6 Quick Productivity Hacks for Remote Working Millennials

If you’re a millennial, you probably work remotely or have your own startup based at home. This is a common trend for millennials with 68 percent agreeing on having more employee/employer satisfaction with some form of remote work during the week.

In fact, many millennials would rather work remotely than receive a higher salary. This is part of the digital nomad revolution, and it doesn’t look to be slowing anytime soon.

But with so much remote work happening, how do you stay productive? Here’s the top 5 productivity hacks for millennials on the go.

1. Know When You’re Most Creative

It can be challenging to be and stay creative throughout the day while working from home. You don’t have a team of like-minded peers to bounce ideas off of, or mark up a whiteboard with.

There is, however, a way around this. By identifying your most creative time during the day, you can maximize said creativity for increased productivity. For instance, if you are a morning person, sitting down and have a few creative hours early in the morning could be optimal.

Once you identify your most creative part of the day, schedule in the tasks you need to focus and develop the most during that time. This will leave you more time to get other tasks done in the day as well.

2. Start the Morning Right

Getting your day off to the best start is absolutely essential to having a more productive day. This could be reading for an hour after you wake up, practicing mindfulness meditation, yoga, and even a gym session.

In fact, many successful entrepreneurs, who subsequently spent a lot of time working remotely, believe strongly in starting the day right.

“Exercise and family time put me in a great mind frame before getting down to business,” Richard Branson told CNBC. Branson is also a big believer in waking early. “No matter where I am, I rise early, usually around 5am.”

Starting the morning right may also be correlated with having an early start. Richard Branson is not the only successful person to rise early. Tim Cook, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Howard Schultz, and Jack Dorsey all begin the day well before 6am.

3. Daily Productivity Begins the Day Before

One of the most widely used productivity hacks is making your daily to-do list the day before. This simple little prioritization method allows you to wake up and already have the day’s tasks in front of you.

Millennials can even take this productivity hack a little further by scheduling tasks by the hour to stay on track. Scheduling by the hour also cuts down on switching times and lack of focus.

Scheduling in lunch and time for you in the day is good too. For instance, the traditional in-office lunch hour can and should still be scheduled in the day to ensure you are getting much-needed brain-food.

Theming the days in the week is another powerful productivity hack many remote working millennials can employ. Jack Dorsey, Twitter and Square co-founder does this. “The only way to do this is to be very disciplined and very practiced,” Dorsey warned in an interview.

4. Be Your Own Boss

Most millennials want to work remotely for a company, or have their own startup or small business. This is the dream, and many would agree that being your own boss is the most ideal remote working situation.

However, not all millennials are being their own boss. This term should be used to keep you productive as if a boss would do. For instance, having a task list of daily, weekly, and monthly goals, setting deadlines for yourself, and ensuring your business’ online presence is managed correctly. Successful entrepreneurs need to arm themselves with tools such as organisers, and webinar software to hold meetings efficiently.

Letting things slide for even a day can make the day off on Saturday not possible as you catch up on the missed deadlines of the week. Being a productive remote working millennial means being a boss, and holding yourself accountable.

5. Optimize Your Online Presence

This is a pretty profitable productivity hack for millennials who have their own online business. This could be ecommerce, blog, or professional portfolio. Most millennials know that time counts and if your online presence doesn’t load up fast, you lost users and money.

This makes WordPress website optimization a must. There are SEO tactics you can employ, but when it comes to speed, image compression, embedding videos correctly, and the site’s code become a major factor. For instance, minifying WordPress CSS and JavaScript code.

These website speed hacks will speed up your site and serve up a more powerful user experience.

6. Make Productivity a Priority

Remote work can be far more productive than the in-office grind. It just comes down to how you schedule and manage your time.

Make productivity a priority and maximize results, whether making your startup a success, or moving up in your company from your sofa. How do you stay productive while working remotely?

Patrick Banks
Patrick Banks

Patrick is a Berlin-based dating advisor, motivational speaker, a huge fitness and vegan diet enthusiast and the main editor at Wingman Magazine, specialised in men's health. His ultimate goal is to share with men around the world his passion for self-development and to help them to become the greatest version of themselves. He believes a healthy body and successful social interactions are two main keys to happiness.

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