It’s like she is always at two extremes… the hot and the cold
You know what I am talking about right?
How do you know if she is really interested in you or simply playing games?
I admit, this is a tough question to answer and you definitely need to know the answer. Coupled with the fact that you are in kind of a desperate situation.
This makes it hard. But before you go pulling your hair out, take a minute and read this article. In this article I will be showing simple telltale sign to help you know if she is into you or just simply wrapping you around her finger.
Wondering how you can tell if a girl likes you?
Simply ask her!
Yes I know this might seem scary but unless you have the ability to read minds then this is the first course of action you should take.
Confront her and ask her if she like you or not.
Ask her how she feels about you. Tell her how you feel about her and see what she says.
Now something to keep in mind is that you do not want to come across as a love puppy that cannot do without her.
Doing so will only make her see you as vulnerable and easier to manipulate. Especially if she is really playing games with you.
What you want to do is simply state the facts. Tell her how you feel about and ask her how she feels about you.
If she is sincere and truly feels the same way about you, then you will know it.
If she starts to beat about the bush without giving you a sincere answer, then that’s your queue bro. Walk away.
Is she really interested?
Let’s face it. The simple truth is that no matter how busy someone claims to be. If they are interested in you, they will make time to be with you.
So what you should do here is to access the relationship.
Take a hard long look at the times you guys have spent together.
Does the attention she gives you constantly vary?
The other day I was reading an article on and a guy was complaining bitterly about a girl who was “playing hot and cold”
Here is what he said “I like this girl very much but she will be super friendly one moment and ice cold the other. She also has the habit of cancelling last minute on me whenever we are supposed to meet up or hangout”
Also does she talk about your relationships with her friends? Do you even know who her friends are? When a girl likes you and is interested in you, you immediately become a friend to all her friends.
So here a couple of things you need to do. And you need to really spend some time and think about this.
- Do you feel like you are the only one putting in the effort? If it seems like you are the only one calling, texting and checking up on her then she is probably not into you.
- Does she deny being in a relationship with you, even to her closest friends? Like I said earlier, if a girl is interested in you then you are a friend of all her friends. So if her friends do not know you or even talk about you, then she probably is not into you.
- Does she always have the habit of canceling last minute on you? If this happens a lot then it probably means that she prefers the company of others to you. You were just a back up incase everything did not go as planned.
Read more here about the signs she like you.
Do you feel safe?
One thing I have noticed abut guys trying to determine if they are being played is that they always talk about being safe.
By being safe am not talking about physical or bodily harm. I am talking about being emotional safety.
Do you feel like you are constantly walking on egg shells around the person? Waiting for the next round of outbursts? You just cant be yourself around her? You always find yourself trying very hard to please her?
Well my friend, she is probably not in to you
Here is the simple truth and I am not the only one saying this “when someone is interested in you, they will always find the time for you”
So if you constantly find yourself being forced to do things that you are not comfortable doing, just so you can please her, then its best you walk away.
How does she behave around your friends and family?
Imagine taking a girl home say to a family occasion. Or even just bringing her along to hang out with you and the guys…
And she makes no effort to even socialize with anyone
She just sits alone fiddling with her phone with a bored expression on her face.
You do not need a magician to tell you that she’s not into you
If she constantly ignores your friends or family members, then she obviously does not see herself being in the relationship for a long time.
It’s best you walk away.
Does she display any manipulative behavior?
This is really where you have to take notice.
Does she display any form of manipulative behavior? You really need to think hard and long. This is because if she is really playing you, then it’s going to be really hard to spot such behavior.
There are a few manipulative behaviors, which may give you a hint that you are dealing with a manipulative girl:
1. Anger
Watch out for angry outbursts. Does she get angry and start sulking for no just cause? Is she always trying to use her emotions to cause a guilt trip? Is she always upset when you do not do her favors? If she always displays these traits, then it’s time to be suspicious.
2. Jealousy
Be on the lookout for jealousy. Is she always jealous? Asking you not to hang out with your female friends? Trying to always know where you’ve been especially when it involves members of the opposite sex.
3. Blackmailing
Beware of blackmail. Is she constantly blackmailing you? Making you always feel bad if you do not do as she says? Or even making you always do what she wants? Then you need to switch gears.
In all honesty, being in love is an awesome feeling. But being played by someone who you think you love is a worse feeling.
As you start to notice any signs of games and cunning, better break it off. Save yourself the heartache. Look for someone who is genuinely interested and likes you and you will be glad you did.
Wow… Thanks for the info… I think the girl IS using me and am going to confront her about it…
Yes….true…the information provided above is true….
Even I was played a girl whom I truly loved….but she didn’t she just acted as if she was caring…but she was just playing with my feelings….so guys if a girl is seriously into you then she will find a way to be with you and also she will never try to hurt you…but if she’s not to be yours you will feel discomfort because she only wanted to see you hurt ..