Regardless of what kind of situations you experienced the most, college times are unforgettable, even if they were pertaining to check plagiarism situations that were absolutely horrific! By entering this new phase in life, college student funny situations and jokes on college life are purely groundbreaking. So, let’s review seven most common situations of college students, which are full of college student humor, in which you will be most likely to recognize yourself.
1. Professors Calling You When You Weren’t Listening
Haven’t you experienced this situation at least once during your college years? While some students are surely disregarding the content of the class, others might be too obsessed with romantic affairs or thinking over the plans for the weekend. Those instructors, which interrupt you from the domain you were in, are actually so mean! They obviously do this because they realize that no students are amused by their never-ending lectures and too exciting monologues.
Alright, jokes on college life aside, professors have a concealed talent of knowing who isn’t listening and when. No, really, was anyone NOT interrupted by a professor in the midst of pleasant thoughts about your college romance or ambitious partying plans for a weekend? A wide range of college student funny situations were at least once concentrated on this funny situation. Depending on the temperament and mood of an instructor, your fate was decided without your participation. Recall that sense of looking foolish in front of your colleagues? Ah, those professors with their unexpected calls!
If only you could use a time machine and return to that class. You’d be most likely to listen to that particular lecture without even thinking about anything else. Ah, all those jokes on college life, how true they are!
2. Copying One’s Work and Getting Spotted
Don’t get us wrong; we fully advocate for self-development in the midst of college education. But sometimes the workload was too obsessive so that the only available choice to pass a course was to copy one’s work. The most predictable outcome of this college situation was a shameful starring of your instructor, who accused you of plagiarizing the work of your close acquaintance!
Oh, if only all those check plagiarism free services were available back then to make the texts look not that similar. The main reason why so many students make jokes on college life, especially pertaining to copying one’s work is the unawareness of the plagiarism check free platforms.
Obviously, right now, most of the former students are masters of making two identical texts unrecognizable if the professor has to check plagiarism between two. Back then, those situations ended rather badly. While some had to retake classes, others were punished with being flagged for plagiarism for the rest of their college stay. The whole class probably thought that these implications were somewhat “funny,” but trust us; they weren’t. Don’t you recall similar ones?
3. What’s that Professor Name?
All college students have asked themselves at least once something like: “Who’s that Mister that is lecturing the course?” Mr. Miller? Mr. Williams? Or maybe Mr. Davis? The funniest situations happened when one accidentally called a professor with a wrong name! So, all those jokes on college life about not knowing your professor name are 100% real and highly recognizable for the college attendees.
Yeah, you might trick the system by calling that Mister with a tricky “Professor.” But weren’t you obsessed with recalling that Mister’s name while having the necessity to e-mail him? If I were to return to that class with an unknown professor name, I’d be most likely to write it down! Nonetheless, Professors’ names were always hard to remember, eventually becoming one of the most recognizable parts of college student humor without any time frames!

4. Whoops. Caught with Plagiarism?
Alright. Exhale. What was the last time when you simply couldn’t complete that annoying assignment? Endless guidelines, a rubric, samples, and all other papers, weren’t they too much? Most students thought about dropping out while sitting in front of the screen head-to-head with that task. A deadline is slowly approaching, some paper should be published as soon as possible. As many jokes on college life would express in this instance, plagiarizing is the case to publish at least something. Fingers crossed for not being caught!
The next day you’re standing in front of your professor, who alleges you of copy-pasting the entire passages of your report! The results of the upcoming conversation are deteriorating, probably.
As emphasized by modern free plagiarism checker services, all those stories could have been reversed if only that student could check for plagiarism through the work. This situation concerning plagiarism checker free is somewhat common for dozens of college students. For those who’re currently attending college, try explaining the situation that happened to the professor directly without intensifying the already existing conflict. Plagiarism is something horrible, for certain.
5. Your Stomach Starts its own Life in Class
Some jokes on college life focus merely on making fun of ordinarily normal body functions. Let’s be honest; most students miss most of their breakfast because of highly disrupted sleeping schedule, coupled with a lack of self-discipline in mornings. Was anyone sitting in class and suddenly a stomach entered on the scene with its own rock opera when the entire class sits silently? Oh, this situation is something that anyone would recognize for certain!
Even if to perceive this situation as fully normal when one had missed breakfast, such situations are both funny and embarrassing at the same time. College student humor is sometimes really tough, so be sure that your colleagues will make fun of you for long after this “incident” takes place in college.
But why were you feeling ashamed because of your normal body functions? Most of the students who were the main heroes in these circumstances were joked for long after it took place, at the same time, feeling ashamed for long weeks after that. But wait, guys. Those are completely normal body functions and reactions. Stop making fun of that. At least for now.
6. Laptop is everywhere!
Sometimes a preparation for finals is too robust. All you’re asked to do is to concentrate all your attention and conduct drastic efforts in the direction of that long-demanded “Pass.” Yet, how most students achieve this objective? By bringing that annoying laptop EVERYWHERE!
Some jokes on college life even claim that college is literally sitting in front of your laptop at different places. And if you have tough times preparing to your finals, then prepare to grab it everywhere. Library? Fine. Classroom? Ok. WC? Alright, we all understand that exams are close.
While this isn’t a sign of habitual dependency of your laptop, be sure that all college students now recognize that laptop is somewhat an artifact of the college education. Only by bringing it everywhere, one might genuinely go through that groundbreaking atmosphere of the college. Yeah, a laptop is truly “amazing.”
Some students even claim that they had their dreams with laptops as the main characters. Wow, college is full of social interactions and networking facilities (no).
7. Partying with Whom? Ha?

College parties, the true symbols of the education times. They’re often expected to be truly groundbreaking experiences with numerous social interactions and fun times! Wait, aren’t they? Most students have been to some parties, where they literally knew no one. Either being invited by mistake or by some other reason, those parties are definitely the myths of college student humor.
Basically, during such parties, people are just walking circles without saying a word to anyone. The common feature of this “entertainment” is a feeling of being literally purposeless. Wow.
Regardless of how students make to these parties, all of them find these parties as somewhat horrible. So, maybe they should socialize more next time? Well, it highly depends on what people are present there right at that moment. While some might be close to your temperament, others might seem to be too harsh or rude.
All in all, the entire situation with getting to a party without knowing at least somebody might be disturbing. Luckily for our article, this situation is quite widespread among college students. How to get through it? Well, who knows for certain?
Aren’t They Recognizable?
All in all, all those seven situations are the most widely recognizable cases of college students. While some make jokes on college life and its situations, others find them being a part of college student funny life as a whole! So, it doesn’t really matter whether you were singing a rock opera with your stomach or worrying about the use of plagiarism checker free, be sure that thousands of students across the globe find these situations highly recognizable.
So, if you’re feeling that you are alone with your failures or misconceptions during college times, don’t be too shy returning to this article. We are with you, everyone was in the middle of those situations.
How To Survive (And Thrive) At The College
The prospect of going to college or university is exciting. However, this can be the most daunting time. There are several questions which you need to address and various unknowns.
College is a difficult stage of life. You are grown up but not fully independent yet. Your professors will bombard you with several academic writing assignments as part of your MBA degree and expect you to complete them within a specific time. With all the challenges that come with academic writing, you may find yourself asking, “Who can write my essay for me?”
Additionally, there is the imposter syndrome challenge – wondering whether you will blend and fit in with other students along with the fears and uncertainties of how to make your way into the world. And, this happens before the thoughts and ideas of how to become a successful student cross your mind.
There are numerous wisdom nuggets which you would love to give your younger self to smooth and ease the path through college. Some involve balancing between your studies and work, while others involve balancing between your academic career and your social life.
Nonetheless, on reflection, one of the most significant nuggets of wisdom you would wish to give yourself is altering the way people look at you and interact with you as well as the academic writing assignments you have to complete as part of your degrees.
Nevertheless, college is a bumpy ride. Hence, you need to look for ways through which you can survive college. And, this article seeks to discuss the tips to survive college that you can use to make your college experience better.
1. Try to be friends with everyone
The people you get to meet when you join college come from different walks of life. Some may be familiar with each other and others may not. So, you do not need to feel new in that environment as these are students who have also come from different places.
Make an effort and try to be friends with everyone. Seeing smiling faces will bring you joy, and over the time you will select those people who are worth spending more time with. This will make it easy for you to blend and fit in with the other students. You will find it easy to get along with most students as some may still be shy or fear to interact with others.
2. Seek out job and internship opportunities
Another technique that you can use to learn how to survive college is seeking out job and internship opportunities. This is because college comes with a lot of expenses and you cannot rely on your parents for financial aid all the time.
You need to find something that can generate you some income that you can use to cater for your expenses. So, feel free to ask your professors, academic advisor, the Dean of Students, residential advisor, or anyone you may come across.
is someone who is bound to respond to all your questions. Furthermore, your particular
learning institution has numerous websites which have a dedication to finding
jobs and internships. If you are unable to get the awesome internship you have
been yearning for, consider doing voluntary work. Volunteer as a teaching
assistant in your department of study as it will pay off.
3. Use various services for successful studies
As aforementioned, college life comes with a number of academic writing tasks which you have to complete as part of your degree. However, these assignments come with several challenges thereby making it hard for you to complete all of them.
Thus, you may begin wondering how you would go about them as you would not want to impact your grades in a negative manner. Well, one of the most appropriate and efficient college survival tips you can use for such an instance is seeking academic writing help.
With professional assistance from a reliable paper writing service, your writing tasks will no longer be burdensome and daunting. These services have a team of experts who can craft the article that you need to ace your grades. Additionally, they can provide you with writing tips and guidelines that you can use to develop and nurture your essay writing abilities.
4. Do not be afraid to ask for help
With the several assignments that come with being on college, you may develop an overwhelming and stressful sensation. Or, you may need advice or a person to talk to. Well, do not be afraid to ask for help. Your college has a plethora of resources that you can utilize to your benefit.
If you need help managing your assignments, head down to your Student Success Centre and ask for help. Or, if you feel homesick or need someone to talk to, feel free to visit the school’s guidance counsellor. Doing so will help lessen the stress levels thereby making it easy for you to make the best out of your college experience.
5. Take care of your body
The state of your body is also crucial when it comes to learning how to survive in college. You can be more productive and have a better focus when you are healthy. Some students do not get enough sleep because of staying up late working on their assignments. Others do not mind what they consume hence this comes to affect their concentration levels in the class. So, you need to take good care of your body and nourish it properly, so it serves you best.
Ensure you complete all your writing tasks once your professor assigns them to you. This will help you to avoid last-minute rushes. Also, be cautious of what you eat as some foods are not fit for consumption more so if you are attending classes or preparing for your exams.
Moreover, remember to exercise on a regular basis. This will keep you fit and hinder you from tiring out with ease after doing very small physical activities in class or elsewhere.
In conclusion, joining college or university is the joy and happiness of many students all over the world. This is because the majority always yearn for the freedom and fun that comes with it. However, you need to remember that despite college being that fun, there are several issues that you will have to address.
Additionally, there is an array of academic assignments that you will have to manage as part of your degree. Surviving college can be easy if you know how to make the best out of your college experience. There are various tips you can embrace to ensure that you get to enjoy your stay in college despite all the challenges and hardships that come with it. Some of these tips are in the above discussion. Utilizing them in an appropriate manner can help you enjoy your college life.