For fun, for relaxation, or whatever the reason, people use marijuana in a form of smoke, by adding it to tea, cookies, brownies and in many other ways. Do whatever makes your mind, body and soul happy. And if it’s weed giving you that, we don’t have the right to stand in your way.
Not often do we think of marijuana being something that we get addicted to. No way. It’s innocent and harmless; and obviously, it is not as dangerous as many other drugs out there like oh I don’t know, meth, heroin, fentanyl or crack cocaine.
So many places have legalized weed, and countless of individuals swear by it for medicinal and healing purposes. Therefore, you’re probably thinking it can’t be
that bad. And you’re right it’s not
that bad – in moderation.
What is Marijuana?
In 1961, due to American pressure, in a UN Convention marijuana was categorized into the synthetic drug…???? I also had the same thoughts that you are having right now.
All the suited-booted and educated people didn’t understand that the plant of marijuana is cultivated and it’s pure natural occurrence just like other plants, how can it be synthetic? And they put it in the same category of other drugs like cocaine and heroin.
But several countries didn’t support this decision which also made sense since, in countries like India, marijuana was used to make medicines, and it was the backbone of several industries. In fact, marijuana is called as penicillin of medicine. But since then, the time has changed, right now marijuana is legal in more than 40 countries in the world.
27 states of the US and Canada legalized it for recreational and medical purposes. The cultivation of marihuana of different types Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Sativa began some six thousand years ago. Nowadays it is a highly common drug used after alcohol in the United States of America.
Different parts of this plant can be used including stem, dried leaves, flowers, and even seeds to obtain the compressed form of marijuana. THC enriched resins are now also available in the market which is becoming a popular way of marijuana consumption.
According to the Washington Post, the
consumption of painkiller has been declined in the states of the US where marijuana is legal. Similarly, alcohol consumption has also been decreased by 10%. This clearly shows that marijuana kills the tobacco and liquor industries.
Regardless of its usefulness for various medical purposes, its prolonged or heavy usage is detrimental to human health. It can affect the body and brain in numerous different ways and can also lead to unhealthy outcomes.
Is it possible to get addicted to marijuana?
As much as we all love a good high, there is a thing as
too much weed. One hit becomes two and two becomes three, then four and before you know it you just smoked a whole joint. Once in a blue moon – probably okay. Often – not okay.
And of course, everybody is different and will respond differently. Fair. But there becomes a point where
addictive behaviours are formed and an unhealthy relationship with weed is created.
As much as we all love a good high, marijuana addiction is real. And like any other substance it can strongly impact our brain, behavior and lifestyle. Further more in this article we will talk about how to stop smoking weed before it slows down your life more than you want.
An unhealthy relationship with weed is not always easy to spot. Sometimes it can be quite hard, which is why a lot of people don’t even realize they are addicted.
In fact, using it occasionally makes me feel more fulfilled and positive towards life and all the things coming along with it.
Smoking weed also makes me feel more energized with a lifted mood and helps me develop a brighter perspective – amidst my daily grind, frustrations and pressures; name it.
That is the exact same reason I put up this guide that outlines ways of smoking weed (without getting addicted to it).
First, let’s discuss two things: how often to use and what long-term impacts marijuana has on our brains.
How Often It Can Be Used For Not Getting Addicted
There is no hard and fast rule as to the number of times you should smoke weed without getting addicted to it.
But a psychology professor Mitchell Earleywine from University of Albany (New York), who’s a medical marijuana use expert, said in a Bustle interview that a dose occasionally is generally safe, especially if you’re going to use a gizmo or a vaporizer that can heat cannabis except igniting it.
By using cannabis this way, you will be able to take advantage of the fine mist that does not contain any respiratory irritants commonly in smoke.
And you should not also worry about the usage frequency as to determine what’s going to be addictive or not because that might not be one of the major issues, according to the same source.
What is a safe amount of weed to smoke?
This is different for everyone. There is no cookie-cutter magic amount to make it easy. Sorry, this is not fantasy land. Because our bodies are all so different and react differently to different substances, what is right for you isn’t going to be right for the dude next to you.
So please for the love of the Green Gods do not try and keep up with some other guy. Yeah yeah, we know you’re a tough macho man…but sit back down and don’t screw yourself over; because trying to keep up with anyone has the potential to be a recipe for disaster.
not all marijuana products are the same and each one can affect you differently. First time trying edibles? Go easy.
Different or new to you strain? You guessed it – go easy. In situations where you are exposing yourself to something new, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Put your ego the f*ck away. Trust us.
So, let’s go to the point. The main question you need to ask none but yourself is:
Am I addicted to weed?
Before focusing on how to stop smoking weed, it is worth asking yourself a few detailed questions:
- Do you feel a daily or regular need to smoke up?
- Do you experience any sort of withdrawal-like symptoms when you go without marijuana?
- Do you ever think maybe you should cut back on your marijuana consumption?
- Do you crave the act of getting high or being high?
- Do you often smoke alone?
- Do you turn to marijuana when you are feeling; stressed, lonely, angry, depressed or sad?
- Have you tried quitting before?
ALL the above are signs of addiction that you should directly address. Keep reading for guidance and suggestions on how to help remove these addictive and abusive behaviors from taking control of your life.
Still unsure if you suffer from addiction or addictive behaviors towards weed?
Signs and Symptoms of Marijuana Addiction
1. You develop a tolerance
After prolonged use, your body develops a tolerance to the stuff and no longer does a hit or two do it and you need to keep increasing your intake to get the same high you once got.
2. You feel a need to use marijuana regularly
Do you feel a regular need to hit the bong or smoke a joint? If you aren’t addicted, you should be able to go for prolonged periods of time without feeling a need to get high.
3. You stop doing other things so you can get high instead
Do you find yourself saying no to doing other things you once used to do just so you can use that time to get high instead? Changing your daily life and routine so you can make getting high a priority in your day is an addictive behaviour.
4. You continue to use weed and get high even after seeing it causes disruption and chaos in your life
Maybe you notice that your performance at work is falling behind, you have little to no motivation to do anything or go anywhere, and your ambition and drive is at an all-time low right in the toilet. Or maybe your friendships are slipping away. These are all the negative effects of smoking too much weed.
5. You ignore your daily responsibilities to get high
Are you using marijuana to avoid things in your daily life that may stress you out? Life isn’t always easy, fair enough. But are you using marijuana to avoid something?
6. Constantly thinking about the next time you can get high
Does this thought take precedence over other pressing matters? Are you always thinking about your next fix? This is an addictive characteristic for sure.
7. You experience withdrawal symptoms
You experience withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, depression, headaches, disorientation, difficulties sleeping, difficulties feeling relaxed, easily irritable, mood swings, forgetfulness, all signs of too much weed.
Wondering how to stop smoking weed before it slows down your life more than you want? The first tip would be to not get addicted to that. Here are a few tips.
How to Smoke Cannabis and Not Get Addicted to It
You have a wide range of choices for smoking weed at your disposal. Below is only a glimpse of them.
1. Educate yourself about its effects
If taking other drugs, you should be informed about their contraindications with cannabis.
Short-term effects
- Panic
- Memory problem
- Strange behavior
- Reckless sexual behavior
- Hallucinations
- Anxiety
- Fear
Long-Term Effects
- Poor school/work performance
- Lower quality of life
- Relationship issues
- Financial issues
- Antisocial behavior
- Impaired thinking
- Decline in IQ
- Addiction
- Opiate abuse development
That was just a brief list of a few effects of marijuana on your body. Are you still not convinced to remove the number of your diller from you mobile phone and wonder how to stop weed addiction, while thinking about rolling another joint? So let’s talk more about the long-term effects of cannabis on our brains? Know these things before you get high next time.
6 Scientifically Proven Long-Term Effects of Marijuana on the Brain & Body
1. Anxiety and Mental Problems
As I said earlier in this post that overuse of anything can be harmful to your mental and physical health. Marijuana is sometimes underrated like Tobey Maguire and sometimes it is overrated like Jennifer Lawrence, you know what I mean right?
People say that they consume to get calm themselves and it helps them to find each but there are several efficient
mindful techniques to calm yourself. Let’s talk about what could happen you get addicted to marijuana and what are the impacts of marijuana on the brain in very long-term use.
Long-term use and overdose of marijuana increases anxiety, it gets in the way of the connection with your spiritual self, it has a huge kind of mañana energy where you don’t follow through incomplete task, it gets in the way of you and your big picture of your life of what you are here to do on the planet and it blocks your emotions and blocking emotions is not a good thing in terms of just evolving yourself as a person.
First, understand the primary and secondary action of every substance in nature. Every substance has a physiological impact on the human body and has the first reaction in the body and then what we call the secondary action which is the longer lasting but more subtle reaction that the body has to that substance.
Let’s use a decongestant as an example here. There are natural substances that act as a decongestant, the primary action of a decongestant as you know if you have ever bought an over-the-counter or prescription decongestant is you can breathe more easily, almost immediately after using it and you probably know the secondary reaction – What is the secondary action? Yes, you are congested again and you are actually more congested than you were. So the secondary reaction is always the opposite of the first one.
The primary action of cannabis is what everyone likes such as increased focus, clarity of thought, feeling more connected to your spiritual side. You get great ideas, you know what you are going to do with your life, you feel more relaxed and you are not worried about your boss or the girlfriend who is yelling at you, you are just kind of presence at the moment.
You feel great and your senses are heightened, so when you eat something there is more taste and your vision feels sharper. But that’s all the primary actions of cannabis. Secondary reactions are almost the opposite. One of the secondary actions of cannabis is completely opposite to the focusing effects.
It’s kind of scatteredness of thinking and there is an attention deficit that comes in from the use of cannabis in the secondary action. Inability to hold one train of thought, inability to follow through on something and you lose the confidence in yourself. You start to think that I can’t complete this task or job. You are not going to connect with yourself if you are using pot.
Other things that are very important to know about cannabis, regular pot smoker of telling when they try to withdraw from weed that they feel anxious and cannabis is the only thing that helps them to be less anxious and it allows them to calm down. It’s an addiction. But the reality is that stop smoking cannabis or stop ingesting cannabis can help to get rid of anxiety because, it one of the primary, secondary actions of the cannabis.
When there is THC in your system for long use, the decision power of your brain is lost. You can’t take your own decisions; you begin to doubt yourself as you already have a lack of confidence due to continuously smoking pot. Some studies state that 30 days of continuous consumption of weed can affect the brain for the next few years.
Its main symptoms are inclusive of hallucinations and delusions. More importantly, you can increase the risk of being psychotic by increasing the amount of marijuana. Due to carrying a certain gene, regular marijuana consumers are 7 times more prone to develop psychosis than non-consumers
According to some studies, carrying particular genes may put you at higher risk of having schizophrenia if you consume marijuana. Schizophrenia is actually a terrifying mental disorder that affects the thinking, feelings, and behaviour of a person.
Regular or heavy consumption of marijuana can cause depression and anxiety. Conversely, many people also use marijuana to ward off depression and anxiety. So, a heavy dosage of marijuana may worsen the condition even more.
Regardless of the mixed results, some findings reveal that adolescents who regularly use marijuana develop higher anxiety levels in later life. Additionally, frequent or heavy marijuana consumption in teens is linked with specific personality disorders, suicidal ideation, as well as interpersonal violence. Initiating its use at an early age makes you more prone to develop all such cognitive disorders in adulthood.
2. Impaired Memory
Marijuana affects the brain’s region called the hippocampus which is responsible for the regulation of short-term memory. Temporarily, the consumption of cannabis hinders the brain to learn and make new memories.
Molecular Psychiatry journal published research related to false memories development because of consuming cannabis in large amounts.
Moreover, teens who smoked marijuana are prone to develop problems related to memory as adults according to other research. In teenagers, the hippocampus adapted an abnormal shape due to smoking marijuana daily for three years in their early adulthood. These were the findings of a study that the Hippocampus journal published. Those people with abnormally shaped hippocampus showed poorer performance than non-marijuana users when a long-term memory test was taken.
In animal-based research, issues related to learning and memory has been seen after THC’s exposure. THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is actually the most active element of marijuana responsible for the high it gives. It gets attached to the brain’s cannabinoid receptors whenever a person smokes marijuana; thus, causes altered functioning of the brain.
In another animal-based study, repeated exposure to marijuana made developing new memories difficult for the young rats in their later life. Adding to it, those rats were less social and their anxiety levels were also higher.
3. Problems with The Digestive Tract
Marijuana consumption causes burning or stinging in your oral cavity and throat after inhalation.
Also, it can cause problems with the digestive tract when consumed orally. Such as: consuming THC orally can cause vomiting and nausea. In addition, it may be damaging to the liver too.
On the contrary, medical treatment for an upset stomach or nausea also includes marijuana to relieve the symptoms.
The munchies can also happen due to marijuana consumption which refers to the sudden urge to eat food, junk food particularly. For this reason, marijuana is useful for medicinal purpose during chemotherapy. However, this aspect can be disadvantageous for overweight and/or obese people.
According to two new case studies, consuming marijuana regularly can cause abdominal pain.
4. Problems with Respiration and Lungs
Long-term effects of marijuana may include problems in respiration. According to the findings of some experts, consuming marijuana regularly can contribute to the production of phlegm as well as a cough daily. Moreover, it can put the user at a higher risk of developing a lung infection. In addition, it can also reason illnesses of the chest more often.
At the University of California, a study concluded that marijuana is less harmful to the lungs in comparison to tobacco. Nonetheless, the same study suggested an elevated risk of damaged lungs as a result of higher marijuana consumption. However, there were many limitations in this study including a smaller number of users of marijuana in higher amounts.
5. Issues with the Reproductive System
Irrespective of gender, marijuana can negatively affect the reproductive system. It can increase infertility in men thus increasing the chances to 15 per cent for couples to fail to conceive. Nonetheless, the related research is limited and hence less reliable.
In animal-based research, low levels of testosterone have been seen in males after exposure to marijuana. Additionally, some scientists suggested a negative impact of THC on testosterone’s production.
Also, THC can be a contributor to infertility in men since it reduces the motility of sperm.
As per some other animal-based studies, low levels of sex hormones were observed in females after their exposure to marijuana. Female sex hormones are inclusive of estrogen and progesterone low levels of which can disturb their ovulation cycle.
More importantly, THC can harm the growth and development of fetus if the mother is consuming marijuana in heavy doses during pregnancy.
As a whole, this field requires more research for getting accurate and generalizable results.
Numerous studies show an association between elevated risk of testicular cancer in males and marijuana consumption. Testicular cancer is the most common type of cancer among men below 45 years of age.
A 2012’s study revealed that male marijuana smokers were prone to have testicular cancer two times more than non-smokers. A peer-reviewed journal BMC published a study in 2015 that revealed an association between prolonged marijuana consumption and a higher probability of testicular cancer.
There have also been found neurological issues in the children born to the females who consumed marijuana while being pregnant.
6. Problems with The Cardiac System
Rendering to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cardiovascular disease is a major cause of death in America. The number of people who experience a heart attack every year is approximately 735,000.
Consumption of marijuana immediately causes the heart to beat at a faster rate. It can actually increase the heartbeat by 20 to 50 beats per minute. Furthermore, it also lowers blood pressure.
Both these conditions four times increase heart attack’s risk in marijuana users than in general when not consuming it.
Heart patients who consume marijuana in any form easily and rapidly develop chest pain according to the findings of experts.
In the survivors of heart-attack, there may be a long-term rate of death due to marijuana consumption as observed by the Harvard Medical School’s doctors.
Some experts also suggest avoiding
using cannabidiol (CBD) to the people who are receiving cardiovascular treatment. Though CBD is a non-toxic component of marijuana, it can interfere with the blood thinners being used as cardiovascular medication.
Due to limited evidence, drawing any conclusion will be of no use. Therefore, there is a need to perform more research on marijuana consumption and its effects on the heart.
Apart from the long-term effects of marijuana on the body, there is no evidence of death due to its overdosing so far. Nonetheless, you may experience severe side effects when consuming marijuana frequently or in larger amounts as stated earlier.
On top of that, a higher dosage of marijuana can increase the risk of accidents and injuries too. It can make the user dull and less interested in life which is a negative aspect in particular for teenagers. This is because they will perform poorly in academics and in turn, will get disappointed in life. It can also make them anti-social and will make them lifeless.
OK, it’s marijuana has some benefits too, and the article wouldn’t be fair without pointing them out. It’s all about quality and quantity, and nothing your overuse cannot be good for you.
Long-Term Positive Impact of Weed on the Brain
There are several medical benefits of marijuana too.
Benefit #1: A little dosage is healthy for our body
Historically, it was used to treat gastric problems, diabetes, diarrhoea, jaundice, and most importantly it kills the stem cells of cancer.
It can be used as painkiller, appetizer and some say it cures the sexual problems of men, obviously, I have tried and then had intercourse, seriously I was stoned and hard as a rock. You can also try some natural foods to enhance your sexual performance.
Benefits #2: It’s a good industry
Other than medical and recreational purposes, a lot of products are also being made by the hemp cultivation such as body care, plastic products, and food supplements for the growth of the body.
The hemp cultivation is already boosting the economy of the United States. The hemp industry is expected to reach $44 billion by 2020 in the US according to the report of Independent. According to a Forbes report, the marijuana industry is projected to generate more jobs than manufacturing by the year 2020.
Benefits #3: When legalised, lower the hard drug consumption
In the US, the consumption of synthetic drugs like cocaine, crack, meth, and heroin have been reduced in the states where marijuana is legal. The Netherlands legalized the marijuana in 1976 which resulted in a reduction in crime rate, awareness about other synthetic drugs increased and regulation is at the right place now. It’s all sorted.
Benefits #4 Higher sperm counts and concentration
A new study reports that smoking marijuana is significant to increase sperm concentration. Team of
Dr. Jorge Chavarro at Harvard University investigated the effects of cannabis on sperm. They were investigating the detrimental impact of weed on
testicular function. Their results were opposite because smoking marijuana is beneficial for men. They found that men who ever smoked cannabis have higher sperm counts and concentration.
These findings don’t have the harmful role of cannabis smoking on testicular function. If you want to enjoy the benefits of marijuana, make sure to use it in a safe method. Remember, marijuana smoking can be harmful to your lungs and addictive as any other pleasant substance. You don’t want to
get addicted to weed… Therefore, some safe alternatives are available in the market. These may include bongs, vapes, edibles, and topicals.
Benefit #5 Neurogenesis
Smoking weed promotes new brain cell growth especially in the hippocampus. So if you’re suffering from a mood disorder, such as stress, anxiety and depression, you might want to turn to weed (but use it responsibly, not when driving, working or studying…).
Benefit #6 Alzheimer’s disease prevention
Symptoms, such as depression and irritability (early stages) and delusions sleep disturbances, hallucinations and outbursts (later stages) might be treated by marijuana. The THC on it contains neuroprotective properties, which directly clear away the brain plaque “beta-amyloid,” the disease’s primary cause.
Using cannabis might also be useful for treating other degenerative brain disorders, such as Parkinson’s, ALS and MS.
Benefit #7 Brain damage prevention
Hebrew University (Israel) researchers found that cannabinoid, which is one of marijuana’s active ingredient could protect the brain from injury.
Theorizing that the compound has brain damage protecting properties, the scientists had given more of it to the injured mice and discovered that it could protect their brains from damage.
Benefit #8 Brain cancer prevention
You might have also heard how cannabis could help in fighting cancer because it attacks cancer cell and tumour processes without harming good cells.
As to that, chemotherapy is combined with synthetic cannabinoid also to treat appetite loss and nausea.
Benefit #9 Alcohol-related brain damage prevention
Marijuana has neuroprotective properties that can prevent brain cell death. Scientists have been looking into the potentials of cannabis treatment for alcohol abuse that leads to brain damage.
Did you know that
alcohol use is even more brain damaging than marijuana?
Alcohol vs Weed Addiction
That’s what the researchers from University of Colorado Boulder’s Department of Psychology and Neuroscience discovered.
According to their findings, drinking alcohol appears to be more harmful to health than cannabis is because the latter poses no significant long-term brain structure effects versus the prior.
- Mental function improvement
Interestingly, drivers under cannabis influence are safer than those under the influence of alcohol are. In addition, MRIs showed no differences even in long-term and heavy cannabis use from the control subjects regarding brain function and effects are only temporary.
- Overall mental health function
Study after study has also proven that people have healthier and longer lives with cannabis.
In fact, even you would even notice that they have faster recovery times from any illnesses, the performance of adversity and study and greater endurance.
With cannabis from a weed shop like for example, you will gain a more positive life outlook and even greater success in interpersonal activities and tasks.
That not only exercise, meditation and supplements can help achieve these things but also including safe cannabis use.
HOW TO STOP SMOKING WEED FOR GOOD: How do I treat my weed addiction?
1. Admit your weed addiction problem and accept it
For some, the idea of being addicted to weed may be embarrassing, for others maybe it is denial. The first step, like in any other addiction, is admitting that you have a problem.
Yes, that may be the most cliché thing you will hear today but there is no other first step. Admit it. Fix it.
Next big thing is you must be willing to change your behaviours. How often do you know you need to do something or change something, yet are so reluctant or don’t do a damn thing about it?
Hey man, we are all guilty of it, but this isn’t something little like you know you go to bed too late and you should start going to bed at a more reasonable time. No. Drug addiction is serious. And
will alter your life in a negative way.
2. Assess your usage habits and modify your regimen, if needed.
Do not make excuses that you’re tired or too high to perform your task. You should not also blame weed for having a lack of control and not achieving your goals. Assess ways you’re using cannabis and modify it to fit your limitations and needs.
Think about all the relationships it has the power to destroy. The lack of motivation to do anything with your life is also a really shitty side effect from too much green. Or think about the
psychological aspect that will take over every corner of your mind.
Do you want to feel paranoid or anxious for the rest of your life? The long-term effects on your brain and body from overuse of marijuana also doesn’t look too good for you. Prolonged overuse of marijuana has been linked to a higher risk of
stroke and heart failure.
3. Re-create your life without weed
You need to re-create your life without weed. It may have been the focal point of your day and all you could think about was your next high but now you need to remove that from your daily ritual.
- Stay busy. Busy brain + busy body = too busy for weed.
- Reconnect with people you may have lost touch with because of your addiction.
- Surround yourself with sober individuals who make a great support system
- Focus on your work. Take time to appreciate that motivation that may have been lost or clouded from weed.
- Find a new hobby or learn a new skill.
- Join a support group like The 12 Step Program.
- Consider addressing yourself to a rehab centre. Is rehab effective? Read more here.
- Avoid situations where weed may be present – this is where sober friends fit in the picture really nice.
4. Address the underlying issue
Probably the most important point of them all. What is the real reason you smoke weed? Are you lonely, confused with life or bored? What is the reason for turning to that high time and time again?
Think, because there is a reason; and it is your job to figure out what the hell it is. Because of guarantee if you don’t you are only going to turn to something else to mask your feelings.
5. Use mental tools to strengthen your power over the addiction
Using recovery tools like; admitting to your addiction, willing to change and addressing the issue at large are amazing first steps. And you should be proud.
Because damn, overcoming addiction is not a walk in the park. And there will be times you want to throw in the towel, but the amazing thing here is that you have the chance to take back your power.
Remember it’s a journey and yours alone, so don’t get too hard on yourself on comparing your recovery to anyone else’s. Capiche?!
Practice self-control and discipline.
Take a break from it if you’re noticing you need more to achieve desired effects. You may want to stop using for a week or longer.
Practice strong will on an everyday basis also in situations irrelated to smoking. The stronger your character is in general, the easier is going to be for you to control bigger addictions. Learn to say no to yourself in situations you feel you should. Tell this little rebel inside you, that sometimes it’s just better to not doing something.
6. Know your limit
Now, unfortunately knowing your limit often results from a time when you didn’t know your limit. But hey, that’s life. And when life gives you a green outtake that lesson and remember the f*ck out of that lesson the next time a joint is passed to you.
knowing and respecting your limit you are creating healthy boundaries with weed.
You can smoke weed without getting addicted to it provided you practice responsible and safe use. Also, refer to the above guide on ways of smoking weed and tips in consuming it with care.
Hope you find this guide useful on what to learn about how many times to use cannabis, ways to prevent addiction to it and its long-term effects on the brain. So if you’re ready and equipped with needed information, you can start buying your supplies from a reputable source.
Disclaimer: This article was not written by a medical professional the above is merely guidance and advice. Please seek proper medical treatment if you feel you have a substance abuse problem.
The safest way to go about this point is to start low. You should not ingest too much or else you might have an unpleasant experience.
Stick with your limitations – because only you know how it affects your mind and body. Adjust accordingly.
Be aware of ways that cannabis is affecting you, so you should know your limits. Skip its use if you have to stay focused and alert and if its use makes you feel tired.
Do not use it until you have completed your tasks especially if it is getting in the way of your responsibilities and obligations.
7. Use vaporiser or other tool
Make use of a vaporizer, which can help you use less of cannabis in getting desired effects.
Vaping is another means of smoking cannabis, which is why vape pens and other supplies can be easily found at a
weed shop.
A vaporizer, which is also used in vaping, is a best seller. It works by heating the herb up to a high enough temperature for CBD and THC extraction.
While also a way of smoking cannabis, this method is also used and is associated to shisha smoking.
However, marijuana isn’t commonly smoked using a hookah due to low water content and fast plant burning.
You’ll find your friends using these devices more often than not when smoking cannabis. Reasons for choosing it to include size, simplicity and portability. Functionality and decoration are also obvious in the latest models. Some may even disguise the pipes that can imitate objects.
Next to hand pipes, these water pipes, also called a bong, are available in a wide range of variations, including bubblers and bongs. They are in a wide range of designs and styles.
They are used in smoking blunts or joints, which are marijuana rolled on a paper. On the other hand are blunts preferred for their effects and flavor.
A bong or water pipe is famous among smokers because you can buy acrylic bongs online. These are available in different sizes and shapes. It is easy to find a bong specifically designed to smoke weed. Here are some reasons to use bongs.
People prefer bongs to get the benefits of smoother hits. It is excellent for beginner smokers. By taking a hit from the water pipe, you can avoid the harmful effects of smoke. You will get filtered smoke cooled by water. As a result, you will inhale smooth smoke at a pleasant temperature.
It is better than joints because hot smoke from joints can irritate your airways. Moreover, the smoke becomes hard for your throat. Sometimes, you will experience severe coughing. If you want to prevent these problems, make sure to consider the use of a water pipe.
This apparatus is great for old and new smokers. Remember, advanced smokers can increase their joy by inhaling maximum smoke. If you are a beginner, start with short hits to get used to this smoke.
Anyone can use a water pipe without expert knowledge. Remember, rolling a joint may be a daunting task for new smokers. With a water pipe or bong, you can make your life easy. A bong comes with four parts: shaft or stem, reservoir or vase, the bowl, and the tube.
Traditional bongs may work in the same way, but advanced models may have different chambers and an extra hose. In an ordinary bong, you have to disassemble a water pipe, fill a vase with enough water, place or screw the shaft on a vessel and fill a bowl with herbs.
If you find a hole in the bowl, make sure to use a nugget to cover it. Put lips at the end of the tube or hose and ignite the weed. Take one hit, inhale and you can relax.
As compared to joints, bongs are easy to manage. To avoid compromises over taste, change the water in the reservoir or vase after every use. Remember, water gets a dark color and become cloudy even after one use.
Certain substances are responsible for a change in the color of the water. Now, this water is harmful; therefore, avoid its use. Make sure always to use freshwater. Moreover, clean the parts of bong frequently. Wash it with soapy water or put in your dishwasher.
A bong has several other benefits because of its appearance. These look beautiful and colorful so that you can use them as a decoration. Remember, a glass or acrylic bong can be a great replacement of an ugly floral vase. With the help of bong, you can enjoy different tastes without affecting your lungs.
Remember, a bong is always a safe choice for a marijuana user because of its unique function. It can filter and cold smoke to give a smoother toke to every user. After using a bong, you will feel less harsh. Moreover, you can avoid the health risks of weed-smoking.
Feel free to put some beautiful flowers in your bong after using it. If you have to use cannabis for medicinal or recreational purpose, make sure to consider bongs. Some other alternatives are gummies, oils, capsules, and sprays. If you are confused between these methods, consult a qualified practitioner expert advice.
8. Choose a wide range of strains to avoid tolerance buildup
Use high potency strains instead of a weak one to smoke less.
9. Do not add tobacco
Do not add tobacco to your joint because it can create nicotine dependency. Rolling and combining the two might make it difficult to cut down on marijuana.
10. Do not smoke in the non-smoking area
You must be aware of both the setting and your set. Do not smoke weed in places where smoking weed is not allowed.
You should know the health risks, your rights and the laws of using cannabis. Also, learn about its consequences.
11. Don’t drive
Talking about addiction or not, NEVER operate a vehicle when under the influence of your safety. You must wait for 15 minutes or more before driving. You may also want to do a sobriety test to check your balance and see if you’re impaired or not.
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So these are all the myths, reality, benefits and other positive sides of marijuana use. Now, you are also familiar with the effects of marijuana on your brain if you use it for long-time or overuse of it. Just like we always check both the sides of the road while crossing so keep in mind these things if you are smoking weed or thinking of using it.
Limitation and proper use can help you with your life but overuse and long-term use can make your life purposeless and meaningless. So, be young and independent and never get addicted to anything, not even coffee, I must say.