8 Ways To Increase Thinking Capacity of Your Brain
Perhaps the most complicated and greatest asset a human being can have is the processing power between your ears. This in mind, investing in this supercomputer is the greatest gift you can give yourself.
Amazingly, scientists think that the average humans only use 10% of their brain! Very few of us take time or allocate resources to train our brains. Neuroscientists believe that we are stuck with the same brain we were born with!
The good news is that you don’t need to be a billionaire to improve memory or your thinking capacity. Think of your brain as a muscle that needs to be exercised. All you need to do is dedicate some few minutes every day to do some exercises.
Here are 8 easy ways you can increase your brain power and improve your thinking capacity
1. Exercise regularly
Your brain and body are interdependent on each other. If you do not exercise your body, it will prevent the blood in your body to stimulate properly which will gradually start the blood vessels to be blocked with traces of plaque. Nutrients flow through our body when we eat, so if the vessels are blocked, less and less nutrients will reach our brain, which will then have a direct impact on our memory retention and focus. Thus, everyday exercise is necessary, even if it is just a brisk walk, you just need to get everything moving.
Just as you take time to do some physical exercises, you should allocate time to do some mind exercises. Mind exercises improve mind fitness just the same way physical exercises improves physical fitness. Neurologists have proven that regular exercises of the brain enhances brain functioning and improves neurogenesis. Physical exercises have also been linked to the formation of new brain cells and thus you should stay physically active too.
Whenever we exercise physically, our muscles are growing and strengthening. You go to the gym, you become big. You start jogging – your body feels better. No matter what sport you may practice, you’re doing your body a huge favour. Well. The same way your body benefits from physical exercise, your brain is being stimulated by a number of mental factors.
When you think, solve problems, meditate, digest information, and when you do a couple hundred more mental actions that you’re barely aware of, your brain power is increasing. And like with everything in life, improvement comes once an action has been taken.
You see, even though you are using your brain almost all the time you’re awake, you are not your brain. Your brain is not your mind. Grasped that? And since the “real you” lies beneath many layers and brain fortifications, the only way to improve your mental capacities would be to start training. Consciously.
Well, in today’s post, we’re going to illustrate the benefits of brain exercising while delivering the 15 simplest exercises that’ll skyrocket your brain power over time. Are you ready to take your life to the next level?
What Are the Benefits of Regular Brain Exercising?
Why would you exercise your brain if it would not be useful or productive in some way or another? Brain exercising is building your brain’s muscles. Nevertheless, what are these “muscles” bringing you? How are they going to benefit your life? Why even bother putting the effort? Well, a number of resources that confirm brain exercising as being an excellent activity that improves many important aspects of your lifestyle:
- Your memory (both short and term) will improve over time
- Decreased levels of stress
- Your concentration and focus tremendously improve
- You’ll feel more positive and you’ll send positive energy vibes
- Enhanced creativity
- Enhanced productivity
- Enhanced motivation
- Your mental flexibility improves
- You’ll think faster and react faster
- Improved self-confidence
- Sharpened hearing and vision
- + Much more others, which people haven’t yet discovered.
For those who sit in their comfort zone and rarely exercise their brain power, these benefits might be just fantasies. However, if they would start exercising their brain regularly, they’d see way more than just words.
Without further ado, let’s see how we can exercise our brain power using these simple yet extremely effective brain exercising techniques:
Brain Exercise 1: Use the Other (Non-Dominant) Hand More Frequently
If you’re right-handed, using your left hand for most of the activities you do throughout the day is an excellent exercise that will put your brain into action. Your dominant hand makes it all easy. You can eat, write, and work with it. However, when you try to do all these activities with your non-dominant hand, you’ll run into trouble. Do exactly that and you’ll give your brain the “proper workout” every day.
Brain Exercise 2: Keep Your Eyes Closed While Doing Stuff
Our brain is used to take the same neural pathways every time we do our usual chores. For example, whenever we wash our teeth, take a shower, walk on the street, we’re not giving our brain any challenges. Well, in order to create new pathways for your brain, keep your eyes closed while performing normal things. It might feel weird at first, but you’ll soon start to recognize the benefits.
Brain Exercise 3: Stop Using a Calculator and Start Using Your Brain
Digital calculators seem to be our best friends whenever we need to deal with numbers. Adding up or multiplying numbers will always require brain effort. Therefore, why don’t you stop using your “personal assistants” and start using your own assistant? Your brain is your best friend. Don’t leave him out of work, or else he’ll become less productive!
Active Exercising – The Best Brain Booster
Do you want to be healthy both physically and mentally? Most people do. Fortunately, an amazingly simple solution exists: step out of your comfort zone and begin exercising regularly. There are many studies, which confirm the benefits of exercising over a person’s brain and mental capacities. As Nike says…”Just do it!”
Exercising your brain even at a young age is definitely going to bring positive effects over your life. Besides your mental health, which will be stronger than ever, your overall happiness states will be more intense and more frequent.
You’ll become an excellent problem solver and you’ll be able to keep an objective perspective on life consistently. Create a habit out of your brain exercising activities; get used to it and you’ll see it as “play” for the rest of your life.
2. Train your memory
If you don’t use your brain, it will stagnate. If you want your dog to be a better fetcher, you must train or get it trained to fetch. Likewise, if you need you brain to be better; you must train your mind to retain memory. Discipline yourself to memorize phone numbers and other essential numbers (passport, credit card, insurance, driving license). The more you add to your brain, the more you expand its capacity!
How To Improve Your Memory?
Memory loss is something that puts the patient in a helpless position, where he knows that he is losing important fragments of his precious memories day after day and there is absolutely nothing that he can do to stop that horrific process. However, patients are not 100% helpless as there are several exercises and techniques that can help the patients in stimulating their brain activity in order to retain the power in the brain and keep it for losing rapidly. The more the brain is stimulated and used, the less chances of rapid memory loss at an early stage.
- Crosswords, Rubic’s cube, puzzles, etc.
Brain teasers are known as brain teasers for a reason. These academic exercises help you focus on something with full force. It strains your brain in a positive way, which allows it to exercise and function at a better rate. Those people who regularly attempt puzzles and crosswords will notice that their day would go more productive compared to if they let their brain sit idle.
Considering crosswords, mentally sifting through words that would fit into the boxes enables the brain to remember more and boost your memory. Randomly spelling out words also helps.
- Music
Listening to your favorite tunes helps your brain relax, but at the same time, it excites your nerves which enables your ears to listen and concentrate on the song that is playing, even if it is the background. Play your favorite music while doing tedious activities such as washing dishes or hanging laundry, to have a good time and allow your brain to process the lyrics simultaneously with sound waves that the music produces, which keeps it from being idle. Maybe even dance a little?
- Visualize & Photograph
Your eyes help your brain to see things and put them into perspective. Running through picture magazines or newspapers, and interpreting them is a great way to let your brain jog through different sceneries. You can also try photographing things that you want to remember which will most likely prompt your brain into remembering exactly what you had photographed, hence, improving your memory.
3. Question facts and think positive
Don’t take everything at face value. Develop a habit of questioning everyday things. Ask yourself the “what if questions”. What if we didn’t invent the wheel? What if the continents moved? By being curious, you train your mind to be innovative and develop ideas. They say curiosity killed the cat, but they don’t tell you that the same curiosity created electricity.
Neuroscientists, have linked anxiety and stress to the killing of brain neurons and also hamper new neurons being created. Psychologist have found out that positive thinking, especially in the future, boosts the production of new cells and dramatically controls stress and reduces anxiety.
Free your mind from anything which is not right here and right now. Staying mindful and in a present REALITY is the healthiest thing you can do to your brain. I don’t mean the virtual reality or social media reality but the REAL reality.
As a result, you stop expecting too much from other people, which gives you the chance to truly enjoy their company and spend some quality time together.
It also leads to finding contentment and peace. Happiness, after all, can’t be found anywhere else, but in the present. So without trying to make things perfect, to change anything about the current situation, or to wish for something that sounds better, you can enjoy what is by truly accepting it.
4. Keep Stress from Stressing You Out
When it comes to memory and focus, stress is an enemy. Chronic stress has adverse effects on the hippocampus, which is a part of our brain responsible for creating new memories and recalling old ones. If stress continues to damage brain cells, memory loss, or even worse is inevitable. So to fight of stress, you should be able to understand the difference between unrealistic and realistic expectations, you should know when to say no to something.
Allow yourself to take breaks between work and it is absolutely not necessary to multitask all the time as it strains your brain. Also, do not forget to have yourself a nice laugh from time to time!
Clammy hands, trembling fingers, shallow breaths… Sounds familiar? That’s how your body reacts to stress. All these are dead giveaways that you are waging an internal war with your emotions and logic. But whether such overwhelming feeling of anxiety is due to a particularly difficult financial situation or an imminent danger, the body’s reaction to stress remains the same. You see, stress does not only spike up your blood pressure and make your heart beat erratically. Stress also triggers something that can prove just as damaging as a possible heart attack—the release of the hormone cortisol.
To give you just a brief overview of the hormone cortisol, you need to understand that it is the reason doctors refer to stress as the number ‘one’ killer. For one thing, it is the release of the hormone cortisol that leads to a suddenly high blood pressure for a stressed-out individual. Another thing is that the release of cortisol can lead to serious medical conditions such as depression.
You might be thinking now that the hormone cortisol is a bad idea for our body to release altogether. However, that is not entirely the case. The release of cortisol hormones in our system also triggers the adrenaline rush that characterizes our body’s reaction to panic. Such reaction keeps our body alert—either to fight or to take flight from the perceived danger. Without the adrenaline rush, you could not possibly carry out an instantaneous physical action in response to the danger you have perceived.
Cortisol, then, proves useful in cases where you have to fight the source of tension physically. However, we rarely do find ourselves in such tight spots, do we? Too much cortisol hormones in our bodies is therefore not a good thing for us whose stressors rarely require physical action. It is thus vital that we learn how to control our body’s response to stressors and find a way to relax immediately and keep the cortisol hormones at a minimum.
There are plenty of stress management methods that experts recommend. For this article, however, let us consider just five methods that scientific data supports for successfully dealing with stress.
- Go Out for a Brisk Walk
The classic response to a potentially explosive situation—a couple arguing over finances, for example—is walking out before things could get out of control. Walking out when you are experiencing extreme emotions is the wisest course to take if you want to prevent yourself from doing and saying things you are bound to regret. Scientists, however, urge you to do more than just walk out from a stressful situation. They urge you to keep walking, at least for ten more minutes. Why? Walking does not only give you the time to think about the situation but also allows your body to boost your endorphin level. A rise in the level of your endorphins consecutively lowers your cortisol levels, helping you calm down.
Walking also provides your body with a fresh supply of oxygen, which in turn helps your brain function optimally and thus helps you think straight. So, the next time you feel stressed, go out for a short walk, and you will find that it could make all the difference to your objectivity in such a stressful situation.
- Regulate Your Breathing Pattern
Taking deep breaths is a common relaxation technique that I am pretty sure you are familiar with. However, do you fully understand how taking deep breaths could help you relax? If you do yoga, you are aware that your breath or pranayama plays a vital role in sustaining your body. Scientists will also tell you that deep breaths allow for a fresh supply of oxygen to enter your brain, helping it to function properly and come up with solutions.
Try to observe your normal breathing pattern. You will notice that deep breathing characterizes a feeling of serenity. So, when you take deep breaths during a stressful situation, you force your body to believe that it is calm. Once you take deep breaths, your parasympathetic reaction kicks in, allowing you to relax your frayed nerves. On the other hand, shallow breathing characterizes panic, which works to stimulate your sympathetic nervous system into action. Allowing panic to set in can prove disastrous, as your personal experience most likely proves. As you know, panicked people barely think; they just act—often, unwisely. So rein in your stress levels by taking the time to control your breathing.
Make breathing exercises a routine. Such exercises are beneficial even if you are not feeling particularly tense, as these help you lower your blood pressure and help repair the stress-related damage.
- Use your Imagination
I am sure you would agree that our minds have the tendency to become paranoid about things that do not present any danger yet. It is thus with good reason that a saying goes this way:
“The feeling of fear is often worse than the fear itself”
Indeed, our imagination can carry us far away from reality—something that can be negative if we let it. Often, the things we fear would happen do not happen at all, and we find that we have just worried too much. Needless to say, visualizing negative things can only produce harmful results.
However, you can also use your power to imagine as a way to counter your stress. For instance, if you feel that your stress levels are escalating to panic, close your eyes and conjure a vision of a peaceful scene. You may want to imagine yourself lying on the beach, listening to the melody of the waves and feeling the summer breeze on your face. You could imagine any scenario, as long as that scenario can help you feel peaceful. Allow your imagination to carry you away from your stressful reality until you find yourself breathing normally. Such guided imagery can help your body relax and, therefore, minimize your stress levels.
- Fill your Stomach
Have you ever felt the urge to eat something when you feel stressed? Scientists attribute such urge to the link between your gut and your brain, with your gut playing an important role in your body’s stress response. Filling your gut with food to address stress is, therefore, not necessarily a bad thing. Of course, you need to watch what you eat. After all, you would not want to load your system with unhealthy calories, would you? Munch on a healthy snack—nuts, fruits, eggs, and while doing so, focus your senses on the taste and texture of what you are eating. Make sure that you enjoy your food as far away from your source of stress as possible. That way, you have made eating your form of meditation.
You may also find that a cup of tea—green tea, in particular, can calm your jittery nerves. How so? Green tea is a natural source of L-theanine an important substance that, in your body, can help induce calm without a sedative effect. So if you are feeling restless and overly anxious, take the time to munch on a healthy snack—maybe some whole-grain biscuits—and pour yourself a cup of tea. You will find that doing so can help you get a grip on yourself.
- Go for a Digital Detox
Often, what causes us stress is the technology that surrounds us. For instance, an e-mail from your boss reminds you of an urgent task that freaks you out because your hands are still so full with other obligations. Your mobile phone then rings an alarm and notifies you about impending deadlines. Such notifications do pile up on you one stress after another, don’t you agree?
Are you aware that prolonged usage of computers can lead to depression as well as an increase in stress levels? How can that be? Regardless of what activity you are doing online—mindlessly surfing the Internet, checking your work e-mails, doing research—staying in front of the screen for a long time stresses your body physically. Studies show that those who use the computer for a long, uninterrupted period, as well as those who use it late at night, have problems with sleep. You do know that without enough sleep, your body cannot fully recuperate from the whole day strain.
So, here is a piece of advice. If you need to use the computer the entire day, make sure that you allow for some breaks in between. Also, make it your habit to log off your personal computer, apps, softgoza and other gadgets at least an hour before your bedtime to improve your quality of sleep. You may also want to go for a digital detox, that is, keep yourself gadget-free for a time. Many individuals have found that going gadget-free for a certain period of their week has helped them lower their stress levels.
Do Introspection
An introspection is a terrific activity that leads to many positive results. Besides the fact that you’ll be calming your mind and you’ll be solving your problems, your brain’s power will also improve. The more time you take to be with yourself and just think the more you’re triggering your brain’s potential.
Meditation is another extremely useful activity that lets your mind be free. As I’ve already mentioned, there’s a difference between mind and brain. When you meditate, you’re basically slowing your brain down, allowing your mind to rise to the surface. In those powerful states, your brain is regenerating and gaining fresh powers!
5. Nourish your brain with a healthy diet
The food you eat is, without doubt, a big contribution to proper brain functioning. The human brain consumes over 20% of all the oxygen and nutrients that we consume! Feed your brain with good stuff like fresh fruit and vegetables and plenty of Omega 3 oils.
How to Use Mediterranean Diet to Boost Your Brain Health
There is mounting evidence suggesting that Mediterranean diet, which is rich in lean protein, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables, can be effective in improving cognitive function. Mediterranean diet is not a new recipe, but new research has found out that it comes with a host of health benefits for the brain. In reference to several studies published in the journal Epidemiology, researchers demonstrated a strong connection between Mediterranean-style diet and better cognitive function, lowered decline in brain, and reduced risks of Alzheimer’s disease.
According to Iliana Lourida, the lead study author, this is yet another study to systematically analyze all existing evidence between Mediterranean diet and improved brain function.
How to Apply Mediterranean Diet?
If you are following a Mediterranean diet, you should:
1. Limit the intake of foods high in sugar.
2. Limit the intake of red meat.
3. Consume more fish, fresh fruits, vegetables, eggs, poultry, nuts, whole grain, and healthy fats, such as olive oil.
This diet downplays processed foods. Although the diet recommends olive oil as a source of health fat, you shouldn’t use it in cooking because it is highly susceptible to oxidative damage when heated. Olive oil should therefore be added to salads and other cold dishes. In its unrefined and unheated form, olive oil contains vitamins A and E, magnesium, squalene, chlorophyll, and other cardio-protective nutrients.
Role of Nutrition In Boosting Cognitive Function
Previous studies have shown that people who rely on Mediterranean diet are at a lowered risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Until recently, it was discovered that people who eat this way have the ability to make healthier lifestyle choices that help to decrease Alzheimer’s. To shed more light on the connection between the diet and cognition, about 450 seniors with risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as high blood pressure, overweight and high cholesterol, were randomly picked to follow one of three diets
- A Mediterranean diet supplemented with one liter of extra virgin oil every week.
- A Mediterranean diet supplemented with 30 grams of nuts on a daily basis
- A low-fat diet
According to report by Reuters, tests performed on the brain function before and after the study led to the realization that seniors who were eating low-fat foods significantly decreased their memory and cognitive function.
The group that followed a Mediterranean diet supplemented with nuts showed significant improvements in memory. Surprisingly, the participants who relied on a Mediterranean diet supplemented with virgin olive oil had remarkable better cognitive function.
Importance of Healthy Fats
These findings add extra evidence on the importance of eating foods containing healthy fats to boost brain function. A normal human brain has about 60% of fat. Some of the best sources of fats include fatty fish like sardines, anchovies, wild-caught Alaska salmon, and krill oil supplementation.
These sources are also rich in omega-3 and omega 6 fatty acids which are renowned in promoting cognitive function. Recent studies indicate omega-3 supplementation improves attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as well as cognitive control in children. Other studies suggest that combination of omega-3s with vitamin D helps to improve cognitive functions and psychiatric conditions like ADHD, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.
Omega 3 fatty acids fight inflammation that inhibits production of serotonin, the hormone that controls your mood.
Top Health Benefits Of Omega-3 You Should Know
Mediterranean Diet Pitfalls
According to neurologist Dr. David Perlmutter, author of the Grain Brain, gluten sensitivity plays a major role in most chronic illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s. In addition, non-vegetable carbohydrates contain toxic compounds that can impair the function of your brain. Perlmutter says that although the U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends staying away from fats when making dietary choices, most devastating chronic illnesses like Alzheimer’s, diabetes and cardiovascular disease can be worsened by substituting fats for corn-based carbohydrates.
Protecting Your Brain With Healthier Lifestyle Choices
Other than Mediterranean diet, there are several lifestyle strategies through which you can optimize the function of your brain. They include:
- Regular exercises: Engage in physical activities, particularly high-intensity interval training to improve your mood and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Intermittent fasting: This reduces calorie intake and is easier to comply with. Get calories from non-vegetable carbohydrates.
- Eat healthy fats: Perlmutter says that a low-carb diet rich in fats can be helpful in preventing Alzheimer’s
- Omega-3 fats supplementation: Fish oil and Krill oil contain omega-3 fatty acids and astaxanthin, a carotenoid compound which is very critical for your brain in reducing free-radical-mediated damage.
- Vitamin D supplementation: Deficiencies in vitamin D, particularly in older adults has been linked with poorer brain function.
- Sleep adequately: Sleep plays important role for optimal health of your body and brain. It is only during sleep that your brain gets a chance to detoxify. Poor sleepers are at an increased risk of developing neurological problems, such as Alzheimer’s and depression.
- Drop unhealthy habits: Excessive alcohol use, drug abuse, and smoking are some of the habits you should drop if you want to remain in sound health. Though quitting can be challenging, the health benefits are long lasting and medical professionals are very willing to assist.
Mediterranean diet is one of the best plans to keep your weight in control while improving your brain function. It is easier to stick with because you can get all the essential minerals and nutrients from various food sources. On top of this, Mediterranean diet comes with other health benefits for preventing chronic illnesses like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, and certain types of cancer. To boost the effectiveness of Mediterranean diet, make simple lifestyle changes that are healthy to improve the quality of your life.
6. Read! Read! Read!
Reading not only relieves tension and stress to the brain-cells but it also gives you another perspective on things. Books are the best way to grow your brain and expand your thinking, but social media and magazines are a good source of humor and everything that can’t fit into a book. Reading is the best way to train your brain and expand your thinking.
Read books which are not only fun but also expand your knowledge. Check out our selection of top must read science books.
If you forget things, which is why you are probably reading this in the first place, you should simply write them down! Sticky notes, memo pads or your personal diary, just jot down whatever is going on in your mind. Writing things down creates oxygenated blood flow to areas of your brain that a responsible for your memories. This allows those areas to be automatically exercised.
Simply start a journal or write emails or text messages to yourself. Easy! Just like this, reading what you have written, or any other reading material helps your brain to take in more information, expanding the memorization capacity that you currently have. All in all, both of these things improve your memory.
Read Books with a Loud Voice
When you read and use your internal voice, you’re using your imagination to comprehend the information. When you listen to a loud voice (yours or a friend’s), you’re using the same imagination, only that the process is different. When we hear something, a part of our brain regions will light up. When we read or speak words, different regions are set into action.
7. Get enough sleep
Sleeps is the reset button for the brain. When you sleep, your body regenerates brain cells and does all the maintenance work on both your body and your brain. A daily dose of 4-6 hours of sleep every night has proven the best way to improve thinking and create new ideas and innovations.
Mindfulness meditation before falling asleep can be really helpful. Close your eyes and ignore everything around you. Imagine you’re at a peaceful place. Breathe deeply and empty your mind. Focus on your breathing for a while until you relax your body and mind.
Know you’ve done your best for the day, and that tomorrow comes with many new opportunities. Be positive about what’s to come. If these are the last thoughts in your head before you fall asleep, then you’ll be in peace and won’t have nightmares.
Once you’ve slept enough and sound, be sure that tomorrow morning you’ll not only kickstart the day, but be super productive, present for the whole day and in a pretty good mood and able to focus effortlessly.
7. Eliminate Errors in Thinking
It is important to know the psychological side of thinking. Your brain prowess aside, we all make thinking errors. There are five different errors that psychologists have identified; Partialism, Adversary Thinking, Time Scale Error, Initial Judgment and arrogance and Conceit.
Partialism – Errors that occur when the individual observes the problem through ones perspective only. That is, an individual examines only one factor of the problem and most often than not, we arrive at a premature solution.
Adversary Thinking – This is the “you are the one who is wrong and thus I should be right.” type of thinking. Politicians are the masters in this type of thinking and they use it to their advantage.
Time Scale Error – This is a kind of partialism in thinking where the individual sees the problem from a limited time-frame. It can be likened to short-sightedness.
Initial Judgment- Here, the individual becomes very subjective. Instead of considering the issue or problem objectively, the individual approaches it with prejudice or bias.
Arrogance and Conceit- may also be referred to as the “Village Venus Effect” because like country people, who think that the hottest girl in their village is the hottest girl in the world, the thinker believes that there is no better solution other than that he has already found. This blocks creativity.
If you want a shortcut in your efforts in boosting the thinking capacity of your brain…
8. Try Nootropics – the silicon valley secret to enhance brain functioning
Nootropics also known as ‘cognitive enhancers’ are the types of drugs which help in improving cognitive function of the user. This nootropic substance is a typical class of supplements which helps in enhancing memory and brain power. This cognitive supplement has the ability to improve mental abilities, concentration power, motivation, memory power, etc.
Many experts are conducting research on this supplement and recommend that it is not wise to consume this cognitive substance until all studies and research are compiled. But with day to day stresses and hectic schedules of your life and with no adverse side effects, nootropic might be the solution which improves both mental and physical power.
Function of Nootropics
Many people who are interested in Nootropics, are also little concerned about the fact that what type of particular brain function nootropic triggers.
This cognitive enhancer helps in boosting brain power, concentration level and memory power.
• Regular uses of nootropics help in stimulating neurotransmitters in the brain and also energised enzymes and hormones.
• Nootropics improve the oxygen supplies, which also results in the efficient use of oxygen supplies.
• It also helps in stimulating the nerve growth.
Benefits of Nootropics
If you are looking for more mental energy to lead your daily life, nootropics might be the best solution. Often heavy vehicle drivers use this substance which helps them to stay awake. These days, many corporate business people are also using this cognitive supplement to improve the sharpness of their brain functions. It helps you to concentrate better on your work. The most common nootropics which used widely is racetams. Many racetams user reported that after consuming racetams, they feel highly energised, both mentally and physically. The ability to concentrate sharply on reading, writing and even in thinking also improved. Most of the racetams effects are very efficient and also lasts for a longer period.
Characteristic Properties of Racetams
• There are different types of racetams are used, which include noopept, oxiracetam, piracetam, pramiracetam, etc.
• All these racetams have many benefits. Mainly noopept helps in enhancing all brain functions.
• Though oxiracetam is very popular among the user, it does take longer time (2 to 3 weeks) to enhance memory power to be noticed.
• The first nootropic which was produced is piracetam, and it is also most common and available nootropic. Piracetam required daily dosage to improve brain functions.
• Pramiracetam is a typical soluble substance which mostly helps in improving concentration power and motivation. The sharpness in memory power also improved with pramiracetam.
Enhance memory power
These cognitive enhancers improve memory power by increasing cognitive factors like synaptic plasticity, which increases through
• Increasing acetylcholine levels
• Increasing glutamate level
• Increasing supply of oxygen to the brain
This improved synaptic plasticity helps in boosting memory power and users start experiencing better retention and recall memory.
Nootropics improve concentration power
Nootropics can assist in improving your focus and concentration by enhancing brain functionality. There are some types of nootropics, which counter the feeling of fatigue by increasing the blood circulation and oxygenation in the brain.
Some nootropics also give mood lifting effects and a sense of well -being. These cognitive enhancers also help in reducing mental stress, as a result of which users start feeling energetic both mentally and physically.
Types of Nootropics which can assist in enhancing concentration power are DMAE, Noopept, Sulbutiamine, Centrophenoxine, Galantamine, and Bacopa, etc.
Nootropics for Intelligence enhancement
Before using nootropics, you need to understand that this cognitive supplement gives a different result for different intelligence, say basically there are two types of intelligence, one is crystallised, and other is fluid intelligence.
• Crystallized Intelligence
Crystallised intelligence referred as the ability to use the already acquired knowledge and experience. You achieve his type of intelligence from your experience throughout the life which directly correlated to your long term memory.
Therefore, you need to watch out for those nootropics which help in boosting long-term memory power to improve your crystallised intelligence.
• Fluid Intelligence
Fluid intelligence is the ability to read, write or make reasoning of something cognitively. You need this intelligence in order to access your crystalized intelligence to manoeuvre your surroundings. This fluid intelligence is correlated to your working memory capacity. So you need to select those nootropics which can enhance your synaptic plasticity or short term memory to improve your fluid intelligence.
What is the best nootropic dosage?
Nootropics supplement significantly varies in their strength and the dosage entirely depends on the half-life of the particular cognitive substance.
Long half-life nootropics-It is recommended to have two larger dosages per day to get the full benefit.
Short half-life nootropics- It is recommended to have 3 or 4 times of small dosages per day to get the best result.
Potential side effects of nootropics
Some people are also little worried about the potential side effects of nootropics. However, many research and studies have been confirmed that nootropics do not cause any deadly side effects. Actually, it is reported that this cognitive supplement is the safest among others.
The neuroprotective properties of nootropics help in slow down the signs of ageing of the brain, and it also helps in developing antioxidant effects in the brain. Though nootropics do not develop any tolerance or long term addiction and withdrawal symptoms, however, it is good idea to watch out for possible side effects which it may cause before you start using this substance. Though these side effects are very rare, but normally occur when you are taking this for the first time and adjusting with this supplement or consuming at a higher amount than suggested dosage.
Some of the possible side effects include:
• Headaches
• Insomnia
• Anxiety
• Fatigue
Every nootropics supplement has a different mode of action and also comes with different side effects. These side effects include nervousness, restlessness, depression and mood swings, etc. But these side effects are experienced by a very small percent of total users.