In this article, we will talk about some of the best wakes up routines that you can introduce in your lifestyle to improve your productivity. So, let’s get started!
1. Get Up Early
This might not sound so appealing, but we kid you not, by waking up early you can improve your productivity tenfold. If you talk to some of the biggest entrepreneurs in the world, nearly two-thirds of them would be early risers.
Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, gets up at 4 AM without fail. Then there is Howard Schultz, the executive chairman of Starbucks, who gets up at 4:30 AM. Many other prosperous people believe waking up early is an important key to success.
Why? When you wake up early, you can take care of your mind, body, and soul. You can exercise, meditate, spend time with your family – in short, fulfil your social and personal obligations…then you can head to work to rake in the big bux.
2. Maintain A To-Do List
Organizing a schedule or keeping a task list may sound tedious but it can give you clarity on the tasks you need to do. Spend some time after waking up creating a to-do list, keeping in mind their difficulty level. Keep the hardest jobs at the top followed by the easy ones.
When you start your day, your mind is fresh and you have more initiative in you. This, in turn, will help you complete your difficult tasks faster and more efficiently. Of course, the other tasks will require effort and time too but by following this method, your overall productivity will improve.
3. Charge Your Phone Away From Your Bedside
Just before going to sleep, most of us have this really bad habit of checking our phones. In fact, social media can take a good chunk of the time without us even realizing it.
By keeping your phone away from your bedside, you will be forced to sleep, and to fall asleep sooner. Many studies have concluded how cell phones are one of the biggest productivity killers. Also, when you sleep without looking at your phone, you even wake up more relaxed and ready to take on the world.
4. Try to get “Quality” Sleep
The emphasis here is on the word “quality.” Most of us don’t understand the concept of quality sleep. The total hours you spend sleeping does not necessarily imply that you slept well.
Many people sleep nine hours a day and still wake up lethargic whereas some sleep for only five hours and are refreshed and rejuvenated. This is because the quality of sleep in the first case was not up to the mark.
One way that you can lock in a good night’s sleep is by investing in a high-quality mattress for your bed. The right mattress for the way you sleep will ensure that you sleep deeply and comfortably, and wake up ready to tackle the day.
5. Take Out Time to Exercise and Meditate
We are well aware of how exercise can improve our health. But, it can also help us be more productive. Starting each day out with some exercise, whether it’s yoga stretches, swimming or a brisk walk, can make us sharper and more perceptive to our surroundings. Scientifically, there is stimulation of new mitochondria development within our cells when we exercise daily. This, in turn, gives us abundant energy for our mental and physical activities.
We’ll also urge you to take out time to meditate first thing in the morning. Meditation can improve your focus and mental strength. Also, it actively reduces your stress and anxiety levels. Once you start meditating, you’ll regret why you didn’t start sooner. That’s how beneficial it is for your body!
6. Eat A Healthy and Wholesome Breakfast
With our packed schedules, many of us skip our breakfast or just grab a granola bar for the sake of it. This is us killing our productivity with our bare hands.
A healthy breakfast helps us stay focused and gives us energy. In fact, our body and our brain work more efficiently when there is food in our stomach. Opt for a breakfast that is a mixture of lean protein and high-fiber carbohydrates. This will help you remain full for a longer period while simultaneously maintaining your sugar levels.
The thing about productivity is that it can be improved. It is flexible and if you have the hunger, you can set new goals every passing day. The best part? It’ll not be in vain.
While you work on adopting a good wake-up routine, here are some final tips to increase your general productivity:
– Don’t try to do everything yourself. Delegate tasks amongst your colleagues.
– Execute similar tasks together. For example, if you have to make phone calls or send emails, do it in a single session.
– Take breaks. Scientists have found that taking small breaks in between your work will actually increase productivity. Instead of a single long break, take a few shorter breaks throughout the day. Chat with people around you instead of looking at your phone.
– Organize your schedule around your most productive hours. There is a time of the day in which we’re most productive. It can either be morning or evening. Figure this out and try to get your maximum work done during those hours.
– Play soft music while you work. Yes, it can actually improve productivity! Just don’t start punk or metal, as they’ll distract you instead of helping you be productive.
7. Dress for Success
How does your dress affect your productivity?
As diverse as the workers themselves are the dress codes. However, there is a dilemma: does your clothing affect your productivity?
In terms of work ethic, some argue that wearing casual clothes reveals a very “casual” attitude close to laziness. According to the other side, when we dress more comfortably, we are more confident and therefore more productive. What is the correct answer?
According to a study sponsored by Master’s College in California, “casual clothing affects performance in equal measure…casual clothing can have both positive and negative effects equally, and dress codes may be necessary or not for professional performance”. It is impossible to predict how implementing a dress code will affect productivity in our workplace.
When it comes to co working, freelancers or freelancers can go one day in a tie, because they have a meeting with a client, and the next day in a t-shirt (the most common), because they are only working on their project. You work in a co working space without predefined rules. The key to success is heterogeneity. Coworkers go to their positions according to their personal preferences, the only thing that matters to them is their comfort.
As far as I’m concerned, the rules no longer exist. Having said that, there are some things to consider when choosing a dress code that is appropriate for our needs. What are our customers like and how frequently do we work with them? Are we required to see ourselves always as professionals? How do others perceive your image of yourself?
Does the image you project match the way you want to be perceived by others? When wearing certain clothes, do you sometimes feel uncomfortable or unit ease?
In fact, the way we project and how others perceive us have a decisive impact on our professional growth and, consequently, on our safety.
To convey our professional image correctly, we need to analyze and study five factors: professional identity, attitude, behavior, speech and clothing.
The professional identity is closely connected to the knowledge, experience, skills, and competences of a person in their professional field, which stimulates a certain image among others. Therefore, we should ask ourselves: Is the image that I project of a person capable, trustworthy, committed, and worthy of the role I play in the organization? Is the perception that others have of me limiting my professional growth?
In addition to body posture, attitude has a direct impact on energy projection. Do others see me as a victim or as a leader?
In addition to the domain and effectiveness of the corresponding social or organizational protocols, the behavior refers to decisions and actions to be taken under certain circumstances or contexts. Can others trust me as a problem solver?
There are two levels of speech: spoken and written. Besides the message itself, speech consists of a variety of paralinguistic attributes (pronunciation, diction, modulation, tone, accent, volume, timbre, and so on). Exactly how you write (grammar, spelling, accentuation, punctuation) has a huge impact on how you are perceived on the professional front. Your image projects a person who is respectful, effective, and efficient in communicating and expressing himself? Are people who perceive me as professional and respectful likely to approach me?
Vlone Clothing plays an important role in creating an appropriate professional image; we should consider the profession, the style, the context, the time, the age, and the type of body. Setting a dress code is not the point here.