10 Best Career Choices for Millennial Men

Millennials are a unique generation in so many different ways, but especially when it comes to their way of choosing (or building) their career path. For many ambitious millennials, it’s not just about putting food on the table or finding a stable source of income.

It’s about the core values their employer stands for and the perks beyond the salary. Choosing a suitable career is a much more intricate process for a millennial, precisely because they don’t settle.

As for the gentlemen in this generation, they have specific preferences that are slowly reshaping the market, too. Here, we’ll list a few of the most sought-after positions that millennial men want, and what makes them so attractive.

Setting out on your own

Millennial men appreciate certain perks of modern life, including diversity, innovation, and competitiveness. That said, many millennial men will set out on their own precisely because they already have the right blend of managerial skills to run their own company and they have an innovative idea to match. Entrepreneurship among millennial men is soaring, and in the years to come, many more are expected to come up with their own unique business ventures.

Thanks to the ability to work from anywhere and the changing laws of international collaboration (which is more empowered than ever), millennials are eager to try their hand at entrepreneurship. If you enjoy being in charge and you have an idea that fits your target market, you can build your own career as an entrepreneur in whichever industry you choose.

Becoming a first responder

The pandemic has changed all of our lives in so many ways. One thing is for certain: we have come to appreciate and value healthcare workers more than ever, and many millennial men have noticed that this is the kind of calling that matches their values. The desire to help those who need it most and the need for constant learning and improvement are some of the most common traits in millennial men that take this road.

From EMTs all the way to firefighters and police officers, first responders are the first on the line and they have highly stressful jobs. However, the reward that comes with these positions is what makes all the effort worth while for a millennial man that wants to make a difference.

Entering the digital marketing world

Once more, the pandemic has affected how we perceive life and different brands. Ever since so many companies have had to shift to online sales, they’ve also had an increased need to master the art of online marketing to position themselves properly. Millennials, who are by nature tech-savvy and active participants in the online world find this an easy place to thrive.

Marketing managers are typically creative, take-charge people that savor the fast-paced life of marketing, which is why so many millennial men find themselves gravitating towards this position.

Taking over the realm of finances

Financial assistants, analysts, bookkeepers, and accountants, among other finance-related positions will grow more popular among millennial men in the near future. With more entrepreneurs on the horizon and existing businesses needing help to adapt their budgets properly and ensure stable cash flow, men with the right bachelor’s degree or university business courses in finances will be a true asset.

In addition to being a well-paid occupation and a solid career opportunity on its own, being a financial analyst can also be a lucrative freelancing opportunity for the modern man that wants more freedom in choosing his clients.

Pediatrics and emergency care

As highly emphatic people vested in the wellbeing of humanity, it’s only natural to expect that so many millennial men want to work with kids and help them get better. They even do their best to keep up with the latest emergency and life support care techniques by taking up various courses, including advanced cardiac life support.

Thankfully, men who want to get certified and help even while the pandemic is still ongoing, there’s the option of getting PALS certified online to start working sooner rather than later. Medical technicians in this field learn to react quickly and save children’s lives, thus making this calling a perfect match for what millennials value in life.

Freelancing at its best

Combining a range of different skills, the freedom to work from anywhere, the ability to move and work as a digital nomad – all of these and many other perks of freelancing appeal to the modern millennial man.

Millennials are known for their love of independence and flexibility, and since many brands have yet to hop on that particular bandwagon, men of this generation choose to rather create their own professional path with the help of freelancing platforms in their skill range.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a designer, a business consultant, software developer, a virtual assistant, or a therapist, providing your services online and via a multitude of platforms is becoming more popular by the day.

App development on the rise

Wherever you look, there’s yet another business, be it a hotel, a transportation service, a medical facility, or a marketing expert, wanting to offer a customized, branded app for their customers and potential clients. That’s why one of the most promising programming jobs includes app development, and many men will strive to join an existing IT business to do just that.

Men with strong collaboration skills and experience in data analytics can be very successful in this profession, provided that they know the essential programming languages for the job.

Working in fitness

From world-renowned and innovative fitness philosophies all the way to working one-on-one with people who need rehabilitation, fitness instructors are definitely in need everywhere. Millennial men, being so deeply vested in the notion of health and independence have a tendency to find themselves precisely in this type of a career.

Whether you obtain a globally recognized certificate in fitness or you build your own program from scratch, you can certainly grow as a fitness professional in 2021 and beyond.

Some of the listed jobs ensure greater security in terms of finances and perks, but others come with growth opportunities that many millennial men cannot resist. It’s about finding the balance that resonates with you and that provides you with the right stability in your life, as well as a quality of existence that fills your life with meaning and substance. Luckily, the listed occupations and career directions ensure just that – the rest is up to you!

What Are The Career Options For Exercise Science Degree Holders

Physical activity is a fundamental part of our well-being, regardless of age, body type, or BMI. It is always a top choice to improve the quality and longevity of life. However, this aspect of life is often overlooked, and not many people don’t know how to begin this journey. And that’s a great career opportunity for a professional who could help them!

Exercise education is the study of bodily movements under stress as a part of physical exercise. It also includes research on the effect of health parameters on the body. These include nutrition and the detection of acute and chronic adaptations or pathological issues. Professionals work together to reduce and reverse disease progression through exercise, rehabilitation, injury prevention, and nutrition coaching.

It truly is an extensive area of study. If you are a fitness enthusiast or someone interested in health sciences, exercise science can offer excellent career opportunities. However, before stepping into careers, it is vital to know if the subjects grab your interest. Depending on educational institutes, the courses provided under an exercise science degree are as follows:

  • Nutrition
  • Kinesiology
  • Biomechanics
  • Sport phycology
  • Fitness and health
  • Injury prevention
  • Wellness coaching
  • Exercise physiology
  • Applied sport sciences
  • Rehabilitation sciences

Top Career Options For Exercise Science Degree Holders

Choosing a career path that you have little to no information about can be daunting. If you want to know what careers a bachelor’s degree in exercise science has to offer, you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading.

Exercise science is a highly expanded field of study. It includes countless career options starting from sports leagues to fitness companies and healthcare systems. It also offers coursework and a master’s degree for higher education.

Here are some of the most popular and highly profitable career paths in exercise sciences.

· Personal Trainer

A personal trainer is probably the most chosen career path in exercise science. The immense popularity is due to the need for guidance on proper fitness techniques and some personal skills to motivate your clients. There are numerous benefits to a career in personal training. The advantages are close to other highly qualified fields.

To become a trainer, you require additional certifications from accredited companies, vocational colleges to universities, and online or internal gym programs. If you are enrolled in a college program, you can continue with a personal training certification side by side. It will help you gain experience and lead a career while you complete your degree.

The employment rate of this career is expected to grow 13% within five years. This is much faster than other occupations. The compensation varies depending on where and how you choose to work. Generally speaking, becoming a personal trainer for corporate or celebrity clientele has more benefits than being a regular gym instructor. All in all, personal training is a well-paid job, which guarantees professional success.

·  Physical Therapist

A physical therapist plans specified movement therapy programs for people with disabilities or injuries. It is a healthcare profession that further advances into manifold careers. A physical therapist can choose a variety of working environments with entrepreneurial opportunities. The median pay also stands at a towering $89,000, as stated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. A physiotherapist also has an excellent work-life balance, making it an in-demand profession in healthcare. However, to practice, you will need doctoral certification or license. Nonetheless, it is a very rewarding profession, both professionally and personally.

·   Athletic Trainer

Athletic trainers are similar to personal trainers. Both careers rank the same in terms of the nature of work. However, to be an athletic trainer, you need specialized training in a specific sport alongside a state licensure exam.

This particular training career has a good yearly income. The employment rate is also immense and projected to grow 11% in the coming years. Athletic trainers can also work as sports coaches and scouts in universities and colleges. They have the opportunity to work hand-in-hand with top athletes or professional sports teams. To train them in fitness, strength, performance, and nutrition. It is a very diverse career option that comes with its fair share of glitz and glam if you choose to work with top tier athletes.

·   Exercise Physiologist

A graduate or undergrad student looking to put their exercise science degree to use can become a physiologist. It is a popular career choice with plenty of benefits. The yearly median pay is appreciable, and the job lookout is also faster than average at 10%.

However, like most careers related to the healthcare industry, you will require a post-grad degree or certification from the American Society of experience Physiologists to start practicing professionally. Another compelling aspect of this career is that the self-employment rate is high, making it great for entrepreneurs. If you’re someone looking to start your own business, then an exercise physiologist is the career for you.

·   PE Teacher

A PE teacher works in different school setups to guide students about sports and fitness. They also instruct and coach sports teams so they can play against other schools. The minimum educational requirement for this career is a bachelor’s degree and a teaching credential. A personal training certificate can also suffice.

PE teachers get all the perks regular teachers get. Summer breaks, winter breaks, job security, pension, etc. all these features make this quite an attractive career opportunity, especially for people who love to work with kids and teens. Overall, it is a career that helps you lead a rewarding life by keeping it simple and ideal.

Of course, these are not the only jobs one can land with a degree in exercise science. There are many other options. In short, exercise science is a vast degree that opens up several doors for employment. It is crucial to choose the program you’re passionate about most. If you are settled on a path, make sure it’s within a reasonable financial plan. Another beneficial way to choose a career is to consider its typical salary. Lastly, before going on with your choice, do consider degree requirements and the time investment.

Career Change? 6 Aspects of a New Job That You May Have Overlooked

Have you recently started your life in a new occupation? Like anything new, finding a job can be incredibly exciting – so much so that you may forget or overlook some of the key aspects of taking on a new occupation.

There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to a new job – safety being one of the most important factors. Additionally, how might your health and dental benefits change with the shift in occupations? How much time will you be expected to put toward your new job, and what kind of opportunities for growth are there within the company? It’s crucial to consider all possibilities and maintain a well-rounded perspective of what can be expected.

What are some things to keep in mind when making a career shift or taking on a new job?

1. Will Your Benefits Change?

When accepting a new job or considering a shift in occupation, it’s important to stay completely informed on all that could change. One of the most significant pieces of this puzzle is getting all of the facts on what may change regarding your health and dental benefits as well as your 401k.

Will you be taking on a job that requires hands-on labor? Is there a possibility that you could get hurt at work, or that a chronic issue could arise? You’ll want to make sure the benefit plans you can choose from match what you’ll need. Take the time to ask about your premium, what it covers and if you’ll be able to go to the same doctors you’ve been seeing.

Also consider that there may be a waiting period between beginning your new job and when you’ll be eligible to enroll in insurance. You may be able to purchase a temporarily extended plan from your previous employer to cover you during this waiting period.

Will your 401k be transferrable to the new employer? Check to see if your new employer will continue to provide health care benefits to their retired employees.

2. How Safe is it?

Among the many aspects to consider when taking on a new job is how dangerous the job may be. The level of safety might have an effect on a particular occupation, and it’s certainly a factor that deserves a great deal of thought.

In Florida, for instance, the top 10 most dangerous jobs consist of (from most dangerous to least): drivers/sales workers and truck drivers, construction laborers, grounds maintenance workers, miscellaneous agricultural workers, managers of retail sales workers, office and administrative support jobs, police officers, hand laborers and freight/stock movers, roofers, and managers of construction trades.

When it comes to the overall safety of workers everywhere, transportation plays a huge role. Take into consideration how much time will be spent traveling while at work. Will your new job revolve largely around driving? Will you be dealing with heavy machinery on a daily basis? Also, consider the likelihood of slip and fall accidents and heavy lifting.

3. How Much Time Will You Devote?

Before accepting a new job, consider how much time you’re willing to put toward your workweek compared to the amount of time they’re expecting you to devote. It’s important to know ahead of time what your new employers will be expecting of you.

Of course, it’s always important to give 110% toward anything you set your mind to, but 110% may look very different for different people. Do you have a family at home? Do you have other commitments? While taking care of yourself and your family can largely be seen as a monetary endeavor, keep in mind the importance of finding balance between your work life and home life. Will working 10 hours a week of overtime ultimately help you financially? Probably. What, though, if anything, might it do to your relationships?

Whether or not the amount of time you devote to your occupation will affect your life outside of work, it’s still a key factor to take note of before beginning your new job. What can you do to go above and beyond?

4. Are There Any Opportunities for Growth?

If you’re taking on an occupation that you hope to be in for some time, you might inquire about opportunities for growth within the company. Is this an industry in which you might be able to climb the ladder toward a different role that you may feel you’re more ideally suited for?

Aside from growing within the company, consider whether or not your ultimate career goals will be more quickly met by taking on a new job. Will this job give you training in areas you’ve not yet had experience in? Will it give you a full and well-rounded portfolio to facilitate your progress through your career?

5. Consider Your Overall Quality of Life.

Quality of life based on an occupation can be derived from many things – the amount of time and effort put forth at work, the people you work with and for on a daily basis, whether or not you feel your work is beneficial to others, and whether or not you feel you’re being satisfactorily compensated for the work you do.

Employment is typically the most important source of economic gain, which is a huge factor in survival as far as food and participation in today’s society. Work is also central to individual identity and social status. There is also a clear association between unemployment and poor health. While it has been proven that employment and well-being go hand-in-hand, maintaining a balance is key.

6. Is it Worth the Money?

Taking all of these factors into consideration – benefits, safety, amount of time spent at work, opportunities for growth, and your overall quality of life as a result of this job – is it worth the money you’ll be making in return? How much will you have to sacrifice or risk in this new occupation? Consider these key factors that can often be overlooked before committing to making a change in your career.

Patrick Banks
Patrick Banks

Patrick is a Berlin-based dating advisor, motivational speaker, a huge fitness and vegan diet enthusiast and the main editor at Wingman Magazine, specialised in men's health. His ultimate goal is to share with men around the world his passion for self-development and to help them to become the greatest version of themselves. He believes a healthy body and successful social interactions are two main keys to happiness.

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