My Girlfriend Cheated on Me. Should I Leave her?

10 Tips For Encouraging Your Significant Other To Try New Things
A dull, boring relationship is not going to last very long. Have you ever found yourself bored with your partner? If you’re anything like me, you probably have and you probably dropped that relationship in a hurry. In order to…

Gender Equality: Sexes Are Complementary, Not Opposed to Each Other
There was a notion deeply ingrained in me at the time I started reading about seduction, and that was that women were something to conquer. As if they were an enemy that had to be defeated in order to get…

How To Maintain Intimacy In Relationships
Here’s the situation. You are in the bedroom, and your partner enters, suddenly, you felt like you want to have sex with her. But she refused to do so. Sounds familiar? You should not feel bad about it. Maybe you…

The Best Pick Up Lines 2017 (that actually work)
Flirting with a beautiful lady is a terrifying thing for many men. Maybe that’s why they fail so often when trying to come up with a ‘pick up line’ that breaks the ice and displays charm at the same time.…

9 Ways to Support Your Partner Through a Rough Time, Especially if They Are Empath Type
A hard truth about being in a relationship is that you’re going to get to deal with your partner’s good times and bad times. And while it’s easy to be upbeat when your partner is in her usual charming mood,…

Similarities to Home Search and Dating (Do’s and Don’ts Involved)
Searching for a place to live is similar to searching for a partner. It is your personal choice and you need time to figure out what suits you. You may visit a really luxurious palace with friendly roommates but you…

Why Am I Still Single? How To Get a Girlfriend By Tweaking Your Mindset
I often hear “Why can’t I find a good relationship” ? The reason why you can’t find a good relationship is actually based around a very simple concept. So many people out there have over complicated this topic that people…

How To Make a Long Distance Relationship Work (Infographic)
Maintaining a long distance relationship can be really tough. Who really wants to be away from their significant other for any great length of time? When entering into one, you really have to ask yourself; is this worth it? Many…

How To Approach A Girl You Don’t Know
Approaching girls is actually one of my favorite topics to write about. I know I know… I’m sappy. But seriously, if you look online, or in anything even remotely dating related, how to approach a girl is overwhelmingly the thing men…

The Secret To Overcome Approach Anxiety (Hint: NOT “Just do it!”)
When you think of approaching a beautiful woman, do you feel anxious? If so, and if you’ve ever told anyone that you feel a little nervous, chances are you’ve heard, “Dude, just do it! Get over your fear and GO…

How To Flirt With A Girl: The Science Behind Effective Flirting (Infographic)
In the infographic below, a very straight forward explanation will be given on how to flirt, by basically explaining the 3 components that are present in effective flirting. It is important that you try these out in real life, and…