9 Ways To Boost Motivation During Quarantine

Let’s face it, none of us have seen unprecedented times like this, and as the COVID-19 quarantine continues, it is becoming even more intimidating to manage things like before.

Not meeting your friends, not partying, and not going out has killed the enthusiasm, and there is a lot of boredom around that has suppressed the motivation.

But what if I say there are some proven ways to get your motivation back? No, I’m not kidding! Here are seven ways to boost motivation during the quarantine.

Go through the list of ways and incorporate them into your lifestyle to keep the quarantine claustrophobia at bay.

1. Make a to-do list

A to-do list of something most folks don’t enjoy, and I too fall in that category. But when it comes to staying motivated during the quarantine, it is essential to have a good to-do list.

Go get your iPhone, open the notes, and start making a list of tasks you love to do. If you love cooking, playing the piano, or playing with your furry-friend, add it in the notes, and dedicate some time to each task.

With a to-do list in hand, you can plan your days accordingly, so there will be no boredom at all. Make it your goal to accomplish all the tasks in a day, and slowly and gradually, you will get the lost motivation back.

Don’t believe it if it works? There’s only one option! Give it a shot, and see the results.

2. Keep an eye on your expenses.

Millions of people across the globe are filing for unemployment as the markets have plummeted due to the Novel Coronavirus. And it is still unpredictable when the market will get back to normal as the cases are surging every day.

So, it is important to understand your finances and know what you have to spend wisely. One thing that can surely demotivate anyone is a lack of funds or the thoughts of running out of them.

Don’t worry! Create a budget, and stick to it! With a good budget, you can fight the financial insecurities and can manage everything pretty well.

If you aren’t sure how to create a budget, then download a good app or call anyone in your friends to help you out.

Furthermore, check your credit score, and look for ways to fix it. An increasing credit score will surely boost your motivation during the quarantine.

3.  Join a course

Sitting idle is the root cause of mental stress and anxiety, so it would be great to join an online course to enhance your education. There are a plethora of online courses available these days that you can complete within months to get a certificate that adds value to your resume.

Continuing your education will keep you distracted, and it is worth the investment as well. You will get more confidence and can apply for better jobs when you have a higher degree or certificates that speak for your skills.

4. Stay in touch with your friends and colleagues.

Download Zoom, Skype, or use FaceTime to stay in touch with your friends and coworkers. Send them sweet morning messages! Talking to your favorite people will help you find out what’s going on in their life, and it can also help you know about the ideas that are following to boost motivation during the quarantine.

Discussing your challenges with the people who are also facing the same challenges can be a plus point, and you will find it really pleasing. There are proven benefits of how social touch improves motivation and boosts morale.

You have your smartphone; you have people to talk, then why wait! Take your phone and start calling the people you want to talk to.

5. Don’t skip exercise

It can be hard to exercise every day when you are home and not going anywhere! But exercising is essential for a healthy mind and body. It would be great if you dedicate around 30 minutes a day to exercising.

Whether you love yoga or running on the treadmill, keep doing it so that your body remains healthy, and your mind produces positive thoughts. If you get distracted while working out, then get an online gym subscription or yoga class subscription, and keep following it.

This way, you will get to know more people, and it will help you with better focus and dedication to achieve your goals.

6. Incorporate green superfood shakes to your diet

Here’s a healthy and tasty way to stay motivated during the quarantine. Your diet plays a crucial role in deciding your mood, so it is essential to consume foods that are healthy and have numerous benefits. Consider getting green superfood powders, and prepare smoothies using other organic ingredients.

Preparing the shakes will let you be more active, and gulping it will surely keep you motivated if you religiously follow the other ways explained in this article.

7. Taking social media breaks will help.

So, you are avoiding using social media, and aren’t taking any breaks to check your Facebook feed or WhatsApp messages? Well, you should stop doing it. Taking social media breaks will connect you with the world, and you can be a good stress buster.

Check your messages regularly. Maybe some of your friends have shared a good recipe or details about a new music track rolled out recently that you aren’t aware of.

Take social media to break every day so that you don’t feel being cut-off from the world.

8. Set reminders

So, you have your schedule set and are ready to make your life positive? But wait, have you set the reminders? It can be a challenge to remember the tasks that you have planned to do, and checking the notes every time may feel boring.

What you should do is, set reminders, so your smartphone or iWatch tells you about what to do next. You can arrange the tasks as per your convenience and set reminders so that you don’t miss anything.

9. Use a Natural Supplement to Give Your Mood the Boost it Needs

When nothing works, and you don’t feel like doing anything, a supplement can help. Using a natural supplement such as Berberine will help you boost your mood, and you will feel more active. The supplement contains all-natural ingredients, so there are no side effects at all. You can take advantage of Supplementadvisor free assessment in order to get a complete personalized list of available products, appropriate to your specific needs.

Get a good-quality supplement, and use it properly to stay motivated throughout the quarantine period.

Summing it up!

These seven ways to boost motivation during quarantine will surely help you bid goodbye to stress and boredom. Everyone out there is battling with some sort of stress and tension, so you should help each other to fight these times.

Incorporate these seven ways to your lifestyle, and you will see the significant difference in how your life is getting back on track.

Don’t let negative thoughts distract you and get the bring out the best in you.

Patrick Banks
Patrick Banks

Patrick is a Berlin-based dating advisor, motivational speaker, a huge fitness and vegan diet enthusiast and the main editor at Wingman Magazine, specialised in men's health. His ultimate goal is to share with men around the world his passion for self-development and to help them to become the greatest version of themselves. He believes a healthy body and successful social interactions are two main keys to happiness.

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