Alpha Male Body Language Hacks That Instantly Boost Your Attractiveness

Do you wonder why some men get female attention and respect from other males more easily? Some men are attractive to both sexes just by how they carry themselves. I’m not talking about their hairstyle or whether or not they have a well-manicured beard or cut torso. They simply carry themselves in a way that females find irresistible and males appreciate. This type of man is called an alpha male.

You know, the term ‘Alpha Male’ seems to have gathered a bit of a bad rep over the years. What should be a positive and self-affirming state of mind has been interpreted as a gruff, overly masculine, and sometimes overly aggressive outer façade. But I want to help men the world over reclaim the term and learn what it is to be a true alpha male. What is the alpha male body language and how to hack it to your advantage?

You see a lot of people misinterpret the idea of being an alpha male as simply being ‘dominant’ over other men and women, when in reality; ‘dominance’ is just a tiny aspect of the bigger picture.

So in today’s article, I’d like to break down and analyze the traits and characteristics that I believe contribute towards a true alpha male state of being. Starting off with…

Some years ago I went to meet my college friend, Sean, who was quite popular with the ladies. As I approached our meeting place, I saw him standing in the distance and I thought: “He looks great!” Don’t get me wrong, I’m straight, but there was something striking about him and he looked fantastic.

I wondered what made him so distinctively better looking than other guys and why women were so attracted to him. At the time, my other friends and I looked quite similar; we were average looking guys who liked going out. What set Sean apart from us was his alpha male attitude and body language.

I told myself that if I wanted to become an alpha male, I should follow his example. With this “certain something” sometimes you’re born with it, but if you’re not that doesn’t mean you can’t learn something and change.

Wondering how to get a girlfriend? I fully believe every guy can become more popular with females and get more respect from his male peers by making simple changes to his body language and behavior. What is the alpha male body language and how to hack it to your advantage?

What’s an alpha male?

Your first answer might be that an alpha male is a seductive, confident man who’s appreciated by both men and women. The guy’s a leader, who openly displays his dominance and is a confident pursuer of women.

That’s true, but that’s not everything. Being an alpha male isn’t related to your appearance.
What? You don’t believe me?

How often have you seen good looking guys who still seem to be missing that “certain something?” They’re getting regularly put into the friend zone and other males don’t take them seriously. At the same time, you’ve likely seen a guy who doesn’t look as good looking but is significantly more successful.

Why is that?


Alpha male is a state of mind


We are all complex humans, with a cocktail of different values. Sometimes we just don’t believe in ourselves though, which left us out shined by other, more charismatic human beings, who in that case often are consider more attractive to women. Irresistibly attractive, making them to fall in love with easily

In this article we will call such popular men, who are followed by women ‘the alpha males’. Anyone can become like them, you included.

Research suggests, that ff you want to attract more women, you should cultivate kindness and compassion. That’s true,

Being a great, carrying person is the key to attract QUALITY women

The research shown that when we feel compassion, our heart rate slows down, we secrete the “bonding hormone” oxytocin, and regions of the brain linked to empathy, caregiving, and feelings of pleasure light up, which often results in our wanting to approach and care for other people.

But at the same time we all know that it takes a bit more than being a nice guy to be liked by women. How to keep being respectful and kind, while projecting yourself as super sexy to women at the same time.

Firstly, let’s look closer:

Why are alpha males more attractive to females?

The well-known “Feminine Intuition” developed as humans evolved and is nothing more than an innate ability to read body language and choose a valuable partner Women don’t look for the most physically attractive male, necessarily, but they are looking for certain characteristic traits to show up in male body language.

An alpha male, by the way, he carries himself, sends signals to others that he’s the leader, the strongest individual, the most valuable male in the pack. What woman wouldn’t like that?

What is the alpha male body language and how to hack it

An alpha male lives inside all men; it’s what makes us manly. There’s a big difference between the ladies and us. And women love when you show it!

1. ATTITUDE: Fake it until you make it 

The way you carry yourself sends valuable information out into the world. You don’t have to be an alpha male to have the alpha male body language.

American psychologist Ray Birdwhistell’s research shows that indirect conversations 35% of the information comes from words and the other 65% comes from the body.

Throughout movie history, you can find plenty of great examples of Alpha Males.

Think you’re like one of them? Let’s find out!

2. POTURE: The Alpha Male’s Body Language

Have you ever been out at a club or a pub and noticed how when some men walk into the venue, every woman in the joint automatically seems to scan them out? What it is about these men that stoke the curiosity of the opposite sex?

Two words – body language

Radiant and confident, alpha male body language is the best alpha male strategy, especially, if you are not really confident (yet).


Here’s a little experiment that I want you to try out – the next time that you’re out on the town and feeling insecure or anxious, I want you to pay attention to your body language.

Are you hunched over with your shoulders slouched? Does it feel like you’re trying to shrink yourself so as not to take up too much space? This is exactly the opposite of what an alpha male would be doing.

The alpha male’s posture is as relaxed as it is assertive. Stand tall with your shoulders back and your chest out. Take up as much space as you need to be comfortable; without being a total slouch. Straighten your neck and back and hold your head high.

Either place your hands on your hips or put them in your pockets with your thumbs out; and never hold them across your chest. And as always remember, balance is key, including alpha male body language. You don’t want to overly exaggerate your posture. That just looks silly.

Do you want to go even further with working on your posture? Check out how to unlock your Hidden Survival Muscle.


The next time you watch a Marlon Brando, Clint Eastwood, Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt movie, pay attention to how their characters move on the screen. The alpha male’s movements are always slow but deliberate; every action feels relaxed but purposeful. When you walk into a room, an office or a bar, walk in slowly but with purpose. If it helps, imagine yourself as the world’s greatest gladiator walking into the Coliseum to do battle. Alpha male body language in movement is a quintessaince of masculinity.

How to Stand like an Alpha Male

Stand in front of a big enough mirror to see your entire body. Look and ask yourself if your posture expresses your masculine power? Does it display the dominant force of the most important individual in the pack? Does it project enthusiasm and confidence? If you answered no to any of these questions, you have to work on your posture and attitude.

Visualize yourself as a masculine man, who feels powerful. Your posture has to express this exactly. A crouching and hunched posture characterizes people who fear their environment. Sit and stand up straight and openly display your chest. By doing this alpha male behaviour, you’ll be giving a subconscious signal to others that you’re not afraid to attack.

Place your feet apart, a little wider than shoulder width. Your whole posture should look solid and masculine. Keeping your legs apart emphasizes your sexual strength.

Alpha male body language can be expressed without doing anything! Keep your head confidently up and look straight ahead, not over or away from people, and not at their feet. Straighten your neck and back, it’ll give you a few extra centimetres height and also show people that you’re not afraid of confrontation.

Many men don’t know where to put their hands. Females have their bags or hair to play with, but we’re usually barehanded. Hands can send a lot of messages so you have to decide what kind of info you want to convey. Hands placed along your body’s trunk are neutral. Hands placed on your hips speak of readiness for action. When you place your hands across your chest, you look defensive and closed off. Similar messages are sent with your legs.

An Alpha male usually keeps his hands and legs open, sending non-verbal messages about his lack of fear. When he stands, he keeps his hands behind his back, displaying courage and power, openness and confidence.

If you like to keep your hands in your pockets, keep your thumbs out! If you put your hands in your pockets with your thumbs out, you’re signalling confidence and a little cockiness.

Exercise to get better posture. When you’re in the gym or at home stretching with weights, the key is learning how to pull your shoulders back. Puff out your chest and pull your neck back. Hold this position to get a full stretch. This is much more like stretching with weights than it is lifting weights or by unlocking your Hidden Survival Muscle.

How to walk like an Alpha Male

Whether you’re walking on the street or entering an office or bar, your walk can really make an impression on people. When an alpha male enters a room, he’s not afraid; he walks slowly, taking balanced steps. Correcting your walk doesn’t take long, just a few days and it really impacts how other people perceive you. Show people that you know your place as a man and that you have a vision for where you want to be in life.

Pay attention to how big of steps you take. Walk with moderately spaced, balanced steps. If your steps are too small you may seem feminine or like someone who’s always catching up with other people. On the other hand, huge steps imply that you’re clumsy. Take medium, shoulder length steps.

Your walk should seem controlled and balanced when you want to incorporate the alpha male body language to your own way of carrying yourself. The more you train your focus on walking, the more it becomes routine. Proactively train yourself to control your walk, so your habits change naturally. You can even ask a friend to record you walking to see if your steps are balanced and under control.

Don’t forget about your smile. Remember – smiling is contagious. Once you’re happy your great mood will easily spread around.

How to sit like an Alpha Male

Alpha male body language when sitting? That’s the easiest part!

An alpha male takes up exactly as much space as he thinks he needs. He sits straight but comforably. If he feels like sitting nonchalantly he does so with his legs up, if circumstances allow. When you sit down somewhere make sure you feel comfortable. Lean back, expose your torso and show that you’re not afraid of any confrontation.

You can put your hand on the back of a chair or the couch where you’re sitting. You can horizontally bend your left leg at the knee and rest your left ankle on your right leg, so when you get up to walk you show everyone that you’re powerful. Don’t close off your posture with your hands because it will seem like you’re trying to defend yourself.

How to look at people like an Alpha Male

Never underestimate the power of your look. They say that eyes are windows to your soul, so make sure your eyes express self-confidence, strength and have a playful sparkle.

An alpha male isn’t afraid to look directly into people’s eyes. It can be difficult if you’re not used to it, so practice. When you’re entering the room keep your head high and look at everyone. If you talk to someone, look from one of their eyes to the other, then down to their mouth. This keeps your eyes moving and focused on your conversation partner.

It’s not only about alpha male body language. It’s about alpha male mentality and qualities. If you look like an alpha male but when you open your mouth without having anything interesting to say- you will blow your chances to impress anyway. Work on uour mindset, and broad your horizons by reading and watching quality stuff. And first of all – learn to listen. You can learn a lot simply by paying attention.

Work on your attitude, because if you’re worried about something or you’re afraid it’ll show up in your eyes. It doesn’t do you any good. Just let go of your worries; you can’t solve any problem by worrying anyway. Simply focus on your conversation and don’t be afraid of looking into your counterpart’s eyes. Please, don’t stare though.

How to Behave Around Women like an Alpha Male

Your behavior around women depends on your personal style. Women like men who feel comfortable in their own skin, so your behaviur should help you feel your best. An alpha male has high self-esteem and doesn’t care too much what others think about him and he isn’t afraid to behave as he wants. He expresses his opinions, needs and desires in a direct way.

Even in front of a beautiful woman he never sees himself as someone who’s out of her league and he isn’t overwhelmed by interaction. He can appreciate her beauty and truly want her but he doesn’t need her.

He likes to tease women and isn’t afraid of physical contact. Women love men who are a bit naughty and playful. Alpha male body language is confident enough to be playful! Exactly the same as you like easy going and flirty women! An alpha male fully enjoys the company of a beautiful girl and lets his inner animal free.

He’s playful but never crosses lines of saviour vivre or good manners. Depending on your culture there’s generally nothing wrong with playful touching or hugs, but grabbing someone’s ass would obviously be considered unacceptable.

They’re aware that women love gentlemanly males with great manners and expansive knowledge. Catch up on some old movies and acquire some basic notions on how a true gentleman behaves: how to smoke cigarettes, let a woman enter the room first, take her coat and etc. You can even light a cigarette for her. It all depends on the situation but it’s always better to have too good of manners than to seem, well… ignorant.

An alpha feels 100% manly so he likes to make it known who the man in the relationship is on each date. It comes naturally, by chance. He doesn’t have to say it, but women simply feel that he’s the strongest.

Talk to a lot of women, not so good-looking and pretty, older and younger. Get comfortable with female company. But always keep in mind that you’re a 100% strong, confident MAN and act like one. Women will love you for it!

Becoming an alpha male is a complex process and changing your body language is just part of it. Take care of your body to look as good as you can so you can carry yourself with confidence and feel great in your own skin. Follow your passions and always seek to broaden your mind to simply become a better person.


One thing that I’ve noticed with men who are not alpha is that they always seem to speak really fucking fast. It’s as if they’re worried that if they stop talking people are going to stop paying attention to them.

Alpha males on the other hand speak in a slow but deliberate manner. I mean, not to slow… You don’t want to seem retared. Just take your time to say whatever you want to in the way you want to, They aren’t afraid to include pauses in their conversation. They know that even if they let a moment of silence drag on for a minute, people are still going to be hanging onto whatever they say next.

This manner of speaking has a powerful effect on people, but it might take a little practice. So make a conscious effort to begin with. Imagine that you’re Marlon Brando from The Godfather if you need to. You wouldn’t worry about someone not hanging onto every word you say now would you?

Eye contact

Eyes are crucial in alpha male body language. The ability to hold strong eye contact is another integral part of being a true alpha male. People who are insecure or intimidated don’t hold strong eye contact. Their eyes always dart about as if searching for a more comfortable spot to rest on.

The alpha male, however, is present and his eye contact conveys that. So don’t be afraid of looking people in the eye when you talk to them. This might feel uncomfortable at first, but make a conscious effort and it’ll feel normal over time.


Let’s set the record straight, the notion that an alpha male is some overly serious, macho gruff-pot is a complete lie. Whenever you walk into a bar with a ‘tough’ or ‘serious’ look on your face, you’re not telling people that you’re alpha. You’re just telling them that you’re not very happy with your life and that you probably aren’t getting laid much. So don’t be afraid to have a nice, relaxed smile on your face at all times.


Taking care of yourself is a part of creating an alpha male body language. Now while there are a few exceptions (think Steve from The Tao of Steve) alpha males, in general, are well groomed. This doesn’t mean that you need to wear Tom Ford suits and designer eyewear. But paying attention to your wardrobe, your facial hair and overall grooming can go a long way. You wouldn’t ever see James Bond in an ill-fitting suit and bad hairdo, would you?

5 Reasons Male Grooming Is the Next Big Thing and How to Start Taking Care of Your Beauty as a Man

In today’s world, radical changes are happening. Whether those are good or bad entirely depends on what perspective you’re looking at. There are simply too many to mention, but in the spirit of looking on the brighter side of things, how about focusing on gender norms and how beauty and emotions are no longer shunned by the “sterner” sex?

Modern society has taken a big leap in thinking when it comes to acceptance and tolerance. Most men, women, and those in between, especially those belonging to the new generation, are seeing these concepts as the norm.

With these ideas come the movement of men becoming more in touch with their nurturing side. Men becoming more sensitive is a feat that would have been frowned upon a few decades ago. In fact, everyone is encouraged to embrace self-care to combat the stressors of the daily hustle and bustle of school and work.

Self-care means different things. For women, it can often mean skincare and makeup; for men, grooming. The concept of self-pampering has evolved over the years and blurred the lines of what is acceptable to all genders. In short, male grooming is the next big thing, and audience growth is climbing.

Thanks to the power of the internet, everyone is more connected than ever. In some parts of the world, male grooming is widely practised, and others are certainly catching up. Manufacturers are making more and more products for men. Keep at it, and make sure to keep both your mustache and your beard neat by trimming and styling them neatly. In order to do this properly, you need to have a good beard grooming kit that will keep your facial game on point.

The growing demand for male skincare has produced an array of products that target skin problems like ageing and how to lighten blemishes, to name a few. Companies have also catered to a demographic seeking affordable but multifunctional products for many kinds of skin types. If you aren’t in the habit of grooming yet or still remain unconvinced that you should invest in skin-care products, read on.

It’s a Competitive World Out There

Modern times have modern conundrums, and you should know as a hard worker that doing the bare minimum is no longer enough. If you want to succeed, whether at school or at work, you need to go above and beyond what you are expected to do. Being well-groomed will bring you success and maintain the excitement of your lovers.

It seems convoluted to piece together a reason you need to look good while hustling. The fact of the matter is that, if you manage to maintain a well-kempt appearance and to be good at what you do, it will put you in a good light.

Having a groomed exterior shows everybody that you value personal hygiene and take good care of yourself. You can consider it as a leg up your competition if you don’t look as haggard as they are. Why? It’s because . . .

Radiating Self-Esteem Is Key

It’s great to have confidence in the set of skills you have to be successful in your endeavours. A way to project this capability to others is not only to look the part, but also to match it with healthy self-esteem. It’s possible that you’re nervous about the future, but you can’t let that deter you from trying.

Ever heard of the expression “Fake it till you make it”? Well, being well-groomed and nicely dressed will help bolster that feeling. After all, no one likes to rely on someone doubtful of themselves. You’re going to be judged whatever you do anyway, so let them see and let it be worth their while.

Impressions Can Last

Although people nowadays are more lenient with how they perceive others, it’s still true that impressions last. Unfortunately, appearance can be the very first thing that people see, and if they like what they see, your chances are better. If you present yourself with the right pomp and attitude whether you’re working on climbing the career ladder or running as school president, you’ll be remembered more clearly when you have and apply all the things mentioned above. 

It’s important to make impressions last. Being well-dressed and groomed can get you there. If you’re a work in progress when it comes to the skin-care department, expand your knowledge little by little. Your skin-care routine can be minimal and according to your preference.

Winners do the work, so do your research on the type of skin-care items you want. It pays to know your skin type and if you have any allergies to certain ingredients. Your best bet is to go for organic and all-natural products, starting with a separate facial soap and body wash made from natural ingredients. The skin on the face is more sensitive, so if the bar of soap you’re using is strong, you could end up with irritations and skin conditions such as acne.

Neat Is Attractive

Beauty is power, and while not everyone is born with perfect, chiseled features, you can make yourself more attractive by grooming. There are a lot of resources on the internet you can utilize when it comes to skin care, dressing well, and having good manners. Use it to your advantage, and work with what you have.

Attractiveness is more than just physical, and people are more practical nowadays. Someone may find your work ethic and commitment attractive while others may find your neat appearance appealing. The biggest favor you can do for yourself is to invest in yourself. There is no exact science to it, but if you just do your best, you’ll hardly go wrong.

Being Trusted Is Important

It’s not bout alpha male body language. It’s about alpha male mentality and qualities. And being trustworthyt is one of them.

If you know you are more than capable of handling whatever comes your way, looking the part should be the next natural step. While there are certain environments that don’t hold being well-dressed in high regard, it doesn’t hurt if your attire screams professional. The more elegantly dressed you are, the more people will see that you are trusted. You will be able to represent the organization you belong to or are capable of being entrusted with responsibilities. 

In a sense, being trusted is important. If you have your superior’s trust, you’ll be on their mind when the next promotion comes or if they’re looking for someone with the most potential. 

Priority Areas for Men’s Grooming

The way you present yourself to the world is dependent on the impression you give. Men’s grooming goes beyond being cleanly shaven and having a nice haircut. There are other factors too.


For some hair loss in accepted as just another one of those things that occurs with age. For others, it can come as a big knock to their self-confidence. The reactivation process involves reconnecting the follicles to their nutrient supply and then protecting the hair from the negative impact of DHT (a steroid hormone produced in the body), calcification and free radicals. You can try alternative hairloss cure methods with great results:


Acne, scars, whiteheads, and wrinkles can really do a number on your self-esteem. When you look at yourself in the mirror, your eyes will be drawn to the problem areas. Therefore, it pays to have a good skin-care routine and commit yourself to do it on a daily basis. A simple three-step routine that involves a facial wash, a toner, and a moisturizer can make a big difference. 

There are spot treatments you can apply to your problem areas. You can go to an aesthetician or any qualified personnel to give you the proper care that you need. Another tip is to apply sunscreen to protect yourself against harmful UV rays.


It is important to brush your teeth twice daily to keep it clean and to prevent bad odor. Yellowish teeth from food and coffee stains are normal, but if you want pearly whites, go visit your dentist to have your teeth cleaned or chemically whitened. When you’ve got clean teeth, you can confidently flash a smile at a colleague or a boss you want to impress with no worries.

Body Hair in General

If you’re a bearded kind of guy, you may already know the nuances of shaving and maintaining your facial hair. Keep at it, and make sure to keep both your mustache and your beard neat by trimming and styling them neatly. If you’re a clean-shaven kind of dude, learn about how to prevent ingrown hair and gentler ways to shave.

It’s also important to wash your hair, and depending on whether it’s dry, oily, or normal, the frequency of when to apply shampoo and conditioner depends. Finish it up with a styling gel and you’re as fresh as you can be.

Other types of body hair you should also worry about is the hair in your ears and nose. Get yourself a pen-type shaver or trimmer to take care of that overgrowth. You may also use a special trimmer to neaten your bushy eyebrows. 


How you want your nails to look is a personal choice, but having them short and clean is simple and easy to maintain. Your utilitarian nails will look good on a pragmatic man such as yourself. Handshakes will be memorable because of how you look overall and not because you have dirty and untrimmed fingernails.


As superficial as it sounds, clothing plays an essential role in your appearance. You look more put together if you wear good-fitting clothes. Always go for clothing items that are high-quality and flattering to your body shape, eye color, and even skin tone. If you have the dough to spare, get bespoke suits and pants.

Lastly, Manners Maketh Man

The most important part of your grooming is not about your physical appearance. Being polite and courteous to everyone you meet, regardless if they’re the CEO of your company or a server in a diner, is an important attitude to have.

Thou shalt not turn your nose up at anybody you think is below your stature. Practicing good manners should never be out of style, and if you want others to do the same, then lead by example.

It’s a Competitive World Out There

Modern times have modern conundrums, and you should know as a hard worker that doing the bare minimum is no longer enough. If you want to succeed, whether at school or at work, you need to go above and beyond what you are expected to do. Being well-groomed will bring you success and maintain the excitement of your lovers.

It seems convoluted to piece together a reason you need to look good while hustling. The fact of the matter is that, if you manage to maintain a well-kempt appearance and to be good at what you do, it will put you in a good light.

Having a groomed exterior shows everybody that you value personal hygiene and take good care of yourself. You can consider it as a leg up your competition if you don’t look as haggard as they are. Why? It’s because . . .

3. Radiating Self-Esteem Is Key

It’s great to have confidence in the set of skills you have to be successful in your endeavours. A way to project this capability to others is not only to look the part, but also to match it with healthy self-esteem. It’s possible that you’re nervous about the future, but you can’t let that deter you from trying.

Ever heard of the expression “Fake it till you make it”? Well, being well-groomed and nicely dressed will help bolster that feeling. After all, no one likes to rely on someone doubtful of themselves. You’re going to be judged whatever you do anyway, so let them see and let it be worth their while.

Impressions Can Last

Although people nowadays are more lenient with how they perceive others, it’s still true that impressions last. Unfortunately, appearance can be the very first thing that people see, and if they like what they see, your chances are better. If you present yourself with the right pomp and attitude whether you’re working on climbing the career ladder or running as school president, you’ll be remembered more clearly when you have and apply all the things mentioned above. 

It’s important to make impressions last. Being well-dressed and groomed can get you there. If you’re a work in progress when it comes to the skin-care department, expand your knowledge little by little. Your skin-care routine can be minimal and according to your preference.

Winners do the work, so do your research on the type of skin-care items you want. It pays to know your skin type and if you have any allergies to certain ingredients. Your best bet is to go for organic and all-natural products, starting with a separate facial soap and body wash made from natural ingredients. The skin on the face is more sensitive, so if the bar of soap you’re using is strong, you could end up with irritations and skin conditions such as acne.

4. Neat Is Attractive

Beauty is power, and while not everyone is born with perfect, chiseled features, you can make yourself more attractive by grooming. There are a lot of resources on the internet you can utilize when it comes to skin care, dressing well, and having good manners. Use it to your advantage, and work with what you have.

Attractiveness is more than just physical, and people are more practical nowadays. Someone may find your work ethic and commitment attractive while others may find your neat appearance appealing. The biggest favor you can do for yourself is to invest in yourself. There is no exact science to it, but if you just do your best, you’ll hardly go wrong.

5. Being Trusted Is Important

If you know you are more than capable of handling whatever comes your way, looking the part should be the next natural step. While there are certain environments that don’t hold being well-dressed in high regard, it doesn’t hurt if your attire screams professional. The more elegantly dressed you are, the more people will see that you are trusted. You will be able to represent the organization you belong to or are capable of being entrusted with responsibilities. 

In a sense, being trusted is important. If you have your superior’s trust, you’ll be on their mind when the next promotion comes or if they’re looking for someone with the most potential. 

The Alpha Male’s Personality

Now here’s where we get into the interesting stuff. While the alpha male’s body language is relatively easy to emulate, an alpha personality might take a little longer to cultivate. But remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day and nor is a true alpha male.

Alpha males lead interesting lives

Who would you rather hang out with at a party – Wolverine or Scott Summers? Part of the allure of an alpha male is that they all seem to lead such interesting lives. There’s never a boring moment around one. Now you might ask yourself, “what if my life isn’t all that interesting?” Well for fuck’s sake, go out and make it interesting.

Manners Make the Man

The most important part of your grooming is not about your physical appearance. Being polite and courteous to everyone you meet, regardless if they’re the CEO of your company or a server in a diner, is an important attitude to have.

Thou shalt not turn your nose up at anybody you think is below your stature. Practicing good manners should never be out of style, and if you want others to do the same, then lead by example.

Why do you think male grooming is the next big thing? Share your answers in the comments.

Alpha males don’t qualify themselves

One of the biggest differences between an alpha male and a so-called “beta” is that the beta will forever be trying to prove something to himself and to others. Every time a guy brags about his car or his job, what he’s really conveying is that he’s terrified that people won’t like and accept him for who he truly is. The alpha male on the other hand doesn’t brag about the car he owns, the places he’s been to or the girls he’s been with. In fact, he doesn’t feel the need to. He is confident enough in himself to know that people will like him for him without him having to prove anything to anyone.

Alpha males are confident

Now confidence can be a bit of a tricky concept to understand. Think about it, what actually is confidence? Well, I’m a firm believer that the only thing that creates true confidence is competence. For example, take the character Gannicus from the T.V series Spartacus (which you totally should watch, in case you haven’t). He’s supremely confident and forever cocky, but he backs this up with some mad skills with the sword.

So it doesn’t matter if you’re a software programmer or a rockstar, the key to embodying true alpha male confidence is in becoming the best at whatever it is you do. There’s a reason why the Bill Gates and  Mark Zuckerbergs of the world probably get as much action as the Brad Pitts and Johnny Depps.

Alpha males live in their own reality

One of the most alluring things about the alpha male is that he’s in his own reality. For example, think about Marlon Brando from The Godfather. If an unknown man were to walk into his office with a gun, he’d probably pour two drinks and ask the man to sit down. This mindset will take time to cultivate, but once you do, you’ll realize that having your own strong reality can help you saunter through most of life’s situations with ease and grace.

Alpha males are bold

Most men go about life shying away from the unknown and the unfamiliar. Alpha males on the other hand embrace life’s challenges and are never afraid to take a risk. They’re forever ready to speak their mind and stand up for what they believe in.

Alpha males have a sense of humor

One of the most important characteristics of an alpha male is that they don’t themselves or the world around them too seriously. David Duchovny’s character Hank Moody from the T.V series Californication is one of the best examples of this that I can think of. Hank’s nonchalant, devil-may-care attitude not only gets him out of some pretty messy situations, but it also gets him into the pants of some pretty gorgeous women.

The Alpha Male’s Social Skills

At the end of the day, one of the most important aspects of an alpha male is in his ability to take control and lead whatever social situation or group he’s in.

They are able to be the center of conversation

Alpha males in general love being the center of attention and are able to hold the focus of one person or a hundred people with equal ease. When you’re out at a club or a pub, you’ll notice how some men seem to hold court over a large group of people. These alpha males will usually be the ones leading the conversation and the ones who everyone turns to for approval and guidance.

At the same time, true alpha males are also humble in nature. They aren’t afraid to compliment and appreciate others. They don’t feel as if this lowers their own value. Instead, they know that they are a source of value and validation to others.

They are able to lead

All alpha males are natural leaders. And here’s the thing, it doesn’t matter if you’re the captain of a sports team or the CEO of a startup, the ability to lead and direct a group of people is powerful alpha quality.

Alphas keep leading especially when it comes to interactions with girls. They  behave gentle,  confident and always make sure that women see them as sexual beings, not kind of another female friend… Practice makes the master! 

Patrick Banks
Patrick Banks

Patrick is a Berlin-based dating advisor, motivational speaker, a huge fitness and vegan diet enthusiast and the main editor at Wingman Magazine, specialised in men's health. His ultimate goal is to share with men around the world his passion for self-development and to help them to become the greatest version of themselves. He believes a healthy body and successful social interactions are two main keys to happiness.

Articles: 724


      • Don’t stress man. Just work at being a warm and open guy who’s got a real backbone, a kind of natural confidence and strength. So much of that is going to come from being genuinely happy with yourself, so work on that. Don’t like something about yourself? Go change it, improve, and remember that you’re not trying to just copy some ideal, you’re trying to present the best version of yourself that’s still true to you. Enjoy the trip, too! This is all supposed to be fun, remember.

    • ALL MEN are Alpha Males! But like 95% of men in this world, you just dont know it. We carry a genetic code far superior to women that screams “BAD ASS MOFO” women long for; what women go weak in the knees for. So quit asking, quit wishing and wanting, and just get it, become it. Anyone can unleash their ALPHA, and you might happen to be Korean. Focus!

      • All my female teachers respect me even the principal, guidance council, and the co-principal of my school, is that awesome or what? but some of my male teachers respect me also which some of my gay teachers doesn’t and gets mad. One said “Ms. Julie and other teachers does that to you but that attitude isn’t appropriate in my class”.

  1. Once piece of advice, don’t get too hung up on this “alpha” stuff.

    Yes, stand up straight. Present the best version of yourself that you can. Don’t be another shuffling, slumping “guy” just ambling about. It doesn’t say anything you want to be saying.

    But don’t overdo the “man” walk! I laugh to myself all the time when I see frankly little dudes lumbering with their arms out, guys half my size. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing, gents. Find a nice balanced confident posture and walk and go with it. Don’t overdo it to the point where women size you up as just overcompensating or macho-cliche.

    But yeah. Too much focus on “alpha” can actually be a distraction. We’re not apes or wolves, and how much time do you think big burly strapping confident guys really spend pondering their “alpha” status? Just work on yourself, be honest about areas you can improve, and put your best foot forward. Dress well, stand tall, and get out there like you mean it.

  2. I used to have problems finding quality men. I searched high and low for the type of man that I felt I deserved but I just attracted losers. I wasn’t looking for a fairytale just a man that made me feel excited to be with him. I read plenty articles and even bought an ebook on amazon called “HOW TO ATTRACT DATE AND KEEP AN ALPHA MALE: Don’t just read about alpha males, actually become an alpha male magnet.” by Nicole G. Smith. The articles and ebook helped me land the guy I’m dating now. He is an alpha to the core and being with him is so new and fresh. I pray that him and I go far. I just want you ladies to know it is possible to attract the kind of men you deserve to be with. Good Luck!

  3. Simpe But Powerful advice. Of course for the first time it will feel awkward because old habit strike up when you exercise this alpha moves. It showed that we still beta if we feel awkward to use those body languange mentioned above.

  4. By all means, don’t walk like Mitt Romney. Don’t raise your wings like W Bush. Don’t do side to side shoulders like with only one arm swinging like Putin.

    Do walk like Obama.

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