How To Flirt With A Girl: The Science Behind Effective Flirting (Infographic)

In the infographic below, a very straight forward explanation will be given on how to flirt, by basically explaining the 3 components that are present in effective flirting. It is important that you try these out in real life, and keep in mind that practice makes perfect, whether you are talking to girls in person, online, or both. Enjoy and feel free to share!

How To Flirt With A Girl

Jon De Santis
Jon De Santis

My Name is Jon, and I run The Online Wingman , a neat blog about how to succeed with women through improving your personality, lifestyle, and self-­acceptance. I am a student of seduction and am personal friends with dating coaches, some of who are famous in the community and are

personal mentors. I like to meet women on a daily basis in coffee shops, on the street, clubs, bars, the internet etc... and have a passion for understanding male and female relationships.

Other interests I have are internet marketing, blogging, and sound synthesis. I live in Quebec, Canada, Tabarnak!

Articles: 3

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