Taking a critical look at history as far back as 2010 when Instagram was launched, it hit over a million users in just 2 months! There is more to make out of it. This social media network has been on the rise and it has been envisioned to be one of, if not the leading social network in years to come.
How To Become Famous On Instagram?
How to achieve organic Instagram growth and become famous in Instagram, attract valuable genuine followers and make money?
Before discussing this fascinating topic, let’s clarify a misconception. For some time now, many people stated that you need to have an extremely popular Instagram account, so that your business receives the best benefits from the platform, such as engagement, awareness, and revenues.
And before you believe this, you should know that your brand doesn’t need to have an otherworldly followers’ database. In fact, you can achieve impressive results with your Instagram business account with a bit of attention to details.
And you should know that Instagram is not only about your followers’ database. Successful businesses on Instagram get their popularity from outstanding content and engagement. Of course, if you don’t have a lot of experience in digital marketing, you might believe this is a challenging task.
But since there is a lot of interesting and helpful suggestions, it’s easy to create a simple and useful guide on how to make your Instagram account more famous starting today. Let’s see up next to what you need to do to boost your business account on Instagram for the best results.
With the shared experiences aside, Instagram is majorly known for its success in building most individuals, brands and businesses, but it only works for people who know their way around it.
Most of the media influencers on Instagram who have an already built follower base, worked their way to fame, watching their media accounts rising from zero to hero in a short but sometimes long period. It doesn’t matter actually, what matters is their zeal in knowing they can achieve it.
Wondering how to become famous on Instagram while making judgements based on curiosity, people definitely want to own accounts like some of the famous Instagram celebrities. Obviously, they doubt the chances of being famous on Instagram, taking it to be a false phrase. The truth is this, there is no shortcut to being famous on Instagram, just follow the strategies and steps, then boom! That account is alive!
Now, for those looking to get famous on Instagram, attract more followers and eventually make money with your Instagram posting here is what they should do:
- Define the intention
A person needs to ask questions that will make the intentions clear enough, as well as to understand the reasons for opting to become famous on Instagram. It is necessary to do something he or she likes and will be known for. If a user comes to think of it, the followers wouldn’t want to stick around if there was nothing to offer them. Make those intentions really clear.
- A fresh bio
This is the first thing the visitors who view any profile will want to know. A person should give a clear and detailed description of what the exact account is for, what he or she does, and why people may need that stuff. If he or she is working on a new project, it is important to share the link on the bio and a user shouldn’t be failed to keep the audience informed.
- Strictly opt for quality content
For staying a king, and for becoming famous on Instagram, the posts should be 100% unique and of very high quality. A person needs to enhance his or her photography skills, learn to make use of the speed and lights for taking photos because low-resolution pictures are a big shut off for the audience. The uploaded images should be attractive enough to increase the viewers and followers’ numbers, as well as daily likes.
- Go on with influencers
As an upcoming Instagram influencer, he or she needs to have idols and a list of other influencers to look up to in their niche. Follow their accounts, visit their profiles and turn on post notification. This will enable a user to get informed each time his or her idols share an update, write comments and interact with others as often as it is possible to establish a strong fan base.
- Post regularly
The same energy a person puts in while trying to gain new followers is the same energy he or she should use in keeping them. To remain relevant on Instagram it is needed to post regularly, like at least twice daily. The main aim is to find a frequency that works best. Don’t forget to post on Thursdays and Sunday because the former is a popular day while the latter is the least famous day, that can be used as an opportunity to stand out.
- Carefully use hashtags
Get creative with the hashtags because it gives media presence. A person shouldn’t resort to using super-popular hashtags in the exact niche, if not the published post will end up drowning among others. Mix up the caption ideas, tell some interesting story, and as time goes on a user will keep ranking higher which tends to increase his or her visibility on Instagram.
- Engagements
This is like allowing followers to get to know someone more, while he or she keeps in touch with them daily. A person can build the engagement, by telling stories through photos or short video clips. It’s a great way to reach out to new people because of being displayed in the explore tab. Start creating Instagram Stories right away!
- Local exposure
It is recommended to be some kind of a local explorer, always visiting new places. A person can also use that as an opportunity to become famous on Instagram. Remember Instagram is global now, so anyone can share photos and videos at the location and geotag them. People who stay in that area will definitely want to interact with the person, this works indeed.
- The account should be SEO-friendly
While checking out ways of becoming famous on Instagram and building followers, remember to do the major thing called account optimization. Take that Instagram profile to be the homepage, no one can really tell if that account belongs to someone exact without the profile image, bio and captions.
It is needed to take some time in filling out these spots for the brand and link directly to the site. The username should also remain search-friendly, and avoid adding special characters or numbers to the brand usernames.
- Create an Instagram style
Just like it was noted earlier in this piece, if a person wants to become famous he or she needs to define the intentions. It will make a user remain consistent in a special style, on which the follower base will be built. Being consistent in keeping up with the style will increase the followers tremendously.
- Tag people
Before thinking of tagging people to posts, think of it strategically because there would be nothing cool being labelled a spammer. Tag rightly to Instagram posts, tag influential users that can help build the followers base. In other cases, a person can tag other users in a picture with them, either at an event or some other place.
- Drop thoughtful comments
Leaving comments on posts is great, it gives a certain kind of feeling and will make those followers want to know a person more. Also, their friends who get to see that comment are most likely to hit the follow button and the chain continues. Be mindful of the type of comments though, they shouldn’t be in the form of asking users to hit the follow button. Drop thoughtful and interesting comments.
- Shout outs
This is another great idea of gaining followers that can make a person famous on Instagram. A shout out is nothing more than mentioning someone’s handle in Stories or posts. A user can take a screenshot of his or her profile post and tag others in it while they also do the same in turn. Some shout outs are paid, while the rest are mutually agreed on.
- Join engagement groups
These are basically Instagram groups that were formed mainly to grow members accounts by engaging in the posts. That’s why it is advisable to have a posting time for anyone who happens to be a member. The idea is to like each other’s posts and sometimes drop comments. But, this isn’t the only way to get social signals on Instagram, some websites could help them out with it. Moreover, don’t forget about followers’ importance and professionals who can make even big numbers real and helpful.
- Run Instagram ads
This isn’t much of a difficult task, there are different types of Instagram ads to opt for, it’s either the Instagram Story ads, sponsored posts or feed images and videos. Ensure to be promoting those ads to the right audience and most importantly, remember to add a call to action on the ads.
- Promote outside of Instagram
Here is another proven strategy. Why doesn’t a person consider making use of other platforms to generate traffic to his or her Instagram profile? Profile links can be included in the websites, email marketing campaigns, and a host of other social media like Facebook, Twitter etc. If a user is a type who speaks to a large crowd, he or she can be encouraged to bring some questions on the Instagram platform, thereby increasing followers’ numbers while gaining media presence.
- Dig around for latest trends
Browse through random pictures, popular hashtags, check for recent activities, news feed and all that. Try to be aware of the latest trends, learn from the stories, pick up the relevant ideas that might be interesting and drop the rest. But above all, be well informed.
Moreover, there are much easier ways to boost Instagram follower base and become famous. Paid websites that have a nice reputation and many years of positive results, as well as many happy customers, would be a real helper in getting even great followers’ numbers.
One of such websites is Instagrowing.net, which deserves to be taken into account while making magic with your Instagram page. So, that is it! With these proven tips any Instagram account is about to achieve what a person has always dreamt of.
6 Tips to Make Your Instagram Account More Famous
1. Strategize Your Content
The first thing you need to do is create a plan for your Instagram content and strategy on how to become famous on Instagram. Overall, you need to think about your content similar to other marketing strategies. And to do so you will have to:
- Check your competition on Instagram and get some inspiration on how they attract their audience. It is a good idea to identify up to 10 accounts for brands in your niche and analyze how they distribute their content during a month. Document all similarities that you might see in their posts, including product data, visual cues, colours, or themes. Of course, the goal is not to copy their approach. But rather to craft your own in such a manner that it will attract more followers to your account for your niche.
- Concentrate on consistency and similarities. This means that you should craft content with a similar theme or idea so that your followers will easily identify your brand with the Instagram account.
- Focus on uniqueness and avoid copying content from other accounts. Using your creativity on Instagram is more than necessary, as the algorithm for this platform takes into account both originality and engagement. So, make sure you don’t share copied content from other sites.
- Use professional photo editing software. Well, since Instagram is a visual platform, it is more than necessary to share high-quality photos or videos. Some of the most successful Instagram accounts make use of Adobe Photoshop or VSCO to boost the quality and attractiveness of their posts.
Indeed, this might appear like a time-consuming task, but creating interesting and original content is the most reliable approach towards a successful Instagram account. And you will see that as soon as you create uniformity in your posts, your engagement rate will start to increase.
2. Implement Branded Hashtags
The second aspect you need to concentrate upon is hashtags. Instagram uses such keywords to improve your discovery rate across the platform. Keep in mind that more than 50% of users on this platform tend to unfollow businesses who act too promotional. So, to prevent this from happening and promote your business without issues, you should implement branded hashtags. This means that you need to come up with a creative hashtag for your brand, one that will allow users to identify it with your account.
Our professional advice is to do research on hashtags and make sure there is no other content linked to a specific keyword. And afterwards, use a creative one to your business advantage. You can make use of the Instagram hashtag analytics, which can provide valuable information for your hashtag campaign. Such tools allow you to analyze how the audience interacts with specific keywords and get you in-depth data about the top hashtags that generate engagement in your business niche.
3. Use a Call to Action Manner
After crafting your content and developing your strategy, you will have to think about a call to action approach. The best Instagram strategies come with enticing CTAs, which have the power to make users interact with your business. And if you are wondering how to implement this, you should know that everything starts with the caption you add for your post. This offers insights on what the photo or video presents, but you can add at the end of the caption a small phrase to encourage users to respond to your post.
This can be a simple “what do you think about this product or service?” or you can even request feedback with a CTA such as “how would you improve our products or services?”
The professionals advise to always add a link to your user bio. This is the only section that lets you include a link, and it is highly recommended to use your caption so that you redirect your audience to your Instagram bio. And the best part about it is that you can customize it with the help of page builders for Instagram. Anyhow, no matter what type of link you add to your bio, it is an efficient way to redirect users to your business website.
4. Respond to Your Followers’ Queries
At this stage, you should pay close attention to the engagement generated by the strategies mentioned above. The secret to Instagram’s success is keeping in touch with your followers and engage with them. Besides answering queries, you can start following relevant accounts for your niche or even consider the following `power users`. And you can always encourage your fans to consider joining a collaboration with your brand.
Try to avoid automated messages. Indeed, many marketers believe that using AI technology for automated responses can boost up brand awareness. Still, we do believe that responding by yourself to any user queries will add value to their experience with your business. Keep in mind that unanswered questions can have a negative impact on your brand, so it is best to answer in a timely manner to all the requests you might receive on social media.
5. Widen your followers-base
The more followers your page has – the more users will find you and your content trustworthy. Seeing big numbers of social signals make people feel confident and go easy to be active and interact with your services or products. So, working on this part of your account is very essential.
However, reaching a bigger audience is quite hard, especially when your page is a new one. Thus, to escape long-lasting and exhausting attempts to make things work properly, you can find help from special websites and use their paid propositions, and SocialBoss service is one of them. It will provide you with a needed number of high-quality followers in the shortest possible time, saving your time, efforts and nerves.
6. Reach Out to Influencers
Lastly, but not the least important, it is useful to reach out to influencers, especially if they are an authority in your brand’s niche. In this way, you will get access to valuable user-generated content, which can increase brand awareness, trustworthiness, or even sales.
Overall, influencers can offer for your business account the best exposure. And you will be amazed by how powerful this collaboration approach can be. Many users do their research about products or services before purchasing. And discovering an influencer who advocates for a brand can play a major role in the customer decision journey, as it adds a lot in terms of trustworthiness and reliability.
So, to discover influencers for your brand on Instagram, you will have to:
- Research and discover industry leaders. It is highly recommended to follow them and interact with their posts. And at the same time, it can offer you insights on influencers with access to a specific audience. This can help you put the basis of new collaboration and expand your exposure on Instagram.
- Connect with influencers and take your time to know them. It is best not to request a collaboration as soon as you identify them. Ask some questions about their Instagram activity or how they can add value to your brand’s industry.
- Don’t sketch up a complicated collaboration. If this is your first Instagram collaboration, it is best to start with a small project. Also, it might be a good idea to reach out to lesser-known influencers so that you both gain benefits from this. Popular influencers on Instagram might receive too many requests daily, and your inquiry might get overlooked. Hence, we do encourage you to start small and get the chance to observe how your audience reacts to this collaboration approach.
Our advice is to do your best to create real and reliable relationships with your influencers. This is the best way of keeping up the interest of your audience and gather new followers rapidly. Also, it might be a good idea to connect with people with similar interests at industry-related events.
Overall, there are plenty of ways to connect and keep in touch with both your audience and influencers. And if you follow all the suggestions mentioned above, you will be able to transform your business account on Instagram into the go-to source for information related to your niche and entertainment.
Unlock Instagram: 7 Key Things You Can Do on Instagram You Didn’t Know About
It’s important to know all the different things you can do on Instagram. Keep reading for unlock Instagram: 7 key things you can do on Instagram.
It’s important to know all the different things you can do on Instagram. Keep reading for unlock Instagram: 7 key things you can do on Instagram.
In today’s society, everyone uses social media. From children to the elderly, there is no escape.
Unfortunately, most social media users don’t know the true potential of these apps.
In this article, we’ll be looking at different features that will help you unlock Instagram. Let’s get into it!
Tips to Help You Unlock Instagram
There really are a lot of Instagram features for you to discover, but we’ve selected the best and the most useful tricks that will help you jumpstart your Instagram knowledge.
1. Removing Tags
We all have photo evidence of us on a night out doing something we aren’t exactly proud of. And we all have those friends who post and tag you in said photos.
Luckily, if you’re tagged in a post, you can actually remove it! If you go to the tagged post and tap your user name, a few options come up.
You can either select Remove Me From Post or Hide from My Profile.
Picking the Remove Me From Post option will remove the tag off of the photo. This means that post will no longer show up in the photos of your section on your profile.
Picking the Hide from My Profile will let you keep the tag on your friend’s photo, but it will not appear in the photos of your section on your profile.
This is incredibly helpful if you have family that follows you on social media or if you’re looking to get a new job and don’t want to see your wild side.
2. Posts You’ve Liked
Have you ever been looking for a picture or funny video that you saw earlier? Hopefully, you liked it!
There is a way to find posts that you have liked before whenever you need to show them to a friend.
If you go to your profile and click the settings button, you need to go to the account tab. There, if you look near the bottom, there is a Posts You’ve Liked tab.
If you click that, you’ve struck gold!
Bonus Trick: Saving Posts
Depending on how much time you spend on Instagram a day, the chances are you’ve liked a lot of posts. Finding just one could take a while.
To make your life easier, you can save posts so you can find them easier later!
Just find the post you want to show your friends later and in the bottom right corner, there should be a little bookmark symbol.
Tapping this will save a post, but that isn’t all. You can set up different folders to save your posts in!
This makes it so easy to organize and results and a quick find for later!
3. Hiding Your Story
Just like you can hide your party alter ego from tagged posts, you can hide your Instagram story from certain people!
To do so, go to your Settings>Privacy>Story. Now, from here you can hide your story from anyone you want!
Bonus Trick: Private Stories
Hiding your story does keep it away from your family and others you follow, but it doesn’t keep it from potential employers and other spectators.
Just like how Snapchat has the option for you to make a private story, you can make a private Instagram story!
Click the three bars on your profile and click the Close Friends tab at the bottom. From here, you can pick every one you would like in your private Instagram story.
When posting a story, you can choose whether it goes to your regular story or your close friends story!
4. Muting People
If you’ve ever wanted to stop seeing someone’s posts for whatever reason, but you don’t want to offend them by unfollowing, you aren’t alone.
You can mute them, which will hide their posts and stories from you so you no longer have to deal with it!
When you see one of your posts, click the three dots in the top right corner and simply click mute!
5. Filter Comments
For those with a bigger audience or if you’re unfortunately being bullied, you can filter out comments.
Go back to your privacy settings and click the Comments Tab. Here you can block comments from certain people as well as turn on the manual filter.
The manual filter will let you pick specific keywords that if found will block out the comment!
6. Hiding Your Active Status
If you’ve just bailed on someone or you need to hide on social media, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered.
In your Instagram messages (your DM’s), a green dot will appear next to those who are active.
You can hide this by going to your privacy settings and clicking Activity Status and turning it off.
7. Post Notifications
You may already know this one, but it’s a good mention.
You can get notifications from people you like! Whenever they post or make a story, you’ll know!
Simply go to their profile and click the Following dropdown menu and tap notifications.
Here, you can select which notifications will show up from this person!
Discover Instagram’s Potential
We’ve given you a headstart in your quest to unlock Instagram and all of its hidden features! Now it’s up to you to explore the app and find the rest.
You should also look at some of our other blog posts! We have some on other social media apps and if Instagram is more your style, we’ve got plenty of those!
If this helped you out or you think it’ll help out a friend, go ahead and share it with them and don’t be afraid to share it on social media!
Unlock Instagram: 7 Key Things You Can Do On Instagram You Didn’t Know About
It’s important to know all the different things you can do on Instagram. Keep reading for unlock Instagram: 7 key things you can do on Instagram.
In today’s society, everyone uses social media. From children to the elderly, there is no escape.
Unfortunately, most social media users don’t know the true potential of these apps.
In this article, we’ll be looking at different features that will help you unlock Instagram. Let’s get into it!
Tips to Help You Unlock Instagram
There really are a lot of Instagram features for you to discover, but we’ve selected the best and the most useful tricks that will help you jumpstart your Instagram knowledge.
1. Removing Tags
We all have photo evidence of us on a night out doing something we aren’t exactly proud of. And we all have those friends who post and tag you in said photos.
Luckily, if you’re tagged in a post, you can actually remove it! If you go to the tagged post and tap your user name, a few options come up.
You can either select Remove Me From Post or Hide from My Profile.
Picking the Remove Me From Post option will remove the tag off of the photo. This means that post will no longer show up in the photos of your section on your profile.
Picking the Hide from My Profile will let you keep the tag on your friend’s photo, but it will not appear in the photos of your section on your profile.
This is incredibly helpful if you have family that follows you on social media or if you’re looking to get a new job and don’t want to see your wild side.
2. Posts You’ve Liked
Have you ever been looking for a picture or funny video that you saw earlier? Hopefully, you liked it!
There is a way to find posts that you have liked before whenever you need to show them to a friend.
If you go to your profile and click the settings button, you need to go to the account tab. There, if you look near the bottom, there is a Posts You’ve Liked tab.
If you click that, you’ve struck gold!
Bonus Trick: Saving Posts
Depending on how much time you spend on Instagram a day, the chances are you’ve liked a lot of posts. Finding just one could take a while.
To make your life easier, you can save posts so you can find them easier later!
Just find the post you want to show your friends later and in the bottom right corner, there should be a little bookmark symbol.
Tapping this will save a post, but that isn’t all. You can set up different folders to save your posts in!
This makes it so easy to organize and results and a quick find for later!
3. Hiding Your Story
Just like you can hide your party alter ego from tagged posts, you can hide your Instagram story from certain people!
To do so, go to your Settings>Privacy>Story. Now, from here you can hide your story from anyone you want!
Bonus Trick: Private Stories
Hiding your story does keep it away from your family and others you follow, but it doesn’t keep it from potential employers and other spectators.
Just like how Snapchat has the option for you to make a private story, you can make a private Instagram story!
Click the three bars on your profile and click the Close Friends tab at the bottom. From here, you can pick every one you would like in your private Instagram story.
When posting a story, you can choose whether it goes to your regular story or your close friends story!
4. Muting People
If you’ve ever wanted to stop seeing someone’s posts for whatever reason, but you don’t want to offend them by unfollowing, you aren’t alone.
You can mute them, which will hide their posts and stories from you so you no longer have to deal with it!
When you see one of your posts, click the three dots in the top right corner and simply click mute!
5. Filter Comments
For those with a bigger audience or if you’re unfortunately being bullied, you can filter out comments.
Go back to your privacy settings and click the Comments Tab. Here you can block comments from certain people as well as turn on the manual filter.
The manual filter will let you pick specific keywords that if found will block out the comment!
6. Hiding Your Active Status
If you’ve just bailed on someone or you need to hide on social media, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered.
In your Instagram messages (your DM’s), a green dot will appear next to those who are active.
You can hide this by going to your privacy settings and clicking Activity Status and turning it off.
7. Post Notifications
You may already know this one, but it’s a good mention.
You can get notifications from people you like! Whenever they post or make a story, you’ll know!
Simply go to their profile and click the Following dropdown menu and tap notifications.
Here, you can select which notifications will show up from this person!
Discover Instagram’s Potential
We’ve given you a headstart in your quest to unlock Instagram and all of its hidden features!
You should also look at some of our other blog posts! We have some on other social media apps and if Instagram is more your style, we’ve got plenty of those!
If this helped you out or you think it’ll help out a friend, go ahead and share it with them and don’t be afraid to share it on social media!
How Instagram Content Adapts During A Time Of Crisis Could Work
As we all grapple with the current global pandemic health crises, staying connected has become more critical than ever. Thus, social media channels such as Instagram has been an excellent platform for us to keep in touch and stay informed. Instagram is one of those channels through which we have seen content adapts to inspire and uplift as we cope with the need to keep social distance and prolong isolation.
Instagram has over 300 million users, most of who are young and highly engaging. That is why using innovative and engaging Instagram content; Government agencies, businesses, hospitals, health care organizations, etc. have been able to coordinate swift responses and speedy user participation. We also see personal benefits as we engage with family/friends, school, listen to the latest news, and get entertained in new ways.
However, just because we are spending more time on Instagram doesn’t mean it’s business-as-usual. So how should you be using Instagram with the spread of COVID-19? Keeping reading for tips on how Instagram content adapts during a time of crises:
Instagram Live Content is Bringing us Together
Statistics show that Instagram has seen a 40% increase in usage due to COVID-19, with views for Instagram Live doubling within a week. From classes to online workouts, influencers, celebrities, creators, entrepreneurs, and regular Instagram users alike have been creating content to support their wider community.
Live Instagram interactions have been on the rise in recent weeks, allowing people to support and keep themselves active creatively. The live features let you interact face-to-face with Q&As, chats, games, and more. To help, the team from Instagram recently published a new listing of tips to enable you to go live and connect with your audience.
The fitness sector has been able to tap into this surge of live-streaming. You can see influencer fitness buffs like Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) streaming live morning P.E workouts for kids stuck at home. During this pandemic, we have seen each live stream amass over a million views, which is twice the number of views a Wicks’ video usually generates.
Others, fitness pages such as Katie Dunlop and London Fitness Guy, have also witnessed more engagement in their live fitness videos. These live-stream workouts go to show the deep sense of community and encouragement that comes from working out with other people during times like this.

Schools are not left out on Instagram live screening. Their Instagram content has been adapted to include hosting parent town halls, conducting classes if need be, and creating virtual communities where students, families, and teachers can share videos and pictures of classwork and other updates.
Although live streams have always been a popular tool for Instagram content that allows you to interact with audiences in real-time, self-isolation has made more people look for ways to build and maintain connections. Isn’t it interesting how it took a pandemic for these functions to really take off?
Posts are More Empathetic
Everyone around the world has been affected by the pandemic in different ways. So when posting, remember that your current situation is likely different from the next person’s. Your post should convey empathy for your followers and offer compassion. Mainly when posting memes, you need to think twice before doing so.
Also, try to limit the number of times you mention COVID-19 in your content. Consider the tone of your captions and the perception and effect on other users facing a different reality than yours. Some of your followers may have lost loved ones, lost their jobs, are battling with depression or illness, etc.
An example of a brand that has infused great empathy in their Instagram content is the online storeBan.do. They have been able to use an empathic tone in their captions and still promote their products. Ban.do starts by acknowledging the fact that it is a weird time for sales and that some users may be going through financial strain. Their posts show empathy and the fact that they are thinking about all of their followers and not just the ones who can afford to shop.
Even while promoting the last day of their sale, that would typically have captions like ‘last chance!’, ‘shop the link in our bio!’, etc. their posts are now more subdued. They have kept it simple and classy by merely only providing information such as the percentage discount, end of the sale, and giving their followers the choice to decide to take action if they want to.
Introducing the Co-Watching Feature
Co-Watching is Instagram’s newest media sharing function that allows users to save and share Instagram content with up to six friends using the in-app video chat. Create content you would want to share in a video chat by liking or saving the relevant posts, and then access them as you stream the video with friends.
To access Co-Watching, start a video chat through the Instagram Direct messaging tab, click on the photo icon at the bottom left-hand of your screen. From there, you can select users from your saved and liked posts to share with the groups you are video-chatting with.
According to a spokesperson for Instagram, the Co-Watching feature was created to meet the increasing demand for virtual connectivity, stating, “We decided to make it available soon so we could offer more ways for people to come together right now.”
With the world craving more social options, Instagram’s Co-Watching is designed to facilitate this need for human connection by providing users with more opportunities to stay in touch with friends and loved ones in a fun and engaging way, all in real-time.
Focus on Positive Content
During a crisis where there is so much fear going around, it becomes crucial to control the conversation and maintain a positive mindset from the situation. Instagram users now more than ever need to post real and positive content. As you share yours, you can also reach out to people ask them what positive thing(s) have happened to them personally or professionally since the start of the crisis. The outpouring of responses that come in will most likely amaze you.
Take, for example, Lizzo, the artist who is known for championing the cause for body image positivism. She led an extensive campaign for her 8.4 million Instagram followers to “promote healing during this global crisis.”
Post Relevant and Solution-Based Content
Before you post anything on Instagram, it is important to look up the Instagram guidelines on posting during the COVID-19 crisis.The guideline came up after concerns were raised with the flood of coronavirus filters on Instagram. A lot of users reported it as an insensitive filter, given the increasing number of deaths from the outbreak.
Therefore, the Instagram content you post needs to be done in an informed and proactive way. Here are some examples of great inspirational and educational content. A straightforward way you can deliver informative content is via swipe-through carousels that can provide people with practical tips. Most users are stuck at home and are looking for engaging content to inform and motivate them. So keep it clean and straightforward.
Another means of providing relevant content is to rework your overall content strategy to address prevalent issues. For instance, Instagram travel brand @Revolve known for its fantastic vacation and travel content had to shift from the brand’s content strategy drastically. So in place of #revolvearoundtheworld, they are going with a new hashtag #revolvearoundthehouse that encourages @Revolve followers to “stay positive, productive, and most importantly, stay connected.”

Additionally, your post needs to be created to find the best way to support your community by adding value to their lives. Looking at the current trend of posts from influencers, the shift is now towards solutions-based content. We are now seeing more instructional style guidance, advice on self-help, well-being, and interactive community-building content. Basically, content that is fun, uplifting and can help audiences pass the time while at home.
A report by Influencer Intelligence, also points to the quizzes and other types of interactive content shared via Instagram stories by influencers such as Katie Snooks. From the report, it is suggested that this could be an additional strategy for brands hoping to connect with consumers during this crisis. Now more than ever, where more users are searching for a sense of ‘community,’ influencer marketing has become more relevant than ever before.
As the outbreak rolls on, it is not in doubt that we will continue to see more Instagram content being adapted to establish better ways to connect users with relevant information. Also, with more and more workers needing to work from home, Instagram will indeed become more critical information and interaction lifeline.
Irrespective of what the situation turns out to be, remember to be compassionate, understanding, and find ways to relate with your different users.