How To Be Fit & Healthy When You Are Busy

10 Tips On How To Be Fit&Healthy With Limited Free Time

A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. But how can you stay fit and healthy if you have no time? Are you working all day and too tired to spend long hours in the gym, but still want to look and feel good? Start doing these 10 things today!

1.Use any free time to move your body

A little physical activity is better than no activity at all. Get off the subway 2 stations before your usual stop and walk to your destination. If you commute by car, don’t park in front of the office building. Your legs are made for walking, so use them everyday! Carry your shopping bags home rather than getting a cab. You don’t always have to exercise for an hour to reap the benefits. Exercise more regularly, even when you have a jam-packed day.

2. Don’t save money on food

What you eat is what you are, so eat well. Always buy good quality food that is low in sugars, fats, and salts. Cheap foods usually contain more preservatives, and make you look and feel bad in the long term. What’s on your plate can motivate you to stay active all day or keep you tired and unmotivated. Read more: Which Foods Boost Your Energy? and Which Foods Make You Tired?

3. Learn some quick recipes

Spending a long time in the kitchen is no fun, especially when you’ve had an awful day and arrive home late. To make sure you don’t reach for unhealthy, convenience foods on difficult days, learn some quick recipes you can whip up in a few minutes. A chicken cutlet with a side of feta and arugula salad is a healthy meal that can be whipped up in less than 10 minutes. Grocery shop at least once a week and make sure that you always have good quality meats and veggies in the fridge. By cooking healthy meals in large batches on the weekends, you can have plenty of healthy choices in your freezer for those days when you’re too lazy to cook.

4. Curb the alcohol and cigarettes

Focus on your health in its entirety. Decrease the amount of alcohol and cigarettes you take in.

5. Go out during lunch breaks

Go and eat your healthy sandwich in a nearby park or go for a fresh squeezed juice in a café around the corner, instead of eating a sugary donut in front of your computer.

6. Make quick exercises a habit

You don’t always have to exercise for an hour to reap the benefits—and as soon as you understand this you’ll be able to exercise more regularly, even when you have a jam-packed day. Why not to do 15 minutes of stretching and ab exercises while you watch your favorite TV series? You can do four minutes of kettle bell exercises, four minutes of abs work, and three minutes of squats and lunges.

7. Do your exercises efficiently

On those occasions when you manage to carve a space into your busy schedule to exercise, make sure you are getting the most out of it. Instead of having rest periods between sets, do an alternative exercise that rests the muscles you’ve just trained. For example, once you’ve worked on your stomach, work out your lower back before you do another stomach set.

8. Buy yourself a good bike

Buy yourself a good bike and use it. If your city is bike friendly, go to work on the bike instead of taking the car.

9. Go for a walk or brisk jog

Don’t stay at home watching TV when you’re off work. You don’t need anything but tennis shoes to go running! No special equipment, no machines, no appointments with trainers required. Just put on your tennis shoes, go out, and start running! 20 minutes of intensive physical activity everyday makes your metabolism faster and is great for your heart.

10. Spend active time with family and friends

You don’t have to always go out for a beer with your friends. You can meet up for a game of football together on the weekends or go play squash. Is your wife complaining that you don’t have time for her? Go to those salsa dance classes she has been telling you about or go roller-skating with her. Playing with your kids can also be a great way to work out. You will be spending quality time with them and exercising at the same time!

Sports change the way you think and rewire your mind towards a more positive outlook. A healthy diet and decreasing the amount of alcohol you consume will make you feel and look better. After all, the more fit you are, the more attractive of a lover you become.

Patrick Banks
Patrick Banks

Patrick is a Berlin-based dating advisor, motivational speaker, a huge fitness and vegan diet enthusiast and the main editor at Wingman Magazine, specialised in men's health. His ultimate goal is to share with men around the world his passion for self-development and to help them to become the greatest version of themselves. He believes a healthy body and successful social interactions are two main keys to happiness.

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