Financial Wellbeing Is Linked To Emotional and Physical Health and You Can Do Something To Break the Cycle! 

By Patrick Banks

Posted 9 months agoGROWTH

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Adulting is an everyday struggle where daily responsibilities can really weigh you down sometimes. You have to watch for the bills, credit card payments, kids and their needs, and don’t forget about household necessities that need to be looked after. If we ever have to make a list of things that stress out adults the most then, it is safe to say, the financial management will somehow be mostly at the top. 

However, what we forget to notice sometimes is that stressing about money, income sources and “having enough” can have adverse effects on your mental and emotional health. Consequently, the days won’t be far when your physical health will begin to suffer as well. This is because the body can not differentiate between the sources of stress and it is a normal human reaction that once brain function slows down, physical functions follow. 

What Will Constant Stress Do To You? 

We all go through moments of stress, anxiety and panic sometimes. This is never any cause of worry and mostly, our bodies are well-equipped to deal with such ups and downs in life. However, it is a cause of concern to remain stressed out for weeks or months. Here’s a common example: Let’s say you have an important exam coming up. Being stressed out about doing well may help your body stay energetic through the night or even stay awake for a longer period of time. Once you are done with the evaluation, you can always go back to resting and regaining the strength that you lost due to excessive burden. However, now let’s compare it with a situation when the solution doesn’t come to you the very next day. Imagine you are in dire need of a computer and looking for financing. After exploring all the available options, you realize it falls out of your budget. 

Now begins a stress cycle! 

Although you have checked all options on the list, your mind won’t stop thinking “how can I get this done?” At the same time, you will be stressed about financial lackings. This will ultimately disturb your peace and mental well-being. If the case worsens, you will end up with disturbed sleep cycle as well. In some scenarios, eating disorders are commonly observed. All these can amount up to compromised physical health. 

How Does Your Body React To Long Periods of Stress? 

Involuntary actions of your body such as the heart rate, vision, and breathing are under the control of the autonomic nervous system. When your body is under stress, the first response, also categorized as “fight or flight response” is triggered automatically. However, if the chronic stress persists, it will cause wear and tear of the stress response and permanent changes in emotional wellbeing and behavioral symptoms will occur. Ultimately, these can lead to one or development of multiple symptoms from those listed below: 

  • Constant aches. 
  • Chest pain or never stopping pain in the heart. 
  • Bodily exhaustion without any activity. 
  • Trouble sleeping at night or waking up not fresh at all even after long sleep. 
  • High blood pressure. 
  • Shaking of hands. 
  • Dizziness. 
  • Digestive problems such as stomach burn or constipation. 
  • Weakened immune system which may result in allergies and the body being susceptible to seasonal changes.

What Can You Do About This? 

Now that you may have realized what chronic stress can do to you in the long run, it becomes important to know how to address your financial stress and find viable ways to deal with it before it starts weighing you down emotionally and physically. There are two important aspects of this issue that you should look into. 

First of all, what can be done about the financial stress itself? It is highly likely that you will have checked out all financing options including available buy now pay later apps schemes that are often easiest to qualify for. If it is a financial emergency then you can think about opting for a short term loan through a bank or credit union. There are solid chances that poor credit history may get in the way so another option to consider is to request funds from a friend or family member who trusts you. Although discussing money issues is often thought to be embarrassing, if it can save you from ruining your peace and health, there is no harm in giving it a try. Moreover, a loan from someone you know will also save you from the worry of paying interest on payments. However, make sure you are able to repay on time. 

Besides finding a fix to the problem at hand, you should also aim to incorporate certain changes in your lifestyle that can help cope with stress efficiently. Here are a few things that you can try out. 

1. Exercise Regularly

An hour-long walk or some time in the gym can really help you alleviate stress and boost mood. Not only is this a tried-and-tested method, it is backed up by scientific research as well. 

2. Find Out About Relaxation Activities That You May Enjoy 

There is a lot you can do to calm down your brain and relax. For example, meditation, breathing exercises, spending time alone reading a book that you enjoy, etc. are all reliable ways of building a stress-free routing. 

3. Make Sure You Are Having Enough Social Time 

Staying connected to people who are good company and keep you happy is an emotional support system that will never disappoint. It can help you focus elsewhere than responsibilities and worries. 

4. Keep Track of What’s Worrying You 

If we are talking specifically about financial stress here then it might be a good idea to keep a diary that can help you identify spending patterns that are causing issues. By keeping a record, you can figure out how to save more and how to spend efficiently so you don’t exceed your monthly budget. 

5. Stay Positive! 

As cliche as it may sound, the key to staying stress-free is to stay positive. You must learn to acknowledge the good things in life. Moreover, you should understand that not all things will go as you planned and you can’t control everything. 

Should You See a Doctor? 

You can sort out your stress issues by following some of the tips above. However, if things worsen, it is best to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Constant anxiety and panic attacks are a strong indicator that you need to visit a doctor. Quickly deteriorating health also signals that you are unable to take care of yourself and need medical attention. In some cases, a physical doctor may refer you to a therapist instead of prescribing a medicine right away. 

Remember! We all go through stressed periods and it is a completely natural and normal phenomenon. It is a long spell of stress that you should be concerned about. Before it turns into something worrisome, taking simple stress management steps should be able to help you cope with the problem. If nothing else works out, and you feel anxious, panicked or overwhelmed all the time, it is strongly recommended that you talk to a doctor. 

About the author Patrick Banks

Patrick is a Berlin-based dating advisor, motivational speaker, a huge fitness and vegan diet enthusiast and the main editor at Wingman Magazine, specialised in men's health. His ultimate goal is to share with men around the world his passion for self-development and to help them to become the greatest version of themselves. He believes a healthy body and successful social interactions are two main keys to happiness.

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