5 Natural Ways to Stop Hair Thinning

Hair thinning is the problem which, experienced by both female and male at any point in their life. The reasons for the thinning of hair may be varied such as hormonal imbalance, malnutrition, genes and many more. The hair thinning not only affects the beauty, but it also shattered a person’s self-esteem.

The thinning of the hair can be controlled and there are proficient chances that the hair health can revive back;  before it reaches to the extreme stage of baldness. Fortunately, there are natural ways available which are really effective in bringing the hair health back.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera possesses inflammatory properties that trigger any kind of irritation which occur in the hair follicle. Aloe Vera can be directly obtained from the plant or from the stores, but the fresh gel extracted from the plant is far better because it isn’t oxidized. The Aloe Vera contains the nourishment quality which improves the blood circulation.

Many studies suggest that it obtains healing properties from which scalp devastating condition can be cured and works as a shield to protect the hair from any kind of irritation. The moisturizer which Aloe Vera provides keeps locked in the hair for a long time period;  which prevent the scalp from  drying issues and stimulate the hair follicle by providing essential nutrients which improve the hair production.

Simply take out the fresh gel of Aloe Vera from the plant and add some almond oil drops in it, which is an effective remedy to counter the thinning of hair. Although the consumption of Aloe  Vera juice also cures many internal problems that may lead to thinning. The Aloe Vera gel can also be used after shampooing as a conditioner to give  the hair silky and beautiful texture.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is proven scientifically to overcome the hair issues and to stimulate the hair growth. Hairsurgeons recommend their balding patients to use coconut oil for the hair growth. He defines that coconut oil contains Lauric acid, which found in the sebum (the natural oil which our body produce). It contains anti-bacterial property that fights with the skin  infections such as eczema and psoriasis. The fatty acid stores the proteins in the hair and prevents the roots from breakage.

Mix the coconut oil with lime juice; If you are taking 4 tablespoons of oil; then use 2 teaspoons of lime juice. Apply this mixture for  maximum one hour or minimum 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse the mixture off; the coconut serves as the conditioner as well. Daily application of this method makes the scalp clean and prevent the hair loss.

Onion Juice

If you are searching for a way to not only counter the hair loss and thinning problem but also to improve the hair growth;  then the onion juice is the right choice for you. Onions contain a power packed element “sulfur” and contain anti-fungal and anti- bacterial  property that  works to trigger free radicals and boost the hair cell for the healthy growth.

The sulfur stimulates the collagen production; which is necessary for the growth of hairs and serves to protect the hair from thinning and breakage. The biggest reason for the thinning of hair is the lack of collagen production, onion juice deals with this issue easily.

Take out the juice of onion and add honey in it and nourish  the scalp with this mixture.  This co-mixture is essential in revitalizing the volume of the hair.The onion pulp separately  can also be used  for alternative days at least for two weeks; only two weeks used of the onion pulp provides effective results in improving the hair growth.

Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds are also an effective element to counter the hair fall and hair regarding issues. The seeds contain proteins and nicotinic acid, which stimulate the hair growth. A huge amount  lecithin acid presents in the fenugreek acid;  serves to make the hair healthy and maintains the hydration level in the scalp. The paste of fenugreek improves the hair dryness and prevent the scalp from many devastating hair conditions such as dandruff. It has proven an effective remedy to proliferate the hair growth and to strength the roots for healthy hair production.

Make a paste of fenugreek seeds with the glass of water. Massage this paste on the scalp, and continue the treatment for at least one month and you will  notice a rapid change in the hair volume and growth.

Castor oil

Castor oil is the well-known oil; which is used from ancient time to improve the hair growth. The rich quality of castor oil  has been even considered  safe and effective to improve the hair growth by FDA. It’s the easiest and effective way to improve the thickness of the hair and to prevent the scalp from any kind of damages. The castor oil is rich in Vitamin E, which maintain the hair health by stimulating the blood circulation and by providing hair enough oxygen which resulted in increasing hair growth.

Castor oil is viscous  in nature from which it thickly coats the hair from the growth nutrients. However, it is recommended not  to use an extreme amount of the castor oil; due to the thick consistency. Add some honey in the castor and massage the hair root with the mixture. You can repeat the procedure 3 to 4 times a week in order to treat the problem of thinning.

Only castor oil can also be used to improve the hair growth, but due to the consistency, it would be better to mix the castor oil with another oil (coconut and almond oil preferably). Make a mixture of the oils (coconut and castor for effective results) by adding the same amount of both the oils. Apply it on the scalp and use a towel moist with warm water to cover the hair. Leave the mixture for at least one hour or two and then rinse that off.



Sarah Williams
Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is an avid blogger who specializes in dating advice. Her interests include gender relations and the underlying mechanisms that drive human interactions. You can check out her thoughts on men, sex, dating and love at Wingman Magazine .

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