Couples Workout – The Fitness Guide for Two

A healthy and fit lifestyle is one of the key pillars to having a strong, enduring, and passionate relationship with your partner. If you look good you feel good, multiplied by the power of two, you’ll both find yourselves in the best shape of your lives.

When it comes to starting a fit focused lifestyle, motivation and accountability are key factors to being able to maintain that lifestyle for the long haul. It can be very difficult to stay motivated when everyone around you is eating junk and spending their weekends sitting on the couch. The best way to stay motivated is to have an accountability partner and the best accountability partner is your partner!

Starting a healthy lifestyle can be overwhelming so here are some great ways to make it fun and simplify the process. If you need some extra support go check out Amanda Pennino’s article on why working out with your partner is the way to go.

Creating a Health & Fitness Plan for Two

Create Your  Goals

You will never reach your goals if you don’t know what they are. Sit down with your partner and talk about your individual goals. Try thinking of both aesthetic goals and health goals for yourself. Great examples are losing 5lbs before that summer wedding you’re going to and compete in a half marathon by the end of summer.

After creating your individual goals, focus on your fitness goals as a couple. This is a great way to keep each other motivated. Plan a three day hiking trip, or decide that neither of you will drink any soda for the next 2 months. If you are both trying to reach the same goal you will both have to endure the same pain, and you will be able to push each other to reach your goals. Your chances of success are far higher together than separate.

Discuss How You Will Reach Your Goals

It is one thing to want to lose 5 lbs and a whole other thing to actually do it. You need to put a plan into action. Talk about the barriers you both face in reaching your goals and brainstorm how to knock those barriers down. Having your partners perspective can help you find creative ways to start getting healthy and fit.

Track Your Progress

Sometimes it is hard to realize you are getting closer to reaching your goals and how far you have come since the beginning. At the beginning of your health journey take pictures, measurements, and be aware of where you started.

Be sure to complement each other on any achievements. Surviving a week of no soda drinking, or fitting into those jeans that used to be too snug are amazing motivators to keep going.

Healthy Eating as a Couple


Changing your eating habits can be a hard adjustment and is one of the biggest challenges when starting a healthy lifestyle. Being able to have your partner by your side and part of this change makes it a million times easier. Check out these great tricks for meal planning and healthy eating as a couple.

Go Grocery Shopping Together

Okay so it doesn’t sound like the most romantic date but you are less likely to give in to the devil on your shoulder if you have your accountability partner standing right next to you.

Before you hit the stores, write down a list of all the healthy items you need to pick up and then stick to it. Focus on fruits, veggies, fish, chicken and some healthy dairy options like Greek yogurt.

Use a Smaller Plate

This trick seems silly but it really works. It is too easy to fill your plate with food and eat everything on it until you are bursting at the seams. If you fill a smaller plate with food you will still be super satisfied and not even realize you ate less, except you won’t feel like you want to die from over eating.

Share your food

Another way to decrease the amount your eating is to share. When you go out to a restaurant, split the french fries or a dessert. Not only will this save you calories, it will save you some money too.

Feeding each other chocolate mousse in a dark corner in the restaurant can now be romantic and healthy!

Healthy Meal Prep Together

Another romantic way to spend time together is in a hot kitchen, getting all your healthy meals for the week ready. One of you chops up some carrots and celery sticks while the other adds salt and pepper to those yummy baked chicken breasts.

Put on your favorite music and do the kitchen dance together. Having pre-packed meals for the week makes it so much easier to make healthy decisions and doing it together makes it less of a chore. You can for example make a Sweet Potato Crust Quiche.

  • Sweet Potato Crust Quiche

This delicious recipe is super versatile and will keep you healthy throughout your week. Don’t be afraid to get creative by using different vegetables, cheeses, or adding tofu. Quiche is great for a hearty breakfast, satisfying lunch, or delicious dinner and just gets better as leftovers. Enjoy this quick and easy recipe!

2 Medium Sweet Potatoes, 1 Clove of Garlic, 1 Small Onion, 1 Red Pepper, 15 Mushrooms, 3 Handfuls of Spinach, 1 Zucchini, 1 tbsp Olive Oil, 6 eggs, 1 cup any Grated Cheese (f.ex cheddar), Salt and Pepper
Step 1: Preheat oven to 375F, Thinly slice your sweet potatoes into circles and spray your Pie dish with Non-Stick cooking spray
Step 2: Line the pie dish with your sweet potato slices all the way up the sides. Preferably overlapping 2-3 layers.
Step 3: Bake the sweet potato crust for 15-20 minutes until edges have shrunk and become slightly crispy. Let cool while prepping vegetables and decrease oven to 350F
Step 4:Chop garlic, onion, pepper, mushrooms, and zucchini. Saute veggies over medium heat in olive oil until reduced in size / Add Spinach and cook until spinach is wilted. Remove from heat
Step 5: In large bowl mix together eggs, cheese, salt, and pepper until well combined. Add in sauteed veggies and mix well.
Step 6: Pour mixture into pie dish over the sweet potato crust. Bake for 30-40 minutes until fluffy and golden at center

Bring Your Cultures Together

Everyone comes from different backgrounds with amazing food and traditions. Pick out some of the healthier options from your childhood or turn some of your favorite unhealthy meals into healthy ones.

Get creative in the kitchen using spices for flavor and healthy cooking alternatives. Many people discover a new love for cooking they never knew existed and sharing your favorite recipes is a great way to bond.

Getting Fit Together

Working out as a couple is a great way to ensure you will both meet your health and fitness goals. You will stay more accountable when sticking to your work outs, you will be more motivated and you’ll be proud of each other.

Find a Healthy Hobby

Getting fit together is all about finding something you both love doing that keeps you healthy. Do you enjoy hiking, going for long walks, doing CrossFit, or hot yoga? Whatever it is that you like doing together, run with it (haha get it?). Maybe you can’t go hiking every day but if you make that your goal, you will both be more motivated to get into shape so that you can do that 4 day trek in the Appalachians next year.

Notice Each Others Bodies

Nothing keeps you more motivated then your partner nonchalantly grabbing your thigh or bicep and giving a little “mmmm”. Let your partner know that you think them being fit is sexy.

Check them out as they are getting in that last squat at the gym and tell them how much you enjoy being able to be active together. This can be some of the best motivation for couples to stay fit.

Do Some Private Yoga

Discover what your bodies are capable of and have fun with it. There are some awesome couples exercises where you can get a great work out and get closer to each other in new ways. Do some partner stretching or kiss every time you complete a sit-up. These might not be the most effective workouts you have ever done, but they will make you laugh, bring you closer together, and allow your fit lifestyle to become more engrained in your relationship.

Have a Fitness Schedule

You plan dates together, you plan for can’t miss TV shows, you might even plan sex, so why wouldn’t you plan out your workouts.

Having a set time for you both to stop, drop, and get fit, makes it so much easier to stick to it. And if one of you is feeling particularly lazy, your accountability partner will be right there pointing to the clock and telling you to put on your running shoes.

Be Supportive!

Getting fit and eating healthy is one of the best things you can do to improve your relationship right now!

Remember that you’re in this together. You’re doing this so you can feel sexy and healthy. Remember that you are not in competition with each other, do not start to resent your partner’s achievements. Be supportive of each other, especially when you’re feeling tired, sore, or in the mood for a banana split with fudge and caramel.

Be a cheerleader. Complement each other on how firm your butts have become. It’s a great motivator to keep up your new and improved lifestyle. Before you know it you’ll be feeling each other’s muscles and going shopping for sexier clothes together…which will just end up on the bedroom floor anyways.

Share with us what you and your partner done to get fit and healthy together? How has it affected your relationship?

Sarah Williams
Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is an avid blogger who specializes in dating advice. Her interests include gender relations and the underlying mechanisms that drive human interactions. You can check out her thoughts on men, sex, dating and love at Wingman Magazine .

Articles: 69


  1. Great article, thank you! I like the part for the healthy eating!

    For couple circuit workout, my gf and I love to workout together with our body-weights. We like to do some Tabata / HIIT exercises.

    We like the Tabata songs, especially UpTown Funk :

    But the whole album is great! You can check it out here :

    Just one question : do you know the name of the exercise where the girl is supposed to turn around the guy without touching the ground? We like to call it “the Monkey” but we don’t really know the real name… If you want to see this exercise on pictures, you can check it out on this free eBook : on page 18.

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