The 13 Best Jobs for Introverts and Socially Awkward People

By Patrick Banks

Posted 7 months agoGROWTH

It seems like every position requires notorious skills, such as communication and teamwork, to gain credence on equal footing with other professionals. As a result, you begin to think that you are too socially awkward to get a job.
13 of the Best Jobs for Introverts and Socially Awkward People

But this is a mistaken belief. The modern labor market offers many up-close opportunities for introverts. Our helpful guide will show you the best careers that can unlock your potential in a comfortable working environment. 

There is the fact that some people are extroverts who thrive in a highly social environment and which makes them naturals at networking, while others are introverts, which dread the idea of a room full of people, and only feel comfortable when left alone with their own thoughts. However, while they are different, extroverts and introverts aren’t polar opposites, because they do share some traits.

Introverts have the advantage when it comes to networking. They can be extremely good at networking depending on the environment they are in. They tend to be more effective in situations where they have time to warm up to others. Also, they are much better with the written word than extroverts, and when it comes to the Internet, they feel right at home, which is certainly an advantage.

How to choose the best jobs for introverts and socially awkward people?

The job search is greatly simplified if you know for sure what you are looking for. This applies to both the field of expertise and working conditions since your self-realization is possible only if you feel at ease.

Our tips will help you identify the main criteria for jobs for the socially awkward. Keep them in mind when scrolling job boards or preparing for an interview with another potential employer.

  • Ability to work solitarily or remotely. Continuous interaction is a stressful and exhausting process for introverts. They consume too much energy holding a conversation, finding the right words, and choosing their behavioral pattern, negatively affecting their productivity. Therefore, your perfect job should protect you from external stimuli. Consider work from home options or make sure the company gives you access to a secluded workplace away from noisy coworkers.
  • Independence. Suitable jobs for socially awkward people do not involve frequent meetings and brainstorming. But this does not mean that you must avoid all project activities. Instead, choose a role that allows you to perform everyday duties on your own and provides a progress report in a predetermined time frame. Thus, you will contribute to the common cause without active interaction.
  • Loyal leadership. Before accepting a cooperation offer, make sure that your potential employer knows your solitary work style and will create the necessary conditions for unlocking your potential. For this purpose, tell about your social interaction problem in a cover letter or at the interview after describing your professional value. It will help you put things right and avoid future misunderstandings.

Good jobs for the socially awkward

Ty Tashiro, author of “Awkward: The Science of Why We’re Socially Awkward and Why That’s Awesome,” proves that people with social anxiety espouse a cause and focus on labour-intensive practical tasks better. Their dislike of small talks forces them to pass from words to deeds and maintain high productivity. Such characteristics are worth its weight in gold in many professions. And here, we have collected only a small part of the best jobs for introverts with anxiety.

1.  Writer

The writer position has a number of advantages. First, you can work on gigs remotely and control your schedule. Second, you cooperate with one specific customer and not with a group of stakeholders.

Third, the communication process is carried out mainly through e-mail or instant messengers, which allows you to stay in your comfort bubble. To get started, you will need solid grammar, writing skills, and research abilities.

  • Content marketer and Copywriter

Copywriting does not simply mean you write about a product or a brand. This consists of techniques that you can use to relay the sentiment of the brand, the value system, and the USP of the brand. One must keep in mind the different content rules in the various formats. The copywriter or the content marketing personnel becomes the voice of the brand and communicates with the target audience and connects with them effectively.

Content marketing is an important aspect of digital marketing. This increases the attention of the users and also the user engagement with the brand. SEO and content marketing work well with one another. The content on the website of the brand must be SEO optimized and also engaging. This will help the site to rank well in the search engines. Google Keyword Planner helps you to understand the volume of search happening on the website. It also helps a digital marketer to find new keywords related to the brand.

2. Social Media Manager

With the rise in new platforms for online advertising, digital marketing has gained prominence even more than before. Social media managers ensure the presence and promotion of a brand in the online space. For this purpose, they study the target audience, develop a content plan, and launch advertising campaigns.

Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube are some of the social media platforms that have millions of users. There are other social media platforms like Quora, Snapchat, which are equally popular among the people. Connecting the brand or the business with like-minded consumers in different groups and online communities on social media platforms can lead to good engagement. This will lead to a good recall of consumers during the purchase of the product or service. Hence, one must learn how to use social media accounts not only for big business organizations but also for small organizations. 

One must remember that one has to post the right content at the correct time to get the maximum engagement. One must also check which content has to be posted on which day of the week for getting the maximum engagement from the audience.

A suitable candidate for this position has marketing awareness, analytical skills, and creative thinking. This work allows you to make decisions on your own and perform everyday duties without third-party intervention. Your unique quirky perspective can be a fresh angle! Social media often love what is new and a bit weird, as long as it’s genuine.

3. Caregiver

  • Animal Caregiver

Unlike stressful communication with people, interaction with animals has a soothing effect on socially awkward people. You can try your hand as a dog walker, which is an accessible job option even for teenagers or get a degree for a veterinarian position that opens up a broad career and financial prospects.

  • How To Become a Caregiver: Your Sure-shot Roadmap to Effective Caregiving

Caregiver may not come as a first idea of a job for socially awkward… But sometimes helping others can be benefitial to expand your own social skills and boost your own happiness through helping others.

If you want to experience true fulfillment, becoming a caregiver for a family member can be the ultimate route to achieve that. Not only does that replenish the bond between you and them, but it also serves as an opportunity for you to take charge of caring for them.

Caregivers, although highly trained, cannot match the level of attentiveness and proactive care that you can personally provide your loved one with. Being a caregiver for family members is an opportunity to avoid any negligence that an unknown caregiver may subject them to.

A caregiver spends hours assisting their patient with daily tasks such as cooking meals, making appointments, daily exercises, etc, and also ensuring their safety and well-being by providing companionship.

Unfortunately, serving as a caregiver for a family member comes with a price. Most caregivers are obliged to reduce their number of office hours or may have to drop out of their jobs completely to provide quality care for their loved ones. 

This may appear like a pretty simple job but is much more complicated than it looks. Caregivers have to first build themself to take care of an individual. It takes a lot of hard work and self-development to finally garner the title of a caregiver. 

How to serve your duty as an effective caregiver

To serve as a caregiver, you first have to take care of yourself. It is easy to gear up for a short time but takes a ton of different skills to provide care over a longer period of time. You’ll be much better at it if you first learn to take care of yourself. Some things to remember:

  • Set realistic expectations for yourself and your patient
  • Recognize your strengths and weaknesses and set boundaries for yourself as a caregiver.
  • Learn about your patient’s disease
  • Learn the skills you need to perform as a caregiver
  • Build resilience
  • Eat good nutritious food and maintain a healthy diet
  • Exercise daily
  • Get good sleep of at least 8 hours in a day 
  • Ask for help from others when needed.
  • Take breaks and handover the responsibility to someone else from time to time to avoid falling into the trap of caregiver burnout.
  • Reach out to therapists and social workers who offer necessary guidance to caregivers suffering from burnout. Even if you are not suffering from burnout, reach out to them before getting overwhelmed by your emotions.
  • Be compassionate

Showing compassion to a person is first on the list because most patients are in distress due to recovery from their disease. You can tune in to your patient’s distress and help them get rid of it. That is why being empathetic towards people is a must-have quality in a caregiver. 

The entire process of day-in and day-out caregiving is going to put any caregiver in testing times and that is the moment when an empathetic caregiver will be able to use their compassion and put themselves in the shoes of their patient. This allows them to enter a zone of non-judgment and attentive care.

  • Have patience 

For effective caregiving, patience is a prerequisite. It is the finest quality that you must possess. 

You must bear it in your mind that your loved one is dependent on you for many things. Owing to their physical and sometimes mental restrictions, they might nag you out of frustration. In these circumstances, you must deal with them with patience. 

Caregiving is a very demanding responsibility. While offering your care day in and day out, you may come across several incidents that will test your patience. You must keep yourself calm and composed in every situation. 

  • Communication skills 

A caregiver needs to have excellent communication skills. If your client isn’t willing or isn’t able to communicate, you will have to interact with the family to discuss the needs and provide regular updates about their condition. A caregiver most likely has to interact with the doctors too for instructions on their treatment. Plus, talking can be the best medicine as it is one of the best ways a person can express their emotions. 

  • Learn how to explain things 

The majority of caregivers serving elderly patients assume that their elderly care recipients have damaged hearing. But, this is not the case every time. You don’t need to raise your voice all the time. Even if your care recipient has hearing issues, be calm and explain whatever you want to explain. Always use a positive tone while speaking with the patient. 

Use your voice as a tool to impart compassion, affection, and even anger. 

  • Observe your patient

Talking is not enough. Sometimes, a person can’t convey what’s going in terms of their health, or how they feel. As a caregiver, you have to keep an eye out for any changes in your patient’s condition and behavior. Look out for the non-verbal hints, like their posture, their facial expressions, and body movements, and if you observe any deviation from normalcy, make a note of them in your report and take further action on it. 

You also have to be aware of the patient’s surroundings so that you can avoid any kind of misfortune from happening. 

  • Pay attention to your body language too

Apart from paying attention to the patient’s body language, keep your body language in check too. Your posture, your facial expressions, and your body movements impart a message. They may offend or make the patient comfortable. 
Monitor your body language while talking to your patient. Show them that you are genuinely concerned about their health and wellness. 

  • Find guidance

It is best to have guidance from a teacher to correct your mistakes. This is because in the case of a caregiver, you just cannot afford to make a mistake as it would involve the health of your patient. Once you become a caregiver, you may have hundreds of questions in your mind. Get these questions answered by talking with other caregivers around you.

Taking care of a person can be the most relaxing job in the world. In the beginning, it can make you apprehensive and worried. But remember, you will find it easier as you sail on with it. 

  • Stay positive 

Having a positive attitude will take you a long way. While extending your care to someone, the situation may run out of your hands on more than one occasion. How you react under these circumstances will have a major impact on how the situation turns out. 

A positive attitude will help you and your patient to cope with the negative situation in a much better way. 

So, stay positive and impart a positive attitude to your patient and every person who is related to the caregiving process.  

  • Seek help 

You are, of course, the primary caregiver, but caregiving is a team effort. Never hesitate in seeking help from the other members of the team, that is, the family members, friends, healthcare team, and volunteers. The other members of the team may have some effective skills that you lack. Conjugate your skill and strength with theirs and offer effective care to the patient. 

Allow each member of the team to raise their concerns, share their opinions, and express their emotions. Together impart the best possible care to the patient.

  • Acquire a proactive approach 

Needless to say, having a proactive approach will always give you an upper hand in any condition. Instead of showing your efficiency in managing the last-minute issues, be proactive. Plan everything proactively so that the situation always remains in your control. With this, you will also be able to control the other team members. 

Create a list of major responsibilities and order them according to their importance or priority. Once you have a list of tasks, divide them equally among the family members, friends, and other volunteers. While dividing the responsibilities, consider caregiver burnout a major factor, and ensure that every person gets some time off from their responsibility. 

  • Identify the problems and solve them immediately 

Identifying the problems at early stages is also a part of being proactive. Identify the loopholes in your caregiving services and solve the problems immediately before they begin to affect your patient. 

Seek advice from others, use their inputs, and come up with creative solutions. 

  • Learn about their condition 

A caregiver’s responsibility goes way beyond feeding, bathing, and dressing the patient. You will have to understand their medical condition to be able to offer good services to them. 

Accompany them to their doctor’s appointment and talk to their doctor about their condition. Educate yourself on their prescription and other therapies and treatment modalities that they take. 

Caregiving is the best way to serve mankind. It is rewarding in its own way. If you are offering your services to your loved one, make sure you do it in the best possible way. Remember, selfless and effortful caregiving is also a skill and you get better at it with time. You learn to sympathize and resonate better with your patient and your empathy deepens with practice.

The above-mentioned tips will help you to optimize your caregiving services and be a very efficient caregiver. 

4. Accountant

Ty Tashiro, mentioned above, proved that socially awkward people often excel in mathematics since they have developed attention to detail for complex calculations. The position of accountant, in this case, is an excellent opportunity to monetize your skills. You will have minimal interaction with people and spend your working day studying the company’s financial data and compiling spreadsheets and detailed reporting.

5. Designer

There are hundreds of thousands job opportunities and sometimes it is quite confusing what each of them means. The market has multiple names for the same activity, as well as the same title for different types of jobs. For example, a web developer is quite the same as the back-end developer.

However, there are no strict rules, when it comes to naming certain jobs. That is why every employee or employer, who wants to hit the market, should know the commonly accepted rules to be able to understand how to apply or create a vacancy.

How to Become a Designer: Which of the Mysterious Design Job Titles Can Be Your Dream Work?

If you are looking for a job, make sure you read its description carefully before you send your cv editing, as sometimes the title and the content are completely different.

In this article, we tried to describe the most common web occupations to help you figure everything out. So make yourself comfortable and continue reading!

  • Graphic Designer

Graphic designers create individual visual concepts for print or digital products. They are in demand among a wide range of employees, including publishing houses, advertising agencies, and IT companies. The main requirements for job seekers are an aesthetic sense, advanced computer skills, and creative thinking. This work requires maximum focus on producing unique and practical ideas. Therefore, you can count on a secluded workplace.

  • Creative/design director

A design or creative director is the one, who is in chief of the whole department of the company. This may be a firm, an agency or a design department of any enterprise. Such specialist is in charge of the development of the design, visual aspects, advertisements, relationships with the public and publications, related to design.

Such an employee is always in charge of every design-related activity and is greatly responsible for the success of the firm.

  • Designer

Such a broad title of an occupation often puzzles the employee, as he or she doesn’t know what to expect. Experts of Essay Area claim that many job seekers avoid such vacancies simply because they think that the employer expects them to complete all the design-related tasks.

Actually, a designer is responsible for the design of materials, applications, graphics, magazines, face of the firm, books, titles and their concepts. This occupation surely means that the designer will have to deal with every visual aspect of the company, which often means late hours and lots of responsibilities from multiple fields. Designers can be divided into entry-level and senior ones.

  • Entry-level designer

The entry-level designer is the one, who has just finished school or college and has only a year or two of experience. This job position means that the employee needs mentoring, control and assistance.

Usually, such designer complete simple tasks, which regular and more experienced designers don’t have time for. Salary of such a designer is significantly lower but the number of responsibilities is also less stressful and tiresome.

  • Senior designer

If the company requires a senior designer, it means that they are looking for an experienced specialist, who is able to guide the whole process from the concept to the design.

Some companies require a senior designer to mentor entry-level specialists without actually being involved into the process. On contrary, some employers require a senior designer to make all the decisions on the design, generate ideas and accept final projects and drafts. Making final decisions is the key responsibility of the senior developer.

  • Solo designer

A solo designer is a freelance specialist, who doesn’t have any employees and doesn’t spend work hours at the office. Such designer works on his own from home or from a coworking space.

Such specialists usually take projects without staying at the same company for long.

  • Web designer

A web designer is the one, who is responsible for the visual side of the website. He works on the site’s look, usability and interface. He also deals with navigation and the picture.

Thanks to such specialists, users are able to enjoy their stay on the website and can easily jump from one page of the website to another.

  • Content developer

Content developer is a relatively new specialty. However, according to an essay writing services more and more employers hire professional content developers.

They are also called web editors and writers and are responsible for all the materials on the site. This includes text, audio/video, graphics and so on. Such specialists fill in the website pages with useful blog posts, ads, descriptions of the product and so on.

  • Print production artist

A print production artist is a specialist, who tightly cooperates with a designer and follows his instructions on the color, type and concept of the design. Such artist creates a layout, using QuarkXPress, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator and other graphical programs.

A print production artist also works with final files, which will accurately fit in the project and will look organic.

  • User Researcher

It is impossible to underestimate the importance of a user researcher. This relatively new occupation plays a huge role in the success of the firm, as it helps the business owner to understand the needs and desires of the user, as well as his motivation and behavior.

In such a way, the researcher can advocate for the audience and tell the design team what solutions will be beneficial to make the item attractive. User researcher is closely related to the data and business analysis and research teams, which study the market.

If the company is big and has separate teams for design and development, user researchers may work independently and remotely.

  • Product Designer

This occupation is becoming more and more popular but still confuses employers, as there are no strict rules and responsibilities it has to follow. Even if you ask two hiring managers what this title is about, they will hardly give the same answer.

It is more likely a collective term, which includes a variety of responsibilities and roles. It can be related to the UX design, strategy of the content, creating drafts, analyzing market and so on. Such specialists should possess lots of skills and be able to perform in multiple spheres at the same time.

  • Video Creator

The attention span of users in recent times is very low. This makes it even more difficult for the video creators to get the attention of the consumers at the first chance. The editors have to be familiar with different tools like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and others. For online videos, an online video editor is available. One can use those for creating amazing videos that will catch the eyes of the target audience. Now the content has to be made dynamic so that the target audience will be able to relate to it. 

InVideo is a tool that a digital marketer can use for creating, editing, and managing videos. This is an extremely simple and user-friendly tool. You can use this tool to make simple, engaging videos and also viral videos. This tool can be used by media organizations, big and small businesses for creating video content for their brands or company. Video content has been fast gaining popularity, and developing awesome video content will give you an edge over your competitors. 

6.  Artist

Artists turn a blank canvas into a piece of art, conveying their vision to the audience. Often they are self-employed specialists who cooperate with galleries to promote their work. The advantage of this professional path is complete privacy that allows you to focus on your feelings and thoughts. However, be prepared to go the extra mile to achieve stable earnings.

  • Art director

An art director is the inspirer of the project, who sets the tone and gives a direction for the whole work. This may include the colors of the starting page, the dressing of the actors, lighting of a video commercial or a graphic palette of the website.

In most of the cases, an art director is a senior specialist, who started from being a designer. Although in smaller companies, the responsibilities of an art director may be completed by a graphic designer, who works with the website or printed editions. For those, who want to climb the career ladder, becoming an art director is the step towards becoming a creative director, the leading design position on the market.

7.  Transcriptionist 

A transcriptionist translates audio and video files into text format. It is an ideal first job because employers rarely pay attention to your education and track record. However, your success depends directly on your listening skills, attention to detail, and fluency in one or more languages. To get your first assignments, you just need to register on a specialized platform and complete the test assignment.

8. Software Engineer

This is one of the most sought-after and highest-paid professions in the IT industry. It requires at least a bachelor’s degree in computer science or related field and outstanding math and statistical analysis knowledge. Although software engineers are often involved in project activities, they spend their workdays alone, focusing on developing and testing software and installing new systems.

  • User Interface Designer

A user interface designer is tightly connected with the user experience, although has its distinct features and peculiarities. Such designers are closely related with the feel and look of the pages, their impact on the user and impression of the audience.

UI specialists are the one to decide where certain bars should be places, what color palettes should be chosen, what fonts and styles to select, and so on. In most of the companies, UI and UX designers are united into one occupation, performing the same responsibilities.

Those, who want to become user interface designers, should know elements of typography, practices of layouts, patterns of interface and of course visual design.

  • Interaction Designer

Interaction design is a relatively new definition on the market and it is responsible for relationships of the product and the final user. The whole point of such an occupation lies in the details of the user interface. This may include aesthetics of the design, animation and various top-notch features, which attract the user.

Such occupation may not be a right choice for those, who like diving into the research and working on the logics of the website. It is more of a choice for specialists, who love interacting with the user and tightening the bonds between the audience and the product.

An interaction designer should master HTML, CSS, Javascript, as well as animation and visual design.

Now you know all the main features of top design occupations and can distinguish an art director from a web designer. They are all closely related but have its specific features. If you want to switch jobs or learn something new, consult our list and pick the specialty you find the most appealing.

  • Front-end/interface developer

A front-end developer should have a deep knowledge of Javascript, CSS, HTML and frameworks. Such specialist is responsible for the visual production of the website and should be able to possess both programming and design skills.

An interface developer is in charge of the physical programming and designing of an interface. It has quite similar features with UX design and both specialties are closely related. This means that an UX designer knows elements of a front-end design and vice versa.

  • Back-end developer

You may wonder what a back-end developer has to do with design. Actually, a developer doesn’t have any responsibilities, connected with visual effects or interface. However, it is impossible to imagine a modern website, a magazine or even an online advertisement without a strong and talented developer behind it.

A back-end developer is a person, who works on the website’s stuffing and its technical aspects. He needs to master such programming languages, as Ruby, C#, PHP and VB.Net.

9. Astronomer

Astronomers study celestial bodies, create innovative scientific theories, and sustain them in the research works. This job requires a Ph.D. in Astronomy, analytical thinking, and technical awareness. In exchange for this, you gain access to solitary work in the laboratory and observatory as well as a unique opportunity to contribute to scientific progress.

10. Online Marketer

Online marketers increase sales of goods without direct interaction with potential buyers. They select thematic platforms with a suitable audience, create short texts reminiscent of user advice or insider feedback, and insert a link to the product for a quick purchase. The more people use your unique link for purchases, the higher your earnings. This occupation offers remote collaboration and a flexible schedule.

Becoming a marketing manager can be one of the best jobs for introvers and socially awkward people, as it gives you freedom to choose the way you work. You can work as a freelancer or with an agency. Much of the digital marketing skills can be acquired through practical work experience. However, even for that, you must have an in-depth idea about the tools, platforms, and techniques that are necessary for digital marketing. 

We have compiled some of the essential qualities that a digital marketer must have.

  • Search engine optimization (SEO) manager

This is one of the most important digital marketing tools (such as web design, website development, content marketing, inbound marketing, etc.)  that one must know about. Research shows that about 67k searches happen on Google per second. And out of that, about 80 percent of them consist of organic searches. SEO, as you must know, do not reap immediate benefits. This is not an overnight process. It will take time, and hence one will have to be patient. There are several tools and strategies that one needs to be aware of so that one can optimize the website to rank better.

The digital marketer has to be familiar with the on and off-page SEO techniques to use the tools easily. Some of the most important tools for SEO professionals are- SEMrush, CopyScape, Google Analytics, Google Search Engine, Screaming Frog, Ahrefs, and so on.

To understand the behaviour of the visitor on the website, analytics is an important tool that is used by digital marketers all over the world. For this purpose, Google Analytics is used by marketers. This is an important marketing tool that enables one to understand different metrics of the website like the average duration of the sessions, traffic of the website, bounce rate, completion of the goals, and so on. There are also advanced metrics like attribution metrics, drop-off metrics, and others. 

Understanding analytics is of much help for a digital marketer to reach out to the target audience. It will give the marketer better clarity as to what to do for improving the performance of the channel. Hence this is an important tool that must be known by a digital marketer.

11. Truck Driver

If you have a commercial driver’s license and physical endurance, feel free to apply for the truck driver position. These professionals haul cargo between cities and countries, which allows them to spend many hours alone with their thoughts on the road.

12.  Data Entry Operator

Your accuracy, perseverance, and attention to detail can help you build a career as a data entry operator. These specialists transfer essential information of organizations in electronic format, verify the validity and completeness of the data, and ensure their safe storage

You can either choose part-time employment or work on gigs for customers around the world. In both cases, you work from home at your own pace.

13. Researcher

Researchers can be involved in various industries, including marketing, medicine, sociology, and even politics. Their primary mission is to provide all the necessary information for decision-making.

For this purpose, they organize and conduct quantitative and qualitative studies, interpret the obtained data, and deliver detailed reporting on their findings. Employers are willing to provide researchers with a quiet working environment, as any external stimuli can negatively affect the results.

Job searches can be a challenge for socially awkward people, but only if they are obsessed with their weaknesses. Yes, maybe you are not good at networking and maybe constant calls on Skype with colleagues cause you stress. But this does not detract from your professional value.

The only thing that can really interfere with your career is your self-doubt. Therefore, focus on your education, qualifications, personal qualities, and other strengths that show your true value for your chosen role. Remember, if you know why they should hire you, your solitary work style will definitely not become an obstacle to your employment.

About the author Patrick Banks

Patrick is a Berlin-based dating advisor, motivational speaker, a huge fitness and vegan diet enthusiast and the main editor at Wingman Magazine, specialised in men's health. His ultimate goal is to share with men around the world his passion for self-development and to help them to become the greatest version of themselves. He believes a healthy body and successful social interactions are two main keys to happiness.

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