5 Ways to Train for Your Next Hiking Adventure

Hiking, like all other outdoor activities, requires planning and preparations. Besides packing the right items, you need to ensure you are fit to survive long hours walking while carrying luggage on your back. Therefore the body needs the right combination of exercises to prepare for the adventure and build endurance which is key to hiking.

You also need to do the appropriate activities and target the right body parts. If you are unsure of the right combination of training and activities to try, here are some. 

Train on all Sorts of Weathers and Terrains

You need to have the ability to survive hiking on different terrains, and you can endure the changing weathers that may occur while you hike. Try walking in windy, rainy, humid, and cold weather to familiarize yourself with the environment and different areas. 

Before going for the anticipated hike, you can try solo hiking activities with different load sizes to ready your body to carry any luggage size. You also need to train on rocky, steep, and loose shale terrains or sometimes muddy paths. This will help you in various ways such as selecting the proper boots that can survive and keep your feet safe. Suitable hiking boots should have good aeration designs to enable your legs to breathe and limit excessive sweating.

You also need to train with a walking pole because you may need it for muddy and icy environments to support you and prevent you from falling. The poles are also necessary for relieving your legs from the excessive pressure of the steep terrains and the luggage you are carrying. It is also essential when going on a Shishapangma expedition due to the nature of the landscape and the weather conditions.

Focus on Cardiovascular Training

Aerobic activities are significant when you plan to go hiking; since hiking will require more energy and oxygen to upscale the hills, it is necessary to have an excellent aerobic system. Focus on fitness activities that will help you breathe faster and more effectively. Such activities may include push-ups, sit-ups, and press-ups. You can also focus on activities that will improve your upper abdomen functionality. If you are not a fan of such exercises, you can engage in swimming which can make you ripped faster than you think, as well as cycling, fast pace walking or jogging. 

If you are not a fan of external environment exercising, you can do other indoor activities such as jumping jacks, squats, leg raises, and hops. If you are uncertain about the suitable activities, you need to seek aid from professionals, such as going to a gym. You need to continuously engage in these activities to ensure you do not strain while hiking.

Build Leg Strength

Long-distance walking is part of hiking; hence you need to ensure your legs have the energy to complete the task. The leg is also effective in supporting your entire body, especially when carrying heavy luggage. Since they engage in the bulk of the work, you need to ensure they have the necessary energy to get you around. 

Some of the best exercises for boosting leg strength include squats, calf raises, and Kegels. You need to time how long you do these activities to enable the leg muscles to endure the long-duration exercises. You need to start these activities with a few minutes of doing a few squats; however, you need to increase them daily. If you have a treadmill at home, you can use it to boost your leg strength. 

Stick to a Balanced Diet Regime

Hiking requires lots of energy; hence you need to have the proper meal to provide the power you need while preparing for a hike. Best foods for walks should also provide minerals and vitamins to protect the body and build strong bones. The body can store enough energy, and you can rely on the accumulated deposits to support the body while hiking.

You need a habit of frequently eating small quantity energy foods. You also need to take lots of water to cool you down as you hike. Moreover, you mainly need snacks rich in energy, or you can buy supplements rich in energy and boost your appetite to enable you to accumulate more energy for the hiking day.

Practise Back Exercises

The back also plays a heavy role while hiking. When going for a hike, you need to carry luggage, which may vary in size depending on how long you spend outdoors. The back must be ready to support the weight of this luggage and persevere long hours walking up the hill. You can start small by strapping luggage on your back. 

You can begin by carrying some luggage up and down the stairs; this is excellent training for improving your back, cardiovascular, and endurance. You can do planks and push-ups with a bag on your back. 

Hiking is a season activity; hence you need to train how to endure walking in all the seasons. You need to focus on the exercises that will boost your hiking performance. Such exercises include back, leg, and cardiovascular exercises. You can either do them indoors or outdoors, and you can also seek the intervention of an expert to help you get the right training. You also need to take the right diet and familiarize yourself with the right walking pole and shoes. 

Patrick Banks
Patrick Banks

Patrick is a Berlin-based dating advisor, motivational speaker, a huge fitness and vegan diet enthusiast and the main editor at Wingman Magazine, specialised in men's health. His ultimate goal is to share with men around the world his passion for self-development and to help them to become the greatest version of themselves. He believes a healthy body and successful social interactions are two main keys to happiness.

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