Exercises to Stop Snoring: The Simple Workout That Will Stop You Snoring And Improve Your Sleep

Snoring may not be harmful to your health, but it can cause many problems in your life. I used to snore so loudly and disturbed my family members and my roommates quite much, so I understand the sorry and unpleasant feelings when affected people blamed us who snored so loudly for their sleep loss. Luckily, I found several effective ways to cope with that situation, and now I can sleep very well and quietly every night. Let me show you in the article. But first, you need to know the causes of snoring.

Snoring occurs when the muscles in the throat, tongue, and palate relax so that they block a part of the airway and vibrate each time you breathe. This creates an unpleasant snore. However, according to the Telegraph, Ear Nose & Throat Consultant at St John and St Elizabeth Hospital in London, England, said sleep snoring poses a potential health risk. If not treated, snoring habits can develop into sleep apnea, leading to many serious illnesses, including the risk of heart attack.

In case of sleep apnea, the airway is blocked more significantly, which sometimes wholly obstructs the breath until you are forced to wake up because of asphyxia. Studies have shown that up to 90% of snoring patients have sleep apnea and 90% of patients with this syndrome frequently breathe loudly while sleeping. The most common nighttime symptoms are loudly snoring while asleep, and secondly, sleep apnea.

During the night, patients also have signs of insomnia or have to get up in the night for a piss. Daytime symptoms include dry mouth, morning headache, and a general feeling of reduced concentration and attention. Also, snoring can be a nuisance to other people in the family, especially spouses. “Snoring is not a habit you choose, but you can choose to stop it, just like drinking or smoking,” says Mike Dilkes. If you can make the muscles in your mouth and throat firmer, loudly snoring can be reduced. In the article, I will share with you some ways that I used to apply to reduce loud snores. Let’s follow some workouts below.

I. Simple Workouts For Stopping Snoring

Lesson 1: 

Bring your tongue forward and touch your upper jaw (the same way you prepare to pronounce the letter “L”)

Then pull the tongue backward so that the tip of the tongue touches the roof of the mouth

Repeat 20 times with this movement

You may think the way is so funny and ineffective, but trust me; it’s beneficial if you follow it for a period.

Lesson 2:  Another way easier:

Place the tongue on the roof of the mouth and try to press the tongue into the palate as strong as possible

Lesson 3:

Use the tongue to “stir” around the mouth. Imagine that you are using your tongue to examine each tooth in your mouth

Try to do it as long as possible

If you are reading this lesson, for sure you are doing it and thinking that it’s hard to control your tongue. But never mind, let’s stir everywhere you want around your mouth.

Lesson 4: 

Practice the mouth by repeating the opening, as if you were pronouncing the letter “A.”

Lesson 5:

Open mouth slowly and tighten the lips in 5 seconds

Do it for 5 minutes each day

It is so simple, right? Let’s do it even you are lying on your bed and closing your eyes.

Lesson 6: 

Push the tongue out as far as possible and keep it for 5 seconds

Push the tongue to the right and then to the left, as deep as possible

Bend the tongue upward, then down towards the chin

If you do it in front of the mirror, you will realize you look so funny. So remember to do this exercise in your room. People may think you are so weird if you do it outsides.

Lesson 7: 

Hold your lips together, then do the same action as suction the straws for 5 seconds repeat the movement for 5 times

Lesson 8: 

Hold one pencil between two lips for 5 minutes

Lesson 9: 

Open your mouth widely (say WHISH) and hold it for 5 seconds

Repeat 6 times

Lesson 10: 

Run your mouth forward as if you were about to kiss someone

Hold for 5 seconds and do it 6 times

After doing the exercise for many times, you probably have kisses like a professor.

According to the worldwide research, after three months of training with the simple workout above, snoring, sleep apnea and daytime drowsiness can be improved, and the AHI of 30% can be reduced as well.

II. Workouts For The Sound Sleep 

Besides the exercises with mouths and lips, the following ones are effective to stop snoring and help you sleep better as well. Not only that, after doing them every night before lost in dreams, I found myself being in the better shape. How interesting it is! Let’s discover what those exercises are.

1. Wring The Spine

This position can be quickly done in bed. The steps are as follows:

Lie with the back straight, bend the knees then pull them close to chest as deep as possible then cross right

Move your left hand and reach as far as possible to the left

Hold for 30 seconds. Then back to the old position and repeat with the opposite side

2. Embrace Knees

This movement is effortless, but it can help to relax the back muscles effectively, thereby helping you relax and sleep better.

Lie with the back straight, stretch your legs

Lift the right knee up to chest while keeping the left leg straight

Embrace the knee and press against the chest. This is the critical part of the movement to relieve the pressure of the shoulder and neck.

Hold the position for half a minute and repeat with the other leg.

3. Hips Pressing Action

This posture can reduce pain in the hips and lower back, help the body completely relax, and quickly fall asleep. The steps are as follows:

Lie comfortably and fold the knees.

Use hands to hold the soles of your feet.

Gradually pull your arms to put your legs up

Relax shoulders and chest

Hold for 30 seconds

Repeat the action for several times to improve the sleep

4. Cobra Posture

This improves the flexibility of the abdominal muscles, chest, and neck, and strengthens the flexibility of the spine. When the spine is comfortable, you will enhance your sleep considerably.

Lying face down, push the hand in front of the chest like pushup action

Try to push the body up, keep your arms straight

Relax your chest and neck

Hold the movement for 30 seconds before lowering

5. Fish Posture

This posture effectively works to relax the muscle groups in the spine, neck, chest, and shoulders. Your body will feel light after doing the exercise, get a feeling of relaxation, and soon fall into a sound sleep

Lie on your back comfortably, stretch legs

Lift the head and upper body gradually, higher than usual, use two elbows to support

Bend the head back and maintain the posture for 30 seconds

6. Butterfly Posture

This posture will help you relax your hips and lower back. Here are the steps:

Sit comfortably, folding legs so that the soles of the feet stay together

Lean forward, with both hands pressed his legs close to the chest.

Leave within 30 seconds.

7. Cat Posture 

This is a perfect exercise to help relieve aches and pains, at the same time help to improve your sleep very effectively.

To start, lie on your stomach

Push your back up high thanks to hip and head muscles

Hold the position for a few seconds

Change your position, relax and lower your back, face up

Hold for a few seconds then repeat from the beginning

8. Lying On The Back With A Wall

Sitting opposite the wall (or headboard), the butt is about 15cm away from the wall

Slowly lean back, while stretching your foot against the wall

If your leg muscles are quite tight, you can slip your butt away from the wall a little

Place your arms beside your hips, palms upward, breathe lightly and feel the tension from your legs

Keep the position at least 2 minutes

9. Muscle Relaxants

Lie on your back, knees bent

Place the soles of your feet close together and slightly expand your knees to form a diamond

Place your arms comfortably on your bed

If you are stressed, raise your legs by placing pillows under your knees

Keep the position at least 2 minutes

10. Children’s Tail

Sit on your legs in a comfortable seat

Fold the upper body forward until the forehead touches the bed

Get your chest close your knees, extend your arms forward

Keep in this position at least 2 minutes and take a deep breath in a gentle way

III. Setting the right sleeping environement

Beside the simple workouts to help stop snoring and improve sleep, you should pay attention to other things that will be listed below in order to gain the best results.

1. Clean Your Nose

Your nose plays a vital role in whether or not you snore. If you have congestion or any allergic or sinus problem, you should try to treat with a Neti pot or a decoction for clearing noses. And if you really want to get rid of snoring, let’s look for trees that clean the air and sleep in the light lights.

2. Make Frequent Changes To Your Pillows And Bed Sheets

Changing your bed sheets every week is also an excellent way to help stop snoring and breathe easier. This eliminates dust and allergens accumulated on your bed, especially if you have pets.

3. Stop Smoking

You can stop snoring and become healthier when you quit smoking. Not surprisingly, smoking is not a good thing for the breath. And if you do not breathe easily, you can snore, for sure. Smoking in your lungs stimulates your nose and throat, causing obstructed airways. Quitting does not happen overnight, but think about the benefits you will get when you succeed.

The above are several simple-but-effective workouts to help you stop your snoring and improve your sleep. They are very easy for following, so if you are snoring and affecting other people or suffering from others’ snoring, let’s try to imitate or suggest to other people the workouts above help everyone have a sound sleep.

Emily Pham
Emily Pham

This guest post is by Emily Pham, a blogger with many years of experience in searching the best effective remedies for health and beauty issues.

Articles: 3

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