a little earlier. Ensure that your room is quiet and dark so that nothing disturbs the quality of your sleep.

If you’re accidentally woken in the night by noises or lights, then it completely disrupts your sleep cycle. This means that your hormones won’t be released on cue like they should be and can further contribute to low testosterone. Getting to bed early on a regular basis will help to rebalance your T-levels while improving your energy and focus too.

Do you sometimes feel tired all day? Have you lost your interest in sex? Maybe you have trouble concentrating. For men, these things could all be connected. If you don’t get enough sleep, your testosterone levels drop. According to Rowena A. DeSouza MD, “The link actually goes both ways. Low testosterone can cause sleep disturbances, and sleep disturbances can cause low testosterone. It can become a vicious cycle.”

How do we know this link exists? In 2011, a study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). It showed the effects of just one week of sleep loss. All subjects were considered to be healthy young men. Studies have already shown sleep loss to be a factor in low testosterone levels for older men. Sleep apnea has also been linked to low testosterone levels in men.

The JAMA study used ten men who volunteered for regular testosterone level checks over eight nights. The study showed men who were deprived of sleep saw a decrease of 10 to 15% in their day time testosterone levels. The afternoon and evening were the lowest times for testosterone levels. Each night, the subjects were only allowed to sleep five hours. The loss of testosterone got progressively worse over the course of the study.

Obstructive sleep apnea is one of the more common conditions that can be linked to this. Patients stop breathing for minutes sometimes during the night. This can repeat itself hundreds of times in just one night. Because it disrupts the natural sleep cycles, it causes daytime fatigue. If left untreated, it can also contribute to high blood pressure, diabetes, being issued a Cpap and more. When obstructive sleep apnea is treated, studies have shown the testosterone levels return to normal.

The American Urological meeting in 2012 showcased a study of 2,121 male law enforcement professionals. 38% of those tested had low testosterone while just 43% had sleep apnea. Among the men with sleep apnea, subjects were 50% more likely to have low testosterone levels.

Why Does Lack of Sleep Cause Low Testosterone (and Vice Versa)?

Just like other parts of the body, it would seem testosterone requires restful sleep for replenishment. If sleep deprivation continues, levels of the stress hormone cortisone also rise. This decreases testosterone levels. Regardless of age, most testosterone is replenished as you sleep. Studies in men of different ages show men with low testosterone levels often experience more sleep disturbances. The exact mechanisms are unknown.

How can you improve your sleep quality?

Set a Routine

You might not realize how disorganized your schedule is until you look at it. Decide on a reasonable time when you can go to bed and get up every day. Give yourself the right number of hours every night, and then stick to it.

Get Comfortable

Figure out what makes you comfortable and what might bother you. The right mattress is ideal. If you can’t afford to buy a new one or live in a furnished apartment, try getting a good mattress cover and sheets. The bedroom should be dark, quiet, and the right temperature. If you’re especially sensitive, also make sure things like dirt, sand, and dog hair don’t get stuck in your sheets.

Section Off Your Bedroom

Don’t mix the bedroom and other areas of your life. The bedroom should be solely for sleep and other related activities. Avoid using your phone, computer, and other devices in the bedroom. Also, avoid eating in the bedroom including large meals shortly before you go to sleep.

Skip the Caffeine

Some people just avoid caffeine for a few hours before they go to bed. Others cut out any form of caffeine all day to avoid staying awake at night and sleep deprivation. It depends on how sensitive your body is. Many people find this can make a big difference.

Get Tested

If you wake up fatigued or don’t feel you’re getting enough sleep, get tested. You could have sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, or other conditions and not know it. If you do, getting it treated early can mean improving your health and testosterone levels starting immediately

10. Increase your testosterone levels naturally with Foods

Read on to discover our top 18 testosterone boosting foods, and start implementing them into your diet today.

1. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a great source of zinc, an important mineral that has repeatedly been shown to help boost testosterone levels. A study conducted in the mid nineties suggested that low testosterone levels in males could often be traced back to a zinc deficiency.

Pumpkin seeds also contain high concentrations of magnesium, another mineral that helps to raise testosterone levels, along with other growth hormones such as IGF-1.

What’s more, pumpkin seeds are also a great source of plant-based protein, helping to maintain muscle mass and improve satiety. Having excess body fat is one of the factors that can lead to a decrease in natural testosterone levels over time.

Enjoy pumpkin seeds as they are, in a trail mix or blended in a smoothie.

2. Avocadoes

Best Natural Testosterone Boosters

Avocados are a good source of healthy fats, which are crucial in the formation of testosterone.

Studies suggest that diets containing adequate amounts of both unsaturated and saturated fats can significantly increase serum testosterone levels in males.

Avocados are also rich in Vitamin B-6, which aids in the absorption of zinc. As mentioned above, zinc is one of the most powerful natural testosterone boosters available.

For a healthy, testosterone boosting lunch, try your avocado mashed on wholemeal bread with salad, or in a bean burrito (obviously with a generous dash of hot sauce).

3. Kale

Kale is big news these days, and rightly so.

Aside from being a great source of fibre, Vitamin A and Vitamin C, the curly green leaves can also help balance your manly hormones.

Kale contains indole-3-carbinol, a phytochemical that reduces the activity of the aromatase enzyme in the body. The aromatase enzyme is involved in the production of oestrogen, the female hormone that blocks testosterone production. Reducing oestrogen levels subsequently allows testosterone levels to increase.

To preserve the nutrient content, lightly steam your kale and enjoy it as a side dish.

4. Matcha Green Tea

Match tea is commonly consumed in Japan, a country with some of the highest life expectancy rates in the world. Perhaps surprisingly, it shows promising results when it comes to testosterone production.

Our bodies are constantly under attack from free radicals, natural substances that are produced as a by-product of ageing and environmental stressors. Left unchecked, free radicals can cause damage to cells in the testicles, reducing testosterone production.

Matcha tea is rich in antioxidants, which help to combat oxidation and damage from these free radicals, promoting healthy sperm cells and free testosterone production.

5. Pseudo Grains

Pseudo grains such as amaranth and quinoa have seen an increase in popularity as of late, mainly because of their gluten free status and high levels of protein.

In addition to these benefits, the ancient grains may also help to maintain testosterone levels. They contain the amino acid d-asparaginic acid, which stimulates the release of the luteinizing hormone, produced in the pituitary gland.

This hormone travels to the testicles via the blood, increasing testosterone production and sperm quality.

6. Grapes


Red grapes are a potent source of resveratrol, a polyphenol that has antioxidant properties. Regular consumption of resveratrol rich foods has been linked to an improvement in sperm health.

Grapes also contain the compound quercetin, which is commonly found in apples, berries and onions too. This flavonoid also acts an antioxidant, and helps to inhibit enzymes that reduce testosterone levels.

Enjoy your grapes as a light snack, or include them in your big green salad.

7. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is a plant that is commonly used in Indian and Mediterranean cooking. The leaves can be used as an herb, or the seeds ground down into a spice.

Fenugreek contains active compounds, which help to increase the activity of certain enzymes that convert cholesterol into testosterone.

Try adding fenugreek powder to a homemade curry, and for an added bonus, serve with kale and quinoa!

8. Bananas

Bananas are a great source of bromelain, an enzyme that helps our bodies to digest protein and increase serum testosterone levels. Bananas are also rich in B-Vitamins that increase the absorption of zinc, which as mentioned above, is another mineral that enhances testosterone production.

In addition, bananas contain substantial amounts of dietary fibre, helping to stabilise blood sugar levels and maintain a lean body composition.

9. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a natural source of Vitamin D, which is widely recognised for the role it plays in maintaining a healthy skeletal system.

Low levels of the vitamin have been linked with decreased testosterone production in males, so it may be wise to regularly consume Vitamin D rich foods such mushrooms and fresh water fish.

10. Black Beans

Beans are beneficial for the hormonal health of the male. The black, kidney, and white beans are an excellent source of zinc and vitamin D. Baked beans offer proper nutrients in your regular diet. This plant-based food has lots of protein and good for your heart health. 

Black beans are another food rich in zinc, the testosterone-boosting mineral, as well as being a source of Vitamin-D.

Beans also contain good quality plant-based protein, important for muscle growth and repair. Furthermore, numerous studies have linked beans and other legumes to improved heart health.

11. Garlic

Garlic contains the compound allicin, which has been shown to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Stress is thought be one of the main contributing factors with regards to a decrease in testosterone levels.

When levels of stress hormones are brought back down to normal levels, testosterone production can function as usual.

Garlic also presents a wide range of other health benefits, helping to bat off the common cold, and aiding in weight loss.

12. Goat Weed

Epimedium or ‘horny goat weed’ is an herb that has long been used in Chinese medicine to treat impotence and naturally boost testosterone levels.

It contains the active ingredient icariin, a flavonoid that behaves similarly to testosterone when in the body. Goat weed also increases nitrous oxide levels in the body, increasing blood flow to the sexual organs.

The herb was aptly named when farmers noticed their herd of goats became more sexually active after grazing on it…

13. Acerola Cherries

Last but not least, one of the most potent superfoods known to man – acerola cherries.

These small red cherries boast the highest recorded concentrations of Vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps to reduce cortisol levels and raise testosterone.

If that’s not enough, they’re also a source of anthocyanins, a subclass of flavonoids that has been linked to a reduced cancer risk and improved digestive health.

You might be hard pressed to find whole cherries in your local store, but there are plenty of juice products available online.

14. Products Rich in Vitamin D

On the way to higher testosterone levels, we’re going to start with Vitamin D first. The “sunshine” vitamin has numerous health benefits including stronger bones. But, most people don’t know that this vitamin is crucial for testosterone as well. According to the study published in the Hormone and Metabolic Research men who received Vitamin D had greater testosterone levels comparing to men who received placebo. In fact, the vitamin increased levels of this hormone by 25%.

A study presented at the 2015 annual meeting of the American Urological Association, showed that Vitamin D deficiency is significantly associated with low levels of testosterone in healthy middle-aged men.

  • Sources of Vitamin D include:
  • Cod liver oil
  • Sardines
  • Salmon
  • Mackerel
  • Tuna
  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Mushrooms

If you don’t take enough Vitamin D through food, you can opt to buy the supplement.

15. Olive oil

Olive oil is the healthiest oil on the planet. It’s incredibly beneficial for heart health, prevents diabetes or helps you manage it, and wards off a multitude of diseases. Chances are high you know these things already, but you definitely didn’t know is that consumption of this oil can help you boost testosterone.

The journal Genetic Epidemiology published results of the study which showed that consumption of healthy dietary fats has a significant association with testosterone. On the other hand, a study from the Natural Product Communications revealed that intake of extra virgin olive oil and virgin argan oil increases testosterone concentration.

Scientists concluded the study explaining that both these oils should be a part of positive action of the improvement of androgen hormonal profile.

16. Carbs

Most people dread carbs, but they are an important part of a well-balanced diet. That’s why it’s important to ditch dieting and eating patterns that are too restrictive. The organism requires multiple types of nutrients that are delivered through different foods.

Although low-carb diet is widely popular, the growing body of evidence claims it’s not as beneficial as it seems. On the other hand, higher intake of carbs has more benefits including the management of low testosterone.

In a study from Life Sciences, researchers found that participants who consumed high-carb diet had significantly higher free testosterone levels, lower SHBG levels, and decreased cortisol comparing to men who followed a low-carb diet. The Journal of Applied Physiology featured a study which revealed that carbs help optimize testosterone levels during the resistance training.

Don’t get carried away, though. It’s important to establish a balance of different nutrients rather than eating excessive amounts.

17. Products Rich in Zinc

Zinc is a very important mineral that your body requires to function properly. In order to boost testosterone levels through the food you have to ensure you’re getting enough of this mineral whose benefits are well-documented. The Fertility and Sterility journal published a study which discovered that Vitamin B and zinc increase the sperm count by 74% in both subfertile and fertile men.

Moreover, the research from the Nutrition showed that zinc plays a pivotal role in modulating serum testosterone levels in healthy men, while the Neuro Endocrinology Letters featured a study showing that zinc boosts testosterone in athletes.

  • Good sources of zinc are:
  • Grass-fed beef
  • Kefir or yogurt
  • Lamb
  • Chickpeas
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Cashews
  • Cocoa powder
  • Chicken
  • Spinach
  • Mushrooms

Zinc is known to help to stop hair loss by strenghtening body cells and promote healthy hair growth.

18. Products Rich in Magnesium

Magnesium is yet another essential mineral that you should add to your diet in order to improve testosterone levels. The study from the Biological Trace Element Research showed that magnesium increases testosterone levels in both active and sedentary men, although the benefits are higher for men who are physically active.

We can compare it to top male enhancement pills which provide their benefits to both types of men, but those who exercise regularly experience higher increases. Unfortunately, a vast majority of Americans don’t get enough of magnesium; here are foods you should eat:

  • Spinach
  • Banana
  • Chard
  • Almonds
  • Black beans
  • Avocado
  • Dark chocolate
  • Figs

It’s always useful to know that you also have the option to boost testosterone through dietary supplements like Megadrox; you can use them as an additional tool towards stronger muscles, rippled body, and healthy sex life.

3 Facts Men Must Know About How Cannabis Can Influence Your Testosterone Levels

People tie many benefits to smoking marijuana. Some of these benefits include reduced inflammation, pain, better management of insomnia, and increased strength, among others.

With the recently increased legalization of weed, particularly medical cannabis and cannabis strain like Indica that has a high level of THC, most researchers want to find out more about its effects on health.

Marijuana’s impact on fertility has received considerable attention. Over the years, doctors have linked marijuana to testosterone in various ways. It is for this reason that men who have low testosterone levels can take cannabis to improve their sperm count and sexual activity. Here are some of the facts that all men must know about cannabis and marijuana.

1. Cannabis Increases The Sperm Count

There has been a reduction in male sperm count by half between 1973 and 2011, especially in Western countries. In the United States alone, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development reports that 9% of the male population suffer from fertility issues. Men who smoke cannabis have higher concentrations of sperm compared to those who have never taken marijuana.

As per a study in the journal of Human Reproduction, weed smokers had about 62.7 million sperms per milliliter of ejaculation, while non-weed smokers have an average concentration of 45.4 milliliters per ejaculation. Weed influences sperm concentration through its activity on the human endocannabinoid system. With increased legalization, you can purchase weed seeds from and enjoy the benefits.

2. Cannabis Increases Activity Level That In Turn Boost Testosterone Levels

Testosterone levels increase after exercising. Even that 15 minutes or 1-hour training can boost your testosterone levels. Therefore, for men who have low testosterone levels, exercise can help a lot. Cannabis comes into play here by boosting a person’s physical activity.

Depends on what type of a personality and what do you smoke, weed can either demotivate you and even cause serious mental issues or actually help you to chill and keep going.

If you are the lucky one for whom marijuana works well, when you consume cannabis, you feel more energetic and willing to undertake continuous exercise. It increases your morale, and you can do five laps instead of the usual one lap per day. Therefore, men can take cannabis to boost physical activity to increase their testosterone levels. Your levels of testosterone vary throughout the day.

Testosterone levels are highest in the morning and drop significantly in the afternoon. Research shows that engaging in strength-training exercises can boost these levels in the evening. Therefore, using cannabis and strains like budget buds to provide a boost to your exercise routine may have significant effects on your testosterone levels. To increase my testosterone levels, I Love Growing Marijuana seeds at home.

3. Gynecomastia or Man Boobs

The swelling of man boobs occurs due to an imbalance between testosterone and estrogen. As per a CNN post, one plastic surgeon reported that weed could lead to the development of man boobs. Studies done on animals show that exposure to THC (the active ingredient in weed) can lead to a reduction in testosterone levels.

Although there is a lack of sufficient evidence, sources show a link between pot and man boobs. Boys that smoke marijuana in the early years are more likely to have man boobs later in life. Marijuana alters testosterone levels, and this can lead to temporary boob enlargement.

However, some people argue that man boobs in a natural condition in some men and not tied to cannabis smoking. While most long-term users may present man boobs, the evidence is still lacking.

There has been considerable research to determine the relationship between marijuana and testosterone. Most studies show that it boosts sperm count and increases sexual stamina. However, men should be aware that weed can lead to erectile dysfunction and man boobs.

Naturally Increasing Your Testosterone Levels – Summary

If you think that your testosterone levels may be low, these 5 tips can help you to take control. They’ll aid you to increase your hormone production quickly and naturally so that your low T-level symptoms begin to disappear.

Training on an empty stomach, lifting heavier weights, and increasing your workout intensity will all help to boost your T-levels immediately. By increasing the amount of healthy fats you eat and improving the quantity and quality of your sleep, your body will be able to produce more of this essential hormone naturally.

It might take a while for these practices to become habits, but the results are well worth it. Finally getting the muscular physique you want or that bushy beard you’ve always secretly dreamed of can transform how you look and feel about yourself. You may be surprised by what you can achieve in a short amount of time by making these small changes.

Everything you had has a positive or adverse effect on the body. Knowing this will inspire you to decide and make healthier changes in your diet and include items mentioned in this article. Remember, moderation and well-balanced eating pattern are essential.

Want to know more about testosterone, improve your libido and motivation and enjoy benefits that you have not experienced since you were a teenager? Check The Art of Increasing Testosterone Naturally,  the ultimate compendium of knowledge about the most important men’s hormone.

Patrick Banks
Patrick Banks

Patrick is a Berlin-based dating advisor, motivational speaker, a huge fitness and vegan diet enthusiast and the main editor at Wingman Magazine, specialised in men's health. His ultimate goal is to share with men around the world his passion for self-development and to help them to become the greatest version of themselves. He believes a healthy body and successful social interactions are two main keys to happiness.

Articles: 724


  1. Another one to add to this list is pomegranate juice. There was a study that showed a 24% increase in testosterone and decreased blood pressure.

    But to be honest, if you’re trying to increase your testosterone, it’s more about avoiding certain foods. Some foods really screw with your master male hormone. I highly recommend checking out John Barban’s ‘Adonis Golden Ratio’ which is all backed up by scientific evidence and really helps maximise your testosterone naturally. You can find it at:

    Hope this helps.

  2. Another one to add to this list is pomegranate juice. There was a study that showed a 24% increase in testosterone and decreased blood pressure.

    But to be honest, if you’re trying to increase your testosterone, it’s more about avoiding certain foods. Some foods really screw with your master male hormone. I highly recommend checking out John Barban’s ‘Adonis Golden Ratio’ which is all backed up by scientific evidence and really helps maximise your testosterone naturally. Here’s a link to the guide: Adonis Golden Ratio – The 5 Foods Men Should NEVER Eat.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Some solid suggestions on this page apart from goat weed. It gets marketed as ‘Horny Goat Weed’ but it makes no difference whatsoever. (Well for me personally anyway)

  4. Another one to add to this list is pomegranate juice. There was a study that showed a 24% increase in testosterone and decreased blood pressure.

    But to be honest, if you want to see a big increase in your testosterone levels, it’s more important to avoid certain foods. I highly recommend checking out John Barban’s ‘Adonis Golden Ratio’ because it’s pretty much the perfect diet for men. Some of the transformations are incredible. Here’s a link to his video and guide Adonis Golden Ratio – The 5 Foods Men Should NEVER Eat.

    Hope this helps.

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