What to Do When You Envy Others and What All Successful People Have In Common

By Patrick Banks

Posted 3 years agoGROWTH

Surely it has happened to you sometime and not necessarily only in the professional field. That is costing you a lot and another person or several nearby is going great. And although you rejoice for them, you have certain envy, and you feel bad.
What to Do when You Envy the Success of Another Person

Having envy is something normal, as I always say we are not robots, but people with feelings, ups and downs and insecurities. The important thing is, to accept the emotion and release it.

Of course releasing it is difficult, of course, but keep in mind that it is something normal and quite frequent and that is not why you are a bad person.

What to do when you have Envying

It can happen to you if you see a competitor having a great success or winning a lot of money, or a friend or family member that you are happy but a part of you sinks a bit.

Maybe you compare yourself to your peers, asking why do I earn less than my friends, or why they always have more success with women?

Then you have several alternatives, continue to deny, complain and feel bad for that envy or jealousy, or try to analyze it.

You already know that I, probably because of my scientific vocation, am a fan of analyzing everything, asking the reasons, finding out more about myself and doing something about it, and this is no exception.

What you can do if you feel jealousy or envy of someone’s achievements

1. Analyze what exactly you are envious of

This is very important because it tells you something you want and still do not have. Try to go deeper and be specific, what exactly do you envy?

That person has customers continuously (because that would mean for you not having ups and downs of income, for example), that you have achieved a promotion or have raised your salary (and perhaps you feel stuck in your job).

2. Analyze what causes in you

Most of the time being jealous about other’s people success stems from our low self esteem. Analyze what causes that inferior image inside of you, what thoughts or emotions for examples. In what kid of situations it happens to tell to yourself:

  • I do not deserve that
  • It’s too much for me
  • You have to be a bad person to get there
  • It’s too much work

This gives you very valuable information about your limiting beliefs, so you can start working on them.

3. Do something

I am a very action-oriented person and it works very well for almost everything, stop thinking and start doing something. Write an article, take a walk, cook, read, make a message, watch a series. And do essays online for (example from writemyessayonline.com) for quick finish your assignments.

Do something to help you stop thinking about them and feel sorry for yourself so you can move on to something else. As I say, for me this is a very effective way to release emotion and I recommend it to you.

4. Ask yourself what you can do

There are people who wonder why someone has achieved something, and others who ask themselves, and why do not I? If he or she has been able, I can too. I am one of those and that’s why I like to ask myself what this person has done to achieve it and what I can do and what I want to do.

Because if you are sure that you also want something that another person has achieved (what you are envious of), the most effective thing is to see what you have done to achieve it and how you can do it. And when you have it clear, decide if you want to do it. This is key because many times things require a job, risk or effort that not everyone is willing to accept.

So you can move from envy to action. And as Denise always says, do not forget that, although sometimes you are not able to see it, good things happen to you too.

What do you say? What do you do when you feel envy or jealousy of another person’s achievement (and do not tell me that it has never happened to you? ☺

What is success?

This depends absolutely to your definition of success.  One definition is “achievement of something preferred”.  What if I preference more than maximizing wealth?  Is there any vicinity in commercial enterprise for those who just want to have a blast and be totally fantastic? 

Positive, there are masses of millionaire playboys who run around the world spending money and being wealthy off their large business thoughts, however what approximately those people commonplace individuals who can’t come up with the money for to parachute out of our personal personal airplanes.  How can we have fun in enterprise without it costing a fortune?  The answer is range.

How to find out what is your way of success

The first thing is now about yourself what is in you to find success. Whatever is it just fine in you and use it in your way.Just build your brain how you success from others what you should do for it.

There is all of your questions answers in your it’s depends on you how you find and make to use to be success.

Hard work

Hard work is the main key to your success do hard work for better results. If you look you are around there is hard work behind every successful person. They do his work as hard as they do the best and final result is they became a successful businessmen \women.

Once you become more successful in what you are doing, keep your money under control and don’t show off. You are building your success for your own sake and long term prosperity, not to prove anything to anyone else.

Surround yourself with good people

That’s the perfect key of your success every time just find the right people who they also a success full be touch with them and keep you all concentrations on them what they do how they success how they behave with their clients and how clients deal them. You have to search them always around you and be a part of them.

10 Things Successful Peopel Have in Common

1. They understand whilst to stay and when to leave

Hit humans recognize exactly once they must change employers, start an enterprise or fold their organization. They have got precise instinct and aren’t afraid to make hard selections, no matter opposing forces.

2. Successful people do greater than what is requested of them

They view their process descriptions as just the beginning of what they can do with their activity. When they’ve completed their mandatory responsibilities, they’ll always ask to tackle extra initiatives that project them. They are even willing to take on the tedious paintings that no person else desires to do with the intention to be a group player.

3. They’re willing to fail on the way to ultimately be successful

All a hit human beings realize that it would not come easy and they may be bound to fail extra than they will be triumphant at whatever. They’re inclined to examine from every failure because it will help them make better choices that result in fulfillment later. Whilst many humans give up after failing at something, a hit character will persevere.

4. Successful people recognize that they make their own success

Success is derived from hard paintings over time and positioning yourself for success. You may not randomly get lucky and hit human beings know that. They’ll do at least one factor each unmarried day to put themselves in a higher position to get lucky after which use that success to grow.

5. They set real dreams that they could accomplish

Hit humans awaken and they’ve already planned their day, even as unsuccessful humans are scrambling to discern out what they need to do next. Their goals are very targeted, massive yet available and are aligned to their strengths. They realize what they’re able to and could make investments all in their efforts in it, heading off their weaknesses.

6. They take duty for themselves and their moves

They aren’t counting on different humans so one can get the task accomplished. Instead, they’re looking inwards and are trying to find the solutions, at the same time as leveraging their contemporary property. If they make a mistake, they very own up to it and at once consider ways that they are able to improve subsequent time, not making the same mistake two times.

7. They make trade in preference to being tormented by it

Successful people are not ready round to be affected by economic traits. They may be the ones who are creating the trends and making matters take place.

8. They may be able to adjust to changes in the marketplace

Successful humans are inclined to reinvent themselves to live relevant in the enterprise world. They keep in mind that in case you stay stagnant and forget about tendencies, that you will be left in the back of. They are constantly coming up with new ideas, looking for the following huge component and getting new competencies.

9. They can communicate their tale successfully

If you stroll up to a successful individual and ask them what they do, they’ll capable to inform you the whole lot in a concise manner. They recognize who they may be, what they do and might make you trust in them. They robust posture and are very persuasive and assured.

10. They ask the proper questions to the folks who can deliver the right solutions

Successful humans realize they need to clear up issues by way of tapping their networks. They aren’t scared of emailing or calling the satisfactory character that can solution their questions. They usually organized with the proper questions and are usually willing to assist the alternative individual out in return.
About the author Patrick Banks

Patrick is a Berlin-based dating advisor, motivational speaker, a huge fitness and vegan diet enthusiast and the main editor at Wingman Magazine, specialised in men's health. His ultimate goal is to share with men around the world his passion for self-development and to help them to become the greatest version of themselves. He believes a healthy body and successful social interactions are two main keys to happiness.

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